Hiding Behind Mythology


Poem Commentary

from the unpublished manuscript, Angels!, ©dah 2006

Hiding Behind Mythology



This poem is in my first book, "In Forbidden Language"
published by Stillpoint Press, Spokane, Washington.

To purchase my book: go to lulu.com, go to "all products"
type in the title, click "Go". This will bring you to the purchase page.

contact: www.mystillpoint.net.

Thank you,

Poem Comments


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tonia18 commented on Hiding Behind Mythology


i love this one theres alot of emotion in in an i can easly imagen myself in it



thank you...

Olan01 commented on Hiding Behind Mythology


I have seen angels face-to-face and touch-to-touch for they no longer hide behind human myth that for so long clouded the vision of western minds. I have been awaken from a deep slumber and with their love, determination and teaching, see the light and remember my true self. Love, peace and freedom. Olan



thank you...

jeanpnkldyg commented on Hiding Behind Mythology


I close my eyes and the angel appears from behind veiled walls that once were built of brick. Manifiest yourself, I say! And lo a book appears. Please be sure to keep me updated!



i will and thank you...

Springsize commented on Hiding Behind Mythology


I have been witness to the great roll of light, that did unwrap itself here, late one night ... as all the poets, gathered their wordly instruments and did prose their glows for all to see, it was a moment that will ever be remembered in history, they came like droves, hungry, devouring microbes, eating every bit of knowledge they could get their sees on... and they were digesting it, yes yes, demanding el wizard step from behind his stage cape --- ol' Ozzie's son, David (just a bit in Ricky Nelson' shadow) wouldn't be a real one, so Oz made the kid play a lawyer on the show. Met the round guy, in Florida, one afternoon, he said so... much for gossip, such trollop behavior, I will wear my Victoria Violet Primrose sunglasses to pull a lighter one out of the fire for the Poet's miracle-ship. It is beautiful, it is pleaful, needful, seedful, greedy with skin-full, 'bout as patient as a kid full of soda, I, Reader, watched it all and wanting so bad myself to dive into the ocean, where it is still and quiet.... for to cut the vein of one thrill, is to release energy into another that will teach me differently... So now, I turn the TV off, and with quiet for my guide, I have a ticket and I am ready to 'take a ride' into the poet's vision for this poem.



And now ~ here is my view of Our FISHBOWL... the most ancient symbol and/or depiction of "God", found on both cave dwelling rocks and beneath the sands of ancient civilization, where Sumerian ones wore a wrist watch on EACH arm, therein, the meaning of God was called Life. Not as human shaped or controlling, unless gravity is a type of control, I can accept as a consequential understanding...It was a word, so used, as to include all that is alive or living, moving, having being. The word "God" later was used to describe The Laws or The Law, so as to identify those mysteries that govern gravity and mathematics, and how life resumes from dark seed blooms ... The Great Poets of the Lord's Prayer and Genesis were to write a somewhat different message, from "In the beginning, God created heaven and earth" as More Realistically, "Without Beginning, the Law Creates Thought and Matter" .... this more Exacting beginning, is from the Earliest known Dead Sea papyrus scrolls and predates all copies of the world-famous script.. .. A gentle reminder is afforded to those who feel that the king James version is the only applicable toast in the toaster, ... as one should not denounce half the Lord's Prayer, without denouncing it all. The Lord's Prayer was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls too, same authors, along with Genesis and other books of John, and Jesus... just older than the James version...and I understand how stories become slightly altered from time and language translations... and the stories of the Bible are reminiscent of the story whispered by the girl scouts in a circle around the camp fire... one by one and when the story was repeated at the end of the line, there was some left of the original, just a hint.



By the time the Greeks got the story, they had more views than these poets here and the public began to become involved in the worship of many adored ones, like worshiping the sun for warmth and good skin and crops, and worshiping the angel of water for bringing life into everything, not to mention worshiping the moon for her dreaminess and ocean swells, and clocks that tell when to plant the crops (when the little crescent holds water, so says the farmer)... and it appears that a few powerful, religious ones just jumped right in and said, whoa... that's violating the 1st of the big 10 no list, specifically thou shalt have no other Gods before me, and accused the people of being an idol worshiper, idolaters, not that anyone was really praying to sticks or statues [right?] so the story goes the religious leaders took all the Greek God names away, called them old Myths and ripped their city to sticks. Meanwhile, mono with money set up a bank, charging admission to Heaven, step right up only 10%... that's right, just 10 measly cents on the dollar, come on folks, step right up, and they did... And just like Ol' Lucy and her Miracle Tonic... can you hear it ... "... and it's so tasty too... " I mean, easy. You get to sin and then start all over again. And again. And again. I think I got sick on the merry go round. I got off. The Good News is that the trolley you take for Reader Rides is amazing, inspiring, thought-provoking, earnest, worthy, and soon to be Published... How Wonderful, so many will read your Views.



thank you...

sk commented on Hiding Behind Mythology


SO glad I can comment now! Anyway, wanted to say I think this poem is absolutely beautiful! You've got an ethereal quality here that touches upon the splendor of the angels, and a realistic approach to questions one may ask an angel if ever they encountered one; But your descriptions and desires are very pleasing to read. I liked this one very much!



thank you...

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

dahlusion’s Poems (122)

Title Comments
Title Comments
fragmented no. 2 2
Espresso Roma Café 1
Afternoon’s Impossible Heat 1
Spherical 1
Moths, Flame 1
To Say Goodbye Means Forgetting 1
"The Stillness Of Quiet Light" 2
The Vanishing Of Differences 2
Some god 3
Cattails 1
Invisible 3
The Persistence Of Nightmares 1
Gardener 4
Poison And Beauty 15
Moon Illusion 24
How We Live On Earth 13
Creation’s Splendid Spiritual Seduction 26
The Wings On Your Tongue 32
Walt Whitman, I Want To Grow Your Beard 102
The Witch-Hunters 26
A Meditation On Autumn 33
The Most Savory Raw Liquid 28
The Alluring Wet Odor 27
Snakes Passing Out Apples 33
I Dismissed The Notion Of Death 36
The Night’s Breath Is More Liquid 28
Strangers With Memories 35
Glorify The Morning Silently 21
I Slept Late Into A Well-Worn Rest 21
the afterglow twisted its complexion 21
The Rapturous Ignorance Of My Human Moment 29
I Wait For God's Lips 31
Your Human Honey 16
I Have Gathered Your Energy 20
Poem For A Red Rose 24
discarded pages 25
when you stir in your sleep 26
scars void of desire 22
I Feel Summer’s Juice 24
Imagine Not Going To War 101
Like A Snowflake in August 36
Upon The Tender Leaves Of Spring 34
A Blue Tear Frozen On Your Delicate Wing 47
Hiding Behind Mythology 27
Coaxing My Soul Into The Open 24
Wet Thoughts For Thirsty Minds 46
720 Full Moons 65
Sexual Opium 41
I Praise The Morning Loudly 99
Your Sultry Whispering 29
I Feel Nothing 32
The Refusal Of Dead Roses: an unfinished love 24
ripples and waves 20
Now The Rain 18
Male Angels 21
Female Angels 18
The Atmosphere’
s Vibration
Show Me Something Invisible 29
Motionlessly, Mouths Touching. 19
The Scent Of My Lover 22
Sorrow’s Dangerous Death-Blade 33
Melodious Flames Intertwined 39
Entranced By Your Voice 28
my mouth is on yours 24
Father, I Have Sinned... 66
The Wild Mud Of Sleep 20
i am 26
Let Us Make Peace 21
That Twilight Flame 18
A Wellness Of Spirit 15
Kisses Like Deep Fruit 41
Pulsing. 13
common sense is My Savior 39
Earthy and Hot 22
Once I Was Somewhere 22
The Only God I Need 22
2 Ten AM 27
If I Ask The Dead For Memories 92
Your Intimate Voice 27
I Am Bound To You 36
Animals With The Same Motion 15
There Was Constant Throbbing 22
A Prisoner Of Hope 15
My Perfect Goddess 15
Twilight Is A Sudden Sadness 71
when the hour strikes 16
Autumn's Meloncholic Motion 28
Autumn's Organic Rust 22
My Perfect Swan 33
The Politeness Of Blue Sky 12
Upon My Lips 20
A Sensualist Articulation (Prose) 14
The Fragrance of Fantasy 43
During Our Most Secret Hours 22
Under A Sky Of Dreamy Dreams 29
The Sultry Warmth 21
When I Looked Again 29
The Sea 44
the Creator is us 29
Blades Of Lightning 30
A Dove Is Bleeding 26
I Hear Vaporous Rain 16
My Perfect Dove 35
If You Were Chocolate 59
You Do Not Deserve 37
A Shawl Of Indigo Aura 26
Then The Tumblers Rust 88
There Is Arrogance 41
The Singing From My Soul 23
You 18
Do Not Remain… 12
A Pyramid Of Stars 8
Holding A Storm 12
You Have Finally Faded 20
A Gothic Tale 19
A Gasping Goddess 18
Hour After Hour 13
Your Naked Smell 24
Unknown To Me Then 10
I Bring Myself Back From A Dream 16
When You Disappear 26