The Final Solution!
FOR ALL OF THE OUTRAGED MEMBERS OF THE ORIGINAL POETRY "CLIQUE" I was betrayed and viciously maligned and attacked by Suzanna Smith and Dahlusion, at one point they even joined forces against me. I was in a very bad state. I asked for your help, and instead of upholding my basic rights of "self expression", my posts were deleted, my friends profiles were deleted, my profile was deleted, and I was betrayed, maligned, and given bogus legal "advice" by RH Peat & others. I dared to speak my mind as a poet and artist, but it did not sit well with the small minded goobers and huckaleros who apparently need someone smarter than them (Dahlusional Gumby) to look up to. All I wanted was the same rights to express myself as those who were attacking me, but for some reason, Papa Pussy (Paczki) deleted all of my posts immediately, even though they were not personal attacks, and allowed jezzabel, dahlusion, and the other members of that clique, to personally humiliate me. Now I am expressing myself, and Papa Pussy can't delete my posts! Let me give you guys a heads up: distorting the dissident's position and suppression, is NOT the correct way to deal with criticism, and that's what OP did to me. I DID NOT VIOLATE FORUM RULES, I MERELY SAID WHAT YOUR "FEARLESS LEADERS" DID NOT LIKE! I had to endure the frustration of being accused of the very same crimes that had been perpetrated against me! The best way to handle criticism is to simply be able to EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DO, AND WHY YOU DO IT. Be prepared to defend your position, instead of doing what dahlusion did and turn everything into a "personal" attack, which it was not. Just know poetry well, and be prepared to impart knowledge! I DID NOT ATTACK DAHLUSION! I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS PERSONALLY ATTACKED BY JADED JEZZABEL FOR A PROLONGED PERIOD. I DID NOT VIOLATE FORUM RULES, yet it was MY profile that was deleted, and I was subject to attack and bogus threats of "legal" action. I'm still waiting for the Marshals from San Diego, whom "poet friend" RH Peat said, were coming to my house to take me away. I was also attacked (after I had left OP) with a ridiculous "Dare you to Challenge me" post. Don't you think it's pretty stupid to make moral and spiritual judgements about ANYONE, just because you happen to disagree with their poetic approach? Which would you consider more of a serious character flaw; Is it a sign of moral and spiritual decay for someone to merely disagree with your poetic perspective and approach, or is it a sign of moral and spiritual bankrupcy to misrepresent, mischaracterize, libel and harrass? Compare Dah's "Challenge" to my "Righteous Indignation For Dummies, 101" (on youtube). In the former, condemnation is being leveled purely on the basis of disagreement-on poetry! In the latter, poetry is not even alluded to, but ACTUAL moral defects are addressed. In other words, you don't just condemn somebody merely because they disagree with your philosophy, but rather, you condemn someone for being a lying, vindictive, petty, manipulative, childish lout, which dahlusion is. Without further ado, here is Gumby's (dahlusion's) infamous posting:
I Dare You To Challenge Me (Gumby’s" Pound of Flesh" LOL)
I make this poem for you,
for the delusion that has invaded your soul,
that has taken you to a false understanding of yourself.
Who are you to judge what poetry
is or isn’t? I write as I see it, metaphorically
or not, still I write the truth,
with all of its pain or joy, from the hungry
part of my soul, pure, madness, flesh
or not, and I will not abandon
my creative vigor, my scarlet blood, or the undeniable
sight of your confused emotional poverty,
or the violation on my integrity as a poet.
I have seen the true spread of your desire
locked away in the anus of un-reality, sucked
into the spotted liver of your spiritual destitution,
and I ask again: Who are you to judge what
poetry is or isn’t? I will write of love, lust, lost,
longing, sex, passion, religion’s deceit, or anything else
that blows out of my soul and lands on my tongue.
I will write about what flushes or blushes people, and
if it pisses you off to read the truth then maybe
you should start writing with fervor instead of
indifference to what you are actually feeling.
Make me know that you exist as a poet of passion
instead of a pseudo-academic snob.
Take your teeth and bit into your soul instead
of sucking on the coldness of your brain’s intellectual
stiffness. I am bloodthirsty when it comes to defending
what poetry is or isn’t —I dare you to challenge me.
It pisses me off when I hear anybody define what poetry is or isn't, especially when it comes from academic poets. Forgive me for writing so hard that I broke my pencil. Fortunately the main Ass responsible for my defensive ranting has left the site, but the viciousness of the attacks on my integrity as a poet heated me up enough to spill forth this truth ...there have been others and there will always be more.
(And my "crime" was in posting the following general critique
Firstly, I have stayed off of your page more for my own sake-not because you told me to. However, please be advised, that I'll go whever I want to go-if it's to your page or to Gengis Kahns page, I'll read whatever I want to read. Curiosity finally got the best of me, and since I saw you pathetically begging for other poets to read your work, I decided to go and have a look. Please understand me rightly, I am NOT exacting my "pound of flesh" :ie you crashed my thread and so I've decided to crash yours. No, that is NOT the case at all. I cannot hold myself back anymore-there are certain self evident facts that must be laid bare, and I have FINALLY reached my limit! Your recent campaign of self promotion is turning my stomach! Dahlusion is a great poet-that is true. I have always given him his due, but from what I can tell, he's not much of a human being. Toward that end, I believe his own words testify against him, as well as what he DOES NOT SAY in his poetry. I know that I am going to take LOTS of heat for this posting! My favorite quote on poetry is from the great Irishman, WB Yates, who wrote that poetry "...is blood and intellect running together". Approaching your recent work from the vantage point of an experienced poet, I can honestly say that I read devastating imagery, lots of abstract concepts, lots of erotic imagery and innuendo (ALL MAGNIFICENTLY DONE); in short, there is intellect, but no blood! I don't really know anything about you through your work, and I have gone through it all. I don't know anything about your child, about anything that should mean something to you, but is not reflected in your work. All I really know at this point, is that there has not been an instrument yet invented that can accurately measure the size of your ego! You pontificated in my thread; "all poetry comes from the soul"-unless your soul is taken up with lusting after married women half your age, psuedo spiritual gobbldygook, and hatred against the Judeo Christian tradition, then your poetry stands as evidence to the contrary! If does not come from your soul, (as you claim it does), then from whence does it come? Praise and flattery perhaps? I don't know, it is not my place to look into your heart-I cannot presume to know what motivates you; all I can tell you is what I am reading. POETRY IS NOT ONLY PRETTY WORDS ON A PAGE, BUT IT IS REALLY "BLOOD AND INTELLECT RUNNING TOGETHER". Dah, I read your work, I LOVE your work-but I'm not seeing any blood! There are lots of pretty words, but because you never take any risks and you only do the same old forms at which you are strongest, I have to conclude that you only write to satiate your ever budgeoning ego! You've become an imposter! The most beautiful wrapping around a box will NOT make it a present, if there's nothing in the box. Put a wedding dress on a manniquin, but you won't be "getting some" on wedding night! LOL I've grown impatient, because I see no growth, if there's no growth, then there's no blood; if there's no blood, then there's no soul! I know that I'm going to face an angry "mob", but guess what? I'm a majority of ONE! I'm not just one of the "fish", I'm a BIG F*CK*NG shark!!! LOL Do you wish to take on the "Poison Pen" of OP? You already did once, not too long ago, and you got your butt kicked! LOL In the words of Mr. Eastwood; "MAKE MY (F*CK*NG) DAY"! Let's "do the nasty"!
I’m not going to the gutter with you, Sue Senseless (a boy named Su? LOL) Yes, I did almost die, and the harassment of suzy jezzabitch, one of your “pals” (and don’t deny it), and your Lord and Master, dahlusional Gumby, the Yoga Boy, would have definitely been contributing factors, at very least. I have posts of suzie jezzabitch admitting in her own words, that she was posting embarrassing and libelous mischaracterizations specifically toward the end of provoking a heart attack or stroke, since I was very sick at the time. But you were around, and you did nothing, so I’m holding you accountable as well. Of course, I would have had to show a nexus, but I am always prepared to do that. That is part of my training. It is a fact. Megan Meier DID commit suicide as a direct result of cyber bullying. That is a fact. There are many other examples. 2. Thank you for proving my argument for me! You are so nice! It is typical and nauseatingly predictable that you would turn my post into a ridiculous charge of defamation. Any dissent or criticism, you and your clique turn it into a false charge of “slander” or “defamation” or an “attack on my credibility”. This is the way you circumscribe free speech and attempt to exercise control that you have no right to assume. This is just how you exercise your little insidious form of terrorism and control, like when your fearless leader attacked Helios, for the simple “crime” of posting critique that you disagreed with. I suggest you increase your command of the English language, since “disagreement” is NOT tantamount to “defamation”. I offered the opinion that papa was sacked based upon my experience. Let’s test that theory now hypothetically. If Papa were monitoring the forum right now, do you think that he would delete all of my posts and allow your derogatory, stupid posts to remain visible in the forum? Do you? Past history says emphatically “YES”. What is my proof? Look at jezzabel’s “creepy” thread (topic 5021) in the “Casual Conversations Forum. He always allowed derogatory postings against me to stay forever, but would immediately delete my postings. Can you find any of my postings? I posted many replies. But I wasn’t even able to post anything since my profile was deleted without any explanation whatsoever. I simply stated that that is probably why he got canned, and since it is obvious and quite provable that that is what in fact he did, he deserved to be let go. Now., let’s turn that around; let’s say, (hypothetically), that papa was MY friend, and he deleted all of YOUR postings but yet left all of MY derogatory comments about YOU? What would your reaction be? You, however, show your intellectual dishonesty and your inability to exercise judicious and impartial fairness, even if it is your friend. Will your friend cease to be your friend should you tell him/her that he/she is wrong? Why can’t you tell your friend that he is wrong, and that he f*ck*d up! Why can’t you do that? Obviously, the website proprietor did! Your buddy did not dispense the rules fairly. I can prove this. He turned this website into his own (and his little clique’s, which you apparently are a charter member) little harem. He did not do his job, plain and simple. He is paying for his sloth, unfairness, corrupt favoritism and incompetence (in my opinion, he hasn’t paid enough!). That is not “defamation”. You must learn how to be intellectually honest, little boy, because you’re still in High School! Your clannish mentality dictates a “as long as OUR side is winning” approach…and if you can’t win with the existing rules, then let’s change the rules so that we can win again! You may write well, but you lack the intellectual honesty and judicious approach tha effective, transparent and effective writing requires. I don’t think that you have anything to offer, but I’m NOT going to check, because my policy is; that if I can’t believe what you say, then I can’t read what you write. I am sorry that you’re such a huckalero, and a sterling example of why OP has NOTHING TO OFFER, despite the rabid epidemic of unedited poetry books. I was denied my rights as a member, as a poet, and as a citizen, for the mere reason that I wasn’t “popular” and one of your clique. Your “buddy” must be held accountable, since he was responsible for administration and daily function of the web site. BTW, as far as the dildo goes, if you ever feel something unusual in your butt…think of me, MUDAK!
My Ordeal On the Original Poetry.com, Part 1
by David A Neves on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 8:52am
I am posting this to show everyone just how ridiculous some "poets" can be.
FOR ALL OF THE OUTRAGED MEMBERS OF THE ORIGINAL POETRY "CLIQUE" I was betrayed and viciously maligned and attacked by Suzanna Smith and Dahlusion, at one point they even joined forces against me. I was in a very bad state. I asked for your help, and instead of upholding my basic rights of "self expression", my posts were deleted, my friends profiles were deleted, my profile was deleted, and I was betrayed, maligned, and given bogus legal "advice" by RH Peat & others. I dared to speak my mind as a poet and artist, but it did not sit well with the small minded goobers and huckaleros who apparently need someone smarter than them (Dahlusional Gumby) to look up to. All I wanted was the same rights to express myself as those who were attacking me, but for some reason, Papa Pussy (Paczki) deleted all of my posts immediately, even though they were not personal attacks, and allowed jezzabel, dahlusion, and the other members of that clique, to personally humiliate me. Now I am expressing myself, and Papa Pussy can't delete my posts! Let me give you guys a heads up: distorting the dissident's position and suppression, is NOT the correct way to deal with criticism, and that's what OP did to me. I DID NOT VIOLATE FORUM RULES, I MERELY SAID WHAT YOUR "FEARLESS LEADERS" DID NOT LIKE! I had to endure the frustration of being accused of the very same crimes that had been perpetrated against me! The best way to handle criticism is to simply be able to EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DO, AND WHY YOU DO IT. Be prepared to defend your position, instead of doing what dahlusion did and turn everything into a "personal" attack, which it was not. Just know poetry well, and be prepared to impart knowledge! I DID NOT ATTACK DAHLUSION! I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS PERSONALLY ATTACKED BY JADED JEZZABEL FOR A PROLONGED PERIOD. I DID NOT VIOLATE FORUM RULES, yet it was MY profile that was deleted, and I was subject to attack and bogus threats of "legal" action. I'm still waiting for the Marshals from San Diego, whom "poet friend" RH Peat said, were coming to my house to take me away. I was also attacked (after I had left OP) with a ridiculous "Dare you to Challenge me" post. Don't you think it's pretty stupid to make moral and spiritual judgements about ANYONE, just because you happen to disagree with their poetic approach? Which would you consider more of a serious character flaw; Is it a sign of moral and spiritual decay for someone to merely disagree with your poetic perspective and approach, or is it a sign of moral and spiritual bankrupcy to misrepresent, mischaracterize, libel and harrass? Compare Dah's "Challenge" to my "Righteous Indignation For Dummies, 101" (on youtube). In the former, condemnation is being leveled purely on the basis of disagreement-on poetry! In the latter, poetry is not even alluded to, but ACTUAL moral defects are addressed. In other words, you don't just condemn somebody merely because they disagree with your philosophy, but rather, you condemn someone for being a lying, vindictive, petty, manipulative, childish lout, which dahlusion is. Without further ado, here is Gumby's (dahlusion's) infamous posting:
I Dare You To Challenge Me (Gumby’s" Pound of Flesh" LOL)
I make this poem for you,
for the delusion that has invaded your soul,
that has taken you to a false understanding of yourself.
Who are you to judge what poetry
is or isn’t? I write as I see it, metaphorically
or not, still I write the truth,
with all of its pain or joy, from the hungry
part of my soul, pure, madness, flesh
or not, and I will not abandon
my creative vigor, my scarlet blood, or the undeniable
sight of your confused emotional poverty,
or the violation on my integrity as a poet.
I have seen the true spread of your desire
locked away in the anus of un-reality, sucked
into the spotted liver of your spiritual destitution,
and I ask again: Who are you to judge what
poetry is or isn’t? I will write of love, lust, lost,
longing, sex, passion, religion’s deceit, or anything else
that blows out of my soul and lands on my tongue.
I will write about what flushes or blushes people, and
if it pisses you off to read the truth then maybe
you should start writing with fervor instead of
indifference to what you are actually feeling.
Make me know that you exist as a poet of passion
instead of a pseudo-academic snob.
Take your teeth and bit into your soul instead
of sucking on the coldness of your brain’s intellectual
stiffness. I am bloodthirsty when it comes to defending
what poetry is or isn’t —I dare you to challenge me.
It pisses me off when I hear anybody define what poetry is or isn't, especially when it comes from academic poets. Forgive me for writing so hard that I broke my pencil. Fortunately the main Ass responsible for my defensive ranting has left the site, but the viciousness of the attacks on my integrity as a poet heated me up enough to spill forth this truth ...there have been others and there will always be more.
(And my "crime" was in posting the following general critique
Firstly, I have stayed off of your page more for my own sake-not because you told me to. However, please be advised, that I'll go whever I want to go-if it's to your page or to Gengis Kahns page, I'll read whatever I want to read. Curiosity finally got the best of me, and since I saw you pathetically begging for other poets to read your work, I decided to go and have a look. Please understand me rightly, I am NOT exacting my "pound of flesh" :ie you crashed my thread and so I've decided to crash yours. No, that is NOT the case at all. I cannot hold myself back anymore-there are certain self evident facts that must be laid bare, and I have FINALLY reached my limit! Your recent campaign of self promotion is turning my stomach! Dahlusion is a great poet-that is true. I have always given him his due, but from what I can tell, he's not much of a human being. Toward that end, I believe his own words testify against him, as well as what he DOES NOT SAY in his poetry. I know that I am going to take LOTS of heat for this posting! My favorite quote on poetry is from the great Irishman, WB Yates, who wrote that poetry "...is blood and intellect running together". Approaching your recent work from the vantage point of an experienced poet, I can honestly say that I read devastating imagery, lots of abstract concepts, lots of erotic imagery and innuendo (ALL MAGNIFICENTLY DONE); in short, there is intellect, but no blood! I don't really know anything about you through your work, and I have gone through it all. I don't know anything about your child, about anything that should mean something to you, but is not reflected in your work. All I really know at this point, is that there has not been an instrument yet invented that can accurately measure the size of your ego! You pontificated in my thread; "all poetry comes from the soul"-unless your soul is taken up with lusting after married women half your age, psuedo spiritual gobbldygook, and hatred against the Judeo Christian tradition, then your poetry stands as evidence to the contrary! If does not come from your soul, (as you claim it does), then from whence does it come? Praise and flattery perhaps? I don't know, it is not my place to look into your heart-I cannot presume to know what motivates you; all I can tell you is what I am reading. POETRY IS NOT ONLY PRETTY WORDS ON A PAGE, BUT IT IS REALLY "BLOOD AND INTELLECT RUNNING TOGETHER". Dah, I read your work, I LOVE your work-but I'm not seeing any blood! There are lots of pretty words, but because you never take any risks and you only do the same old forms at which you are strongest, I have to conclude that you only write to satiate your ever budgeoning ego! You've become an imposter! The most beautiful wrapping around a box will NOT make it a present, if there's nothing in the box. Put a wedding dress on a manniquin, but you won't be "getting some" on wedding night! LOL I've grown impatient, because I see no growth, if there's no growth, then there's no blood; if there's no blood, then there's no soul! I know that I'm going to face an angry "mob", but guess what? I'm a majority of ONE! I'm not just one of the "fish", I'm a BIG F*CK*NG shark!!! LOL Do you wish to take on the "Poison Pen" of OP? You already did once, not too long ago, and you got your butt kicked! LOL In the words of Mr. Eastwood; "MAKE MY (F*CK*NG) DAY"! Let's "do the nasty"!
(This is what dahlusion considered as an "attack" on his "integrity as a poet".)
My Ordeal On OriginalPoetry.com Part 2
For the sake of the other poets on OP, I attempted to patch things up with Dahlusion (the yoga teacher). I had already announced my departure from OP and that I would be shutting down my instructional thread, and so I posted the following unconditional apology:
"Please Forgive Me
Dah, I deeply regret any discomfort that I have caused you,
I deeply regret my impertinence and humbly beg your forgiveness. You are a great artist,
and we are very proud of you. Please allow me to visit your page."
Below is Dahlusion's reply:
"We will have to hire a lawyer and a mediator
to direct us in visitation rights because I don’t
believe you, nor do I want to be slandered by you
again and again and again. Your confusion is yours
and not mine. Do whatever it takes to find peace within,
and to keep your demeaning remarks to yourself or
in whispers amongst you and your followers.
I meditate on inner-peace for you."
In the words of Frank Zappa; "Heh???" LOL "Visitation rights?" Did we have children together or something? Slander? Prove it, asshole! In all of my many, many battles (political and otherwise), the first thing any knucklehead does when he reads anything that he doesn't like, is to threaten to sue for "slander". IT'S LIBEL, SHIT HEEL!!! LOL In order for a defamation case to be actionable, there has to be malice and damages. If you could simply sue just because you didn't like what the other person said, the court system wouldn't have time for anything else and freedom of speech would be severely threatened, and even eliminated. Oh, if it were only THAT easy, Yoga Boy! Now you can see what a real zoo OP has become! If he thinks my remarks BEFORE were demeaning, well. COME AND GET IT, YOGA BOY! LOL
Here is my response to Suzie's offer;
I did catch your rather amusing remarks in the Forum, and noticed how you crawled out of the woodwork (with a few other dweebs) in order to manufacture "righteous outrage" at having told my side of the story, and how you and the rest of you did not show the least bit of outrage when I was viciously attacked. Here is the comment that "sealed" it
"i c my girl suzie got under ur decrepid skin. im so proud of her. she learned well. u r pathetic" arilv1 1 month ago"
After what I had been through with "suzie", this comment clearly showed malicious intent. I have since researched it, and it is clear that federal law has been violated. Just to show you that this "sleeping dog" has been doing much more than sleeping. Your recollection of out "interraction" is quite interesting as well, but strangely short on details! Here are the specifics; you stuck your nose where it didn't belong in defending a member of your "clique" (who I have since apologized to and reconciled with), and then you started with your ridiculous mischaracterizations and false accusations. Then you tried to force an erroneous homemade "definition" of poetry down my throat, and I simply corrected you. I have always backed up my contentions, but I am not the originator of poetic convention; I am merely the messenger. In my last email to you, I had to tell you that your opinion was out of your ass, and that mine was informed opinion, which it was. You've got to be willing to do the work if you wish to speak from a position of authority. I have done the work, but you did not respect that. There is a point at which disagreement becomes a gratuitous attack upon one's credibility, and this is exactly what you did. In brief, the "Nazi" here is not me, it is you, for trying to stifle my informed opinion and to try to get me to "make nice" for the sake of your stupid, childish egos. If you can't take criticism, you shouldn't post publicly. You have no right to force me to "like" shitty poetry, and your intellectually dishonest approach; "...you have your opinion, and I have mine". Bullshit! I am right and you are wrong! Do you see how easily disputes can be settled-and they can only be settled by the following principle: It is not what you say, it is what you can prove. On that basis, I can claim the authority to "settle" disputes with regard to poetry. However, there is something much deeper here; I read your remarks and notice that you use $4.99 words, without the slightest idea of their meaning or usage! That gives me a hint as to why you hate me so much; I am what you wish to be!!! You only pretend to be smart, but you (perceive) that I really am smart! You are greener with jealousy than the Incredible Hulk! I do remember that (when you were pretending to admire my "knowledge, that you submitted a poem about your son. You tried to write lyric, with rhyme, and it just did not come out well. It was simply not very well done, because when you get into the area of rhyme and meter, you are running smack into the middle of poetic convention; I tried to get you to revise the piece, but I know that it infuriated you when I made all of those corrections. The piece had major problems, and it is not a good idea to choose such a personal issue to rhyme when you have little to no experience in metric poetry. Your son deserves better than that, it was just not well done. So I have proffered a few possible reasons why you would hate me and continue to perpetuate the "nazi" nonsense, but that is your problem. All I need ask is; can you prove it? Anyway, I tried to apologize to "suzie" in private internal emails. Her response to me is documented and memorialized in the youtube video :Cell Phone Sonata". I have always tried to make peace and have always tried to reconcile in every case, but have never been given credit for it. This is not fair. You guys attack me after I'm gone. That is not fair! There is no fairness in your position therefore there is no truth as well. However, I'm a majority of one! All of you against "lil' ol'" me? You guys are outnumbered! You guys think that your "goon squad" bothers me? No! You guys are on the big ship; but I am in the "U-boat", with the depth chargers and torpedoes! In other words, I have the power, because I can prove my contentions. This should give you a little hint of where I might be going with this! This is why I did the youtube videos; to see if I would be suppressed on youtube the same way that I was suppressed on OP. Obviously not! Also, I wanted to see if anyone would dare go across the "city limits" of OP. It is hilarious! Anyway, this is war, and I will win it. Please don't write me back, you have nothing to offer me. PS. I DARE YOU TO POST THIS!