Fear Not!!!


Poem Commentary

Truth and Righteousness lieth in thee street, who seeketh it today?

Fear Not!!!

The opposite of fear is Trust,

Thee opposite of fear is Faith!

Thee opposite of fear is Life & Peace,

When your love is perfected in Him, thee Ruling and Reiging King, thee Eternal Only Wise God, then and only then will thee power of fear have to loose you, if you are going after life and life more abundantly, and you put his Yoke on, and learn of him, once you confess Romans 9:10, with thee increase of love and faith, when you experience that He sticks closer than a mother, brother, and all others, you will put no other before him.

Science tology
The Pope
Woman of God
Man of God , none will come before thee Son of God cause there are places to go and see that thee other's can't and won't take you to see.
You have to work out your own Salvation today here on these blue seas with fear and trembling.

Ten were wise and ten were foolish, thee foolish had to go and purchase their own Anointing.

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kingdomseer commented on Fear Not!!!


QA. Christ Apostle Debra AO. In the Era of Every Jot being fulfilled today is The Year Reign of The Lord for some, this the Word of The kingdom and Mysterious being Revealed by way of good treasury. QA. 7/10/12

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

kingdomseer’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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If IT's Not God Kingdom of the Highest!!! 1
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Risiding in the Light! 0
Puppy, 0
Fear Not!!! 1
Risen! 2
Caught Up!!! 0
Ruling and Reigning in His Light! 1
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Unity-thee strong and thee weak! 0
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My personal testimony, of His kingdom 0
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So alone! 0
Conversing by thee spirit, 0
Comely 1
Gospel of Peace, how beautiful are thee feet!!! 0
Everlasting kindom 0
Things Above 0
kingdom things from Heaven 2

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