Original Poetry Forums

Adios Amigo's

12-20-2010 at 12:33:26 PM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

Adios Amigo's

My apologies If I offend anyone, But I will no longer be able to participate in this site.
While I have met a myraid of wonderful people here, I cannot ,in good concience, remain a member.
Without pointing any proverbial "fingers", the quite obviously biased choice of winning "poetry" since my joining, has grated too heavilly against my nerves.

While many ,if not all ,of the winning entries may express depth of thought, I cannot condone the calling of them "poetry", and certainly not of a "winning" calibre.
Many of you can and will of course revel in the bashing of my comments and current decision, but none of you can legitimately assert that my own work is anything less than (at a minimum), well written.
The choice of many of the winning entries is blatantly a "lie" and your support of these entries, along with your unfounded praise, in no way is helping the writers better their chosen craft. Honesty ,though at times hurtfull, at least is an effort to HELP struggling writers improve their craft.
May you ALL have a great Christmas season, and I truely hope that one day all of your thoughts will be filled with happiness and well versed passion.

12-20-2010 at 12:41:31 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Yee Haa, hear my gun smoke, yaaa, yaaaa

It's not the destination, it's the journey... may the road never erode, as the cowboy rode....away today.....

Last edited by WordSlinger 12-20-2010 at 02:13:45 PM

12-20-2010 at 01:17:19 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Ed, I will not make fun of you, curse you, nor will I applaud you.
I will say only this …. one is entitled to speak their mind, and you have
done so with graciousness and humbleness. I hope you find a
better place for your labors and your readings…………..search
with your heart, and be happy wherever you may go.

blank stare

Last edited by gogant 12-20-2010 at 01:18:08 PM

12-20-2010 at 01:21:18 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

"While many ,if not all ,of the winning entries may express depth of thought, I cannot condone the calling of them "poetry", and certainly not of a "winning" calibre"

Ed, I am sorry for your confusion, unhappiness, anger, and disrespect. Yes, it's better that you leave, and may the muse mess up your hair and molest your feelings.

Peace and Light, dah

PS. If you decide to stay, then more happiness to you.kiss

Last edited by dahlusion 12-20-2010 at 01:21:52 PM

12-20-2010 at 01:50:42 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's


Last edited by WordSlinger 12-20-2010 at 01:51:02 PM

12-20-2010 at 02:07:10 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Originally Posted by edwinmeyer1963

May you ALL have a great Christmas season, and I truely hope that one day all of your thoughts will be filled with happiness and well versed passion.

Its unfortunate to see you leave. Good luck on your journey, and Merry Christmas.

-Papa Paczki

12-20-2010 at 02:10:28 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

RE: Adios Amigo's
"Ed, I will not make fun of you, curse you, nor will I applaud you.
I will say only this …. one is entitled to speak their mind, and you have
done so with graciousness and humbleness. I hope you find a
better place for your labors and your readings…………..search
with your heart, and be happy wherever you may go.."


I speak with the same feeling ,Ed, and words as in this quote, , though i would prefer that you stay the course, and assist to improve the site, by demanding that your voice be heard, and never retreat nor give up. Stamina and perseverance often win. Best wishes.


Last edited by cousinsoren 12-20-2010 at 02:11:36 PM

12-20-2010 at 02:42:22 PM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

Edbig surprise

12-20-2010 at 03:37:22 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

~~ or he may become a great swimmer, simply because he was made to believe he was! The only limitations which exsist are that which we put on ourselves- with or without an instructor/mentor. Alittle interesting fact; the only reason bees can fly is because they 'think' they can- in 'reality' their body is too heavy to be lifted and carried by their wings.- they are a natural phenominon, -as are we... so the child that drowns when he's thrown in the water- is actually a child that unfortunately, for whatever reason- never truely believed in himself.
-well, blessings to you on your poetic journey, be well.

12-20-2010 at 03:44:29 PM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

The "bee" only flew after much trial and error,... the bee tried...and failed numerously before acheiving flight. the drowning child has not that liberty, your analogy ,without the lessons learned from failure, dosent work.....The prototypes of the Aircraft carrier suffered greatly and went through many changes before it could actually stay afloat.
I am sure MANY talented Poets have left this site for similar reasons, obviously to the detriment of the integrity and output of the site.

12-20-2010 at 03:47:50 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Originally Posted by edwinmeyer1963

My apologies If I offend anyone, But I will no longer be able to participate in this site.
While I have met a myraid of wonderful people here, I cannot ,in good concience, remain a member.
Without pointing any proverbial "fingers", the quite obviously biased choice of winning "poetry" since my joining, has grated too heavilly against my nerves.

While many ,if not all ,of the winning entries may express depth of thought, I cannot condone the calling of them "poetry", and certainly not of a "winning" calibre.
Many of you can and will of course revel in the bashing of my comments and current decision, but none of you can legitimately assert that my own work is anything less than (at a minimum), well written.
The choice of many of the winning entries is blatantly a "lie" and your support of these entries, along with your unfounded praise, in no way is helping the writers better their chosen craft. Honesty ,though at times hurtfull, at least is an effort to HELP struggling writers improve their craft.
May you ALL have a great Christmas season, and I truely hope that one day all of your thoughts will be filled with happiness and well versed passion.

I will applaud you for the fact that you have beliefs and principles and feel within yourself you need to stay true to them anyone that can't respect and admire that obviously hasn't been alone in a belief against an entire group before, well done sir even if this is just a vent and you stay I commend you

12-20-2010 at 04:23:00 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

We are not against this man, or any one,
What did you tell me my friend if I leave they win,
and with that notion poetry isn't a game it's a life style.

I can give you all advice in ten years come back, see what the real deal is
here, or the next vamp'd site spawn'd from this.
believe that....

12-20-2010 at 04:31:12 PM

RE: RE: Adios Amigo's

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

We are not against this man, or any one,
What did you tell me my friend if I leave they win,
and with that notion poetry isn't a game it's a life style.

I can give you all advice in ten years come back, see what the real deal is
here, or the next vamp'd site spawn'd from this.
believe that....

This site treats it like a game John there are posts in the forum encouraging popularity contests over the written word as I've stated from day one a new system needs to be brought into the equation here this site can't grow the way your visions see it growing with it being like this it would be a joke and very hard to take seriously I told you not to give up because you are my friend and I will not let you drown alone here I will drown with you but I also understand the people that choose to leave because at times things about this site are outright insulting

12-20-2010 at 05:18:29 PM

RE: RE: Adios Amigo's

Originally Posted by edwinmeyer1963

The "bee" only flew after much trial and error,... the bee tried...and failed numerously before acheiving flight. the drowning child has not that liberty, your analogy ,without the lessons learned from failure, dosent work.....The prototypes of the Aircraft carrier suffered greatly and went through many changes before it could actually stay afloat.
I am sure MANY talented Poets have left this site for similar reasons, obviously to the detriment of the integrity and output of the site.

or they may have left for the same reason team players quit a team when they are benched to long- or, dont have the self confidence necessary to stay on the team.-or maybe, they just got bored..or sick of the drama they involved themselves in- who knows..
well with all due respect, and I really mean that sincerly, unless you were there during the evolution of the bee- you couldnt possible know that those trials happened. From the 'theory' I watched about the bees on Discovery- there were not trials, they(the bees) simply flew without reason.. Now the aircraft you mentioned, although fasinating doesnt apply here really, because the ideal to create such a craft was purely imagination being utilized, with SCIENCE to make the impossible, possible. Science is NOT a requirement where art is concerned- not art that capitalizes on our creative sub-conscience. In this case- art, or poetry, is created by that artist, for the same reason the bee can fly- because it is a predisposed natural element of who we are- the bee was born with wings, so therefore, it flies- we are born with a self-creative influence- why? Because this is who we are. i believe that what your suggesting is that countless on this site have the recognition of a predisposed talent for writing- when they dont actually possess this skill, and are just 'liked'.-I cannot agree. The 'click' on here that seems 'popular', are popular within their social circuit, and have made the contacts, and sustained these contacts, because of the like-quality they possess. 'The birds in a feather' deal applies here. Now the drowning kid thing- When my mother was 12 yrs old she lost her 3yr old brother(my uncle) to a drowning incident while he was in her care- as a result of this I wasnt allowed to go near water over 2ft. growing up, because she told me I would drown. One day at a fishing hole, I was about 10yrs old- I looked at the deeper spot, and jumped in.. I told myself before I jumped- TJ you will swim- because like the bee with wings, and heart- I had arms and legs- and heart..sir, I swam until the sun went down and been doing ever since. When we believe in ourselves and our gifts- the sky is the limit- with or without science, or unwanted critiques that can wound the spirit. -but I must agree that if you don't find this a respectful community that possesses a level of integrity- then OP isnt for you- I mean we choose our enviroment according to our standards, and if you feel this enviroment isn't up to your standards- then we wish you well- but really hate to see you go,-I enjoy your intellect! But you deserve to feel comfortable.

12-20-2010 at 07:55:53 PM

RE: RE: RE: Adios Amigo's

Originally Posted by thecross

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

We are not against this man, or any one,
What did you tell me my friend if I leave they win,
and with that notion poetry isn't a game it's a life style.

I can give you all advice in ten years come back, see what the real deal is
here, or the next vamp'd site spawn'd from this.
believe that....

This site treats it like a game John there are posts in the forum encouraging popularity contests over the written word as I've stated from day one a new system needs to be brought into the equation here this site can't grow the way your visions see it growing with it being like this it would be a joke and very hard to take seriously I told you not to give up because you are my friend and I will not let you drown alone here I will drown with you but I also understand the people that choose to leave because at times things about this site are outright insulting

Thank you, we all need to figure something out, because me and Maddi do care.
Thank you my friend, smile WS

12-20-2010 at 10:00:28 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Last edited by thecross 12-20-2010 at 10:00:41 PM

12-20-2010 at 11:19:22 PM

RE: Adios Amigo's

Sorry to see you go and wish you only the best in your future endervers but this story is the same story, just a different name and a different face. I take no offense to your statements in the least besides that it sends the wrong message as you are missinformed and delusional. Easy to critize other writers when you havn't put in the time and effort to get the results you wanted, you have like 18 friends, what do you expect??? That you would come to a poetry site with 50,000 plus members, post all your poems and everyone come running just beacuse you are a good writter??? No offense, good writters are a dime a dozen, this site has better than that, OP has some of the very best poets of the 21st century, bar none! You are basing your decision to leave the site merely on a poetry contest??? Didn't realize this was the true menaing or the measure of a great poet? You say this site is a popularity contest, well I can't argue with you, but what in life is not??? How many people get ahead in this world based more off of thier popularity than there skills or hard work, not fair, but such is life. If you don't like the system, than put the time and effort into doing something about it. If you think the level of poetry is not high enough for your calibur of skill set than be the measure and raise the bar. In truth it is far easier to just leave and find another site, easier to just compain than it is to make a difference. I have been a member of most if not all the poetry sites on the internet and OP is surely not perfect and has alot of room for inprovment and growth but this site is the best poetry site on the net by a long mile, if you find something better by all means let me know. I hold no ill feelings but just wanted to express my thoughts and make sure you truely understand the truth of the situation. If all you want to do is win some poetry contest than by my measure you aren't even a real poet. I have found that far more people complain, as it is a far easier road, than are willing to put the time and effort into really making a difference. Most people in life take life as it comes and when things don't go thier way they just complain and bitch about it, few in life are willing to be the difference makers that create revolution and change in society, few have the vision and drive to put ideas into action. I hope you take no offense as none is intended, but we all have our voices and this is mine. Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

Last edited by angel33614 12-20-2010 at 11:28:24 PM

12-21-2010 at 12:17:27 AM

EDWIN MEYER1963 is a douche.

You sound like a douche bag.

You could have just left without taking your passive aggressive stab at the site.


12-21-2010 at 12:29:53 AM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

angel33614, As seems to be the norm, you totally either ignored, or overlooked the facts, as stated in my original post, I am not overly interested in "winning the contest", since I will not expect you to return to my original post, and re read it, I shall quote....."The choice of many of the winning entries is blatantly a "lie" and your support of these entries, along with your unfounded praise, in no way is helping the writers better their chosen craft. Honesty ,though at times hurtfull, at least is an effort to HELP struggling writers improve their craft."
If you really wish to help those who are attempting to improve and expound on their talents, Lying to them will not help, One may be truthfull without trying to be hurtfull, honest critique of ones works will help the writer become more than what they were.....Lying to them will only hurt.
As far as my having only a few friends, working for a living precludes my ability to spend countless hours in front of a computer, Believe it or not, some of us have a life outside the site.
Were it even possible for me to sit endlessly in front of my computer, I would not choose to, Life is far too short to stagnate in that manner.
My only wish here in this forum, is that people actually THINK before they speak, If you are going to lecture a poster on his comments, at least take the time to actually READ and ATTEMPT to understand the comment!

12-21-2010 at 12:36:57 AM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

and YOU "Hiporlacking" have done nothing more than demonstrate your abundant ignorance, You should sit quietly and learn....wont take a dime out of your welfare check.
This "douche" could ,without effort, out think, out work, and surely out write you any day of the week.

12-21-2010 at 12:54:44 AM

RE: Adios Amigo's

I actually do my homework my friend, i not only read you orginal read but all the following threads, i don't offer my advice in the forums unless I have done so. I stand by my statement that it sounds like you are complaining and bitching, more than offering anything construtive and positive to make changes. I understand your fustration and can relate to the whole life outside of OP thing, trust me I understand. I am married with three young kids, two dogs, work as a RN like 50 plus hours a week, yet I still get a fair amount of reviews. It doesn't take alot of time, just the effort and a little bit of hard work. Liek I said before, this site isn't much different than as in life, you often get out of it what you put into it. As so many thousands of poets get so much positivity and self-growth out of this site I would ask you this, is it the site that is flawed or more your own perspective??? In truth I have learned that there is only so much you can do to change the world as it is for the better or worse, and most of the things that happen in life are out of our control, the only thing we really have control over is ourselves and our own perspective. A wise man once said," The only thing I know for certain is that I know knowthing, the only thing worth knowing is thyself, and it is a life long goal". Food for thought my friend... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL

12-21-2010 at 12:56:38 AM

Edwin Meyer is still a douche.

Originally Posted by edwinmeyer1963

and YOU "Hiporlacking" have done nothing more than demonstrate your abundant ignorance, You should sit quietly and learn....wont take a dime out of your welfare check.
This "douche" could ,without effort, out think, out work, and surely out write you any day of the week.

Man, I was just about to take it all back too...guess we've reached the point of no return already huh? Oh well. Later, douche.

P.S. I'm not sure where the welfare check comment came from. Classy though...nothing like poking fun at the needy around the holidays.

Last edited by Hiporlacking 12-21-2010 at 12:59:20 AM

12-21-2010 at 01:00:11 AM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

My apology Angel, If I sounded sanctimonious in my last post, a certain individual post after yours raised my ire, and unfortunately I took it out on you, So though we are not in complete agreement, I do in fact offer my sincerest apologies.

12-21-2010 at 01:04:09 AM
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • edwinmeyer1963
  • Posts: 24

RE: Adios Amigo's

Mr/Mrs Hiporlacking, and you expected me to react how exactly?
Things like this are exactly why I say we all should think before speaking,
I shall let bygones be bygones.

12-21-2010 at 01:11:23 AM


I didn't know what to expect Edwin. I've never encountered a feminine hygiene product that could write poetry before.

Last edited by Hiporlacking 12-21-2010 at 01:12:26 AM

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.