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    Sharks how have they become so Powerful, sharks are about , sharks about, sharks about, sharks, sharks, sharks, everywhere, how have they become thee Main Meal of thee day, thee main course, no longer appetisers they are thee full course meal inthemselves, my, my, my, such a pile of caver-are, sucy little devils, who let them out the gate, just to become thee C C junkie, their fumes is thee more they can consume and secure you into more debt of interest, thee sharks are coming, the sharks are coming, thee sharks are coming, their greater then ever thee paronous, long-sharks endeavors.

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    kingdomseer’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    When you loose the one you love 0
    Come out of the Boat! 1
    CandleStick/ The Menorah 1
    Heavenly Rewards: 0
    God Kingdom qar*** 1
    Kingdom Realtor 2
    Consum Yet Free 3
    The Reign of the New Heaven and New Earth 0
    Me and '2012 2
    If IT's Not God Kingdom of the Highest!!! 1
    kingdom Power 0
    Risiding in the Light! 0
    Puppy, 0
    Fear Not!!! 1
    Risen! 2
    Caught Up!!! 0
    Ruling and Reigning in His Light! 1
    A Queen A 1
    The woman and thee Holyghost! 0
    Quick to hear! 0
    Unity-thee strong and thee weak! 0
    Sharks! 0
    My personal testimony, of His kingdom 0
    From the Roof Top! 0
    So alone! 0
    Conversing by thee spirit, 0
    Comely 1
    Gospel of Peace, how beautiful are thee feet!!! 0
    Everlasting kindom 0
    Things Above 0
    kingdom things from Heaven 2

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