Stromy Day


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    Stromy Day

    Stormy Day


    I lay on a sandy crystal beach
    wind whistles its eerie tune
    I lay on the sand

    Salt water stinging my face

    Crabs are running along the shore

    The morning sun was a floating on the horizon

    Like a golden egg


    It was a nice day to go out to sea


    We got our boat out to float

    And set sailed

    We were on the abyssal ocean forever

    And abruptly the clouds blockaded us

    Like hostile big cats

    The waves thrashed the ship up and down

    And water drenched our faces

    Then it came out of no where

    A rouge wave

    And then I was engulfed

    Gasping for breath

    And my water filled lungs could hold no more

    Then the world closed up on me

    And then nothingness and gore


    I was floating in the air

    Where am I?

    It was bright

    Have I died?

    Was that the end of my life?

    Then I saw the people all around me

    My body lying on the operating table

    Some piece of wood sticking out of my body

    Then I fainted

    I knew I was alright.

    That Stormy day


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    ApaqRasgirl commented on Stromy Day


    wow, that was very well told dear. you expressed the way you went through that like mystical magical words flowing on the ocean......wonderful poem asha



    This actually didnt happen to me. I in-visioned what a stormy day on the ocean would be like after i went whale watching. I added in a tragic accident to heighten the story of the poem. Thanks so much for the comment Britt

    Stryx commented on Stromy Day


    Well expressed feelings here, and a clear narrative.




    Teardrops commented on Stromy Day


    you talent comes threw with each poem you wirte keep writing



    Thanks you I am trying hard to write different Subjects.

    Paige commented on Stromy Day


    Lol, idunno . . . . . . . . I think i liked it better the way it was before. ; ) just kidding. Awesome poem. I really liked it.



    Thanks :3

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    BrittKun’s Poems (60)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart Hurts 0
    Reflection 1
    Flower 1
    My Sun 0
    Fragile Beauty 0
    Dark whispers 0
    Primal fear 0
    Snow Angel 0
    Can't Get Clean 0
    Put My Gloves Away 0
    Smoldering Flames 0
    Cold here 0
    Beauty Crumbles 0
    Beastly Beauty 0
    Untiled1 0
    Untiled 0
    Fire 0
    You 0
    Static Noise 0
    Burn 1
    Void Love 0
    Black Heart 0
    Stone 0
    clouds 0
    Rain Kisses 1
    illusion of Wealth 0
    re wrote The Reaper 0
    The Mental Hospital 0
    Elements 0
    Who am I? 0
    I can’t believe you’re gone 0
    Haiku #3 3
    Haiku #2 2
    Haiku #1 2
    Stripped 7
    Mother Dear 6
    Tissues 3
    Mom 9
    Peace 3
    Falling 4
    The clock is ticking 3
    the river 15
    Spotlight 5
    Stromy Day 4
    Lifeless 6
    Alone 7
    Numb 4
    Bulimic 3
    The place 5
    Scarred 3
    My Metropolis 3
    My Hope 4
    Why 2
    The reaper 4
    myth 4
    I remember 5
    The morning 3
    Whispers 9
    Feelings of love 3
    Animalistic 4