The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


Poem Commentary

Dah, This poem is relevant in a world where questions cannot be answered with rational sense, where iconic Gods are a figment of ones imagination, where answers become murky in the depths of muck and stagnant rhetoric. here a poem comes to life with the poet answering to his own reason for existing and that my dear friend provokes the reader to think about existence. ty as always for wisdom beyond words! —From OP member ginga

The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment



To read this poem, look for my forth-coming second book
due in late-summer 2011 from Stillpoint Press.


Thank you,

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Kanicki commented on The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


Brilliant! This has to be one of your finest! If I could rate this 100 I would - it's breath-taking, captivating, melodic powerful. This is one I will read and re-read there is just so much to take in-Powerful. This poem has the WOW Factor.

SuSpence commented on The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


I read your words and are struck by thier melodic and poetic beauty as always. But the more I read you my friend, the more I feel we share many similar views on a wide array of topics. You struck several chords with me hear, all to a beautiful tune which rang true with me through and through. Love it! Peace and Love, Spence



yes we are, and thank you...

Rygar commented on The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


My dear Dah... my friend, my poetic master... I am going to do something I very rarely do... I'm adding this one to my favs. This poem touched my soul bro, i moved beyond the norm, each stanza struck me with such violently calming truth... to say well done isn't enough.... Bravo. ~Michael



This is a high compliment and I am honored by your enthusiasm for my work. thank you...

fromthespirit commented on The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


"anxious, facing death and inventing gods to puncture our paranoia in hope that the illusion will deflate into a space-filled utopian reality" Life is what you make it. Look out at the trees, utopia. This poem is a reality check to me. Another favorite...



thank you...

NevillePark commented on The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment


My friend - this is masterfully crafted and as classy and deftly executed as any of the swashbuckling sword-fights we used to get at the Saturday matinees when I was a kid. Spoken from the depths, it's true involvement and worthy of the pick of the month. It's poetry!



well. well stranger, I am honored and flattered...thank you...

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

dahlusion’s Poems (122)

Title Comments
Title Comments
fragmented no. 2 2
Espresso Roma Café 1
Afternoon’s Impossible Heat 1
Spherical 1
Moths, Flame 1
To Say Goodbye Means Forgetting 1
"The Stillness Of Quiet Light" 2
The Vanishing Of Differences 2
Some god 3
Cattails 1
Invisible 3
The Persistence Of Nightmares 1
Gardener 4
Poison And Beauty 15
Moon Illusion 24
How We Live On Earth 13
Creation’s Splendid Spiritual Seduction 26
The Wings On Your Tongue 32
Walt Whitman, I Want To Grow Your Beard 102
The Witch-Hunters 26
A Meditation On Autumn 33
The Most Savory Raw Liquid 28
The Alluring Wet Odor 27
Snakes Passing Out Apples 33
I Dismissed The Notion Of Death 36
The Night’s Breath Is More Liquid 28
Strangers With Memories 35
Glorify The Morning Silently 21
I Slept Late Into A Well-Worn Rest 21
the afterglow twisted its complexion 21
The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment 29
I Wait For God's Lips 31
Your Human Honey 16
I Have Gathered Your Energy 20
Poem For A Red Rose 24
discarded pages 25
when you stir in your sleep 26
scars void of desire 22
I Feel Summer’s Juice 24
Imagine Not Going To War 101
Like A Snowflake in August 36
Upon The Tender Leaves Of Spring 34
A Blue Tear Frozen On Your Delicate Wing 47
Hiding Behind Mythology 27
Coaxing My Soul Into The Open 24
Wet Thoughts For Thirsty Minds 46
720 Full Moons 65
Sexual Opium 41
I Praise The Morning Loudly 99
Your Sultry Whispering 29
I Feel Nothing 32
The Refusal Of Dead Roses: an unfinished love 24
ripples and waves 20
Now The Rain 18
Male Angels 21
Female Angels 18
The Atmosphere’
s Vibration
Show Me Something Invisible 29
Motionlessly, Mouths Touching. 19
The Scent Of My Lover 22
Sorrow’s Dangerous Death-Blade 33
Melodious Flames Intertwined 39
Entranced By Your Voice 28
my mouth is on yours 24
Father, I Have Sinned... 66
The Wild Mud Of Sleep 20
i am 26
Let Us Make Peace 21
That Twilight Flame 18
A Wellness Of Spirit 15
Kisses Like Deep Fruit 41
Pulsing. 13
common sense is My Savior 39
Earthy and Hot 22
Once I Was Somewhere 22
The Only God I Need 22
2 Ten AM 27
If I Ask The Dead For Memories 92
Your Intimate Voice 27
I Am Bound To You 36
Animals With The Same Motion 15
There Was Constant Throbbing 22
A Prisoner Of Hope 15
My Perfect Goddess 15
Twilight Is A Sudden Sadness 71
when the hour strikes 16
Autumn's Meloncholic Motion 28
Autumn's Organic Rust 22
My Perfect Swan 33
The Politeness Of Blue Sky 12
Upon My Lips 20
A Sensualist Articulation (Prose) 14
The Fragrance of Fantasy 43
During Our Most Secret Hours 22
Under A Sky Of Dreamy Dreams 29
The Sultry Warmth 21
When I Looked Again 29
The Sea 44
the Creator is us 29
Blades Of Lightning 30
A Dove Is Bleeding 26
I Hear Vaporous Rain 16
My Perfect Dove 35
If You Were Chocolate 59
You Do Not Deserve 37
A Shawl Of Indigo Aura 26
Then The Tumblers Rust 88
There Is Arrogance 41
The Singing From My Soul 23
You 18
Do Not Remain… 12
A Pyramid Of Stars 8
Holding A Storm 12
You Have Finally Faded 20
A Gothic Tale 19
A Gasping Goddess 18
Hour After Hour 13
Your Naked Smell 24
Unknown To Me Then 10
I Bring Myself Back From A Dream 16
When You Disappear 26