Ivelisse’s Profile
- Age: 30
- Location: Chicago, Il
- Gender: Female
- Country: US
- Public Profile URL:
Dreams are for Losers.
There's not much to say about myself. So I refuse to speak.
But it's the person who I have become that inspired my poems. Im not very good at writing, but it all comes from the heart, and that must count for something.
Anyways, my life is filled with drama and imperfection. But who's life isn't.
I gave up on fantasies, and started to trust reality.
I admit I have my doubts about life's reasoning for existance.
But this is what saved my life.....poetry.
No photos added.
Recent Poems
- Deliberate Beauty
- Tags: Eating Disorder, Self Injury
- Faking her happiness to avoid confrontation. Lying to curious faces is a reflex. In eating-disorder clinics, she’s a dedicated patient. Her ...
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- It Killed Her
- Tags: Sickness, Death, Other, Dark Poetry
- She couldn't breathe, even with the given chance of a renaissance. She was already gone... It was the way they stared at her that made her imagine ...
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- False
- Tags: Lost Love, Gay, Emotional, Passion
- Our worlds collide creating a contradiction... while I am thrilled for the fact that there might be a chance to be ‘we’... you choose to see it as an issue ...
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- Mad Person
- Tags: Anger
- Agrivation gets to me.As well as frustration.I can't get rid of the anger,It's overwhelming but comforting.My soul feels so intense.My chest is tender.And my heart ...
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Profile Comments
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Rhymer profile comment
- Your profile is filled with self doubt, but your writing speaks volumes. What makes your writing so good is the fact it comes from your heart to touch the hearts of the readers. Keep writing so we can enjoy and keep reading.
dksamuri profile comment
- its ok, not ur fault, but thanks for keeping me posted