lucindaclaire’s Profile
- Age: 69
- Location: Excelsior, MN
- Gender: Female
- Country: US
- Public Profile URL:
I have always loved to write be it letters, thank you notes, journal entries, poems, limericks, lyrics, assignments from school, and whatever comes through to my hands from my brain. I use writing like a catalyst to rid me of my small catastrophies, and large sometimes impractical solutions to every day dilemmas such as, "Now just where did I park my car?" My grandmother was a published author, as was my uncle. They always encouraged my writing habit as it is better than other addictions. I live in the world of Shakespear, Willa Cather, and The Good Doctor Suess.
Sincerely and with warm regards,
Recent Poems
- L.A. Slick Chick Meets Uptown Urban Princess
- Tags: Humor
- Slick:"So, like, don't TELL me that YUR like, cool with that since I ALREADY KNOW what UR like all ABOUT." Princess: " Is there a particular reason whry your verbage ...
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- Camp Out
- Tags: Nature, Family
- Our tent is warm The air is clear The stars are shining down The Milky Way is overhead There's night light all around There's night light all around The ...
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- November Rain
- Tags: Nature, Family
- November rain falls on frozen ground First frost left shriveled blossoms While expectant children Watched out windows For winter's lazy ...
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- A Note To Nancy
- Tags: Friendship, Family, Humor
- I liked the walk down to your dock The frilly satin dress-up frocks The ingenious plastic outdoor biffy How you stayed calm when the weather got ...
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Profile Comments
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PoetWithCancer profile comment
- Dear Lucinda, / I love Shakespare, Willa Cather, and the good Dr. Seuss. Your biohere could mostly be mine. / It has been a long time since you commented on my poem "Thanksgiving" and now another one is coming up soon. I'm sorry to say that my holistic diet and detox did not work; an MRI showed that the cancer not only had not been cured, as my holistic physician was sure would happen, but that it had spread 4 mm. I should have gotten that carton of ice cream you told me to enjoy. / I don't want to disparage holistic diets and detox. Some people, apparently, have been saved by it. I just wasn't given the great grace of being one of them. / You mentioned in your comment lost lovers. I have a poem posted now called "Lovers." I hope you will read it. Now that I see your bio, I also think you might like and appreciate my poem "Art." / As you told me, my words will live on after me. So will yours. / God bless you. / --Michael LP, Mr. Poet
knight4696 profile comment
- HAPPY NEW YEARS LUCINDA! Here's to a spectacular 2010!! Cheers!
knight4696 profile comment
- Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas Lucinda! :) I hope you have a Great Holiday!