papapaczki’s Profile

Hello, everyone!

  • Age: 50
  • Location: Northville, MI
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I began life at a very young age. When I first entered the world, I was not able to write. I had to first grow a little bit, then my mother put me in school, where I spent 15 years learning how to properly use my pen and paper.

When I was 18, I decided to flee every day life and ride the rails. While travelling on the rails as a hobo, I found my love for Paczkis, as it was the only non-bean food that was available.

By the age of 22 I was a full fledge hobo. I had a stick with a sack on it that I carried my Paczkis in. I had given up beans, and turned to them instead.

At age 25 I was give a chef's outfit, and brought into a bakery by a man called "Dr Jack". He taught me bake Paczkis, and live the life of a normal human being again.

Age 30 came, and I was a the ninja of Paczkis. I would compete in and win every baking contest in town. The town was quite large. We had 57 people.

At age 36 I find myself still trying to get out of that Bakery, but I can't seem to find my way out. Its strange about this town. Most of the rooms are padded. Everyone wears white. There are nets hanging around. I don't quite understand it. Or understand why they make me wear this jacket when I try and leave for a new town. It doesn't fit. I can't even move my arms.


Profile Comments

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dahlusion profile comment


Happy New Year!

TheAngelOfDeath profile comment


How are you old freind?

kdarcy profile comment


Be well in all your endeavors, miss you k

angel33614 profile comment


this site has become a poetic ghost town without you, almost everyone of my goodfriends have jumped ship, this place is just not the same anymore... ANGEL

girlygirl1234 profile comment


im gonna miss were awesome :( next time you get on or when you get back with have to have our jimmy time with deep

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

papapaczki’s Poems (32)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Our New Poem! 0
The Winter Snow 2
jhiihiuhuihi 7
Ode to Cars 9 3
Ode to Cars 8 4
Ode to Cars 7 11
Ode To Cars 6 9
Ode To Cars 5 10
Ode To Cars 4 9
Ode To Cars 3 7
Bottles of Lemonade 35
Ode To Cars 2 10
Ode To Cars 10
the not so immaculate 10
Woofing To The Sound Of The Autumn Wind 45
The Passing Of A Legend 35
Unga Booga Aliens 15
Jack's Friend's Pickles 9
Way May Hay 11
Raging Honking Woofing 5
Bow Wow Wow 12
Ding Dong 11
Walter's Paczki 6
Paczkryu 9
Sell 'em, Billy! 13
One Glove Packzi 5
Loss of my Tigers 19
I Love You 22
Paczki vs Donut 12
Hail To Paczkis 3
Heavenly Chocolate Paczki 23
A Paczki For Everyone 7