


Rosed up, Rolled a way thee Stone, took off thee grave clothes, don't won't to go back there no more, Rosed, Risen, going forth, things that I don't won't to know no more, going forth, don't look for me amongst thee sleeping, I'm awake, can't you see, can't you taste me, I speak of things thats today, I speak things thats not Yet! I've been Ephatha, I'm of thee Eternal king, once dead now Risen, his Alive, His going forth, you and I were just to follow.

Risen! Their whole body language says get thee behind me, their not chasing or asking for a Blessing, or an increase of Anointing, they are heavy, they are speaking of things never heard, never seen, they are thee ones's that can roll away thee stone, they are thee ones that can say take off thee grave clothes, they are thee ones that can say come forth; they are thee one's thats an evident token that they are thee ones that can breath on thee dead men borns; thee Risen, all things through thee Power of thee Risen!!!  

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kingdomseer commented on Risen!


Life more abundantly through much procuring patients faith duration through all the acts of Righteousness through God Only Begotten Son Lord Jesus The Christ Eternal Only Wise God of QA./7/10/12

kingdomseer commented on Risen!


Fountain of living water, the hand that carved out of the Rock, burst, breaking, Gushing out,

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

kingdomseer’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When you loose the one you love 0
Come out of the Boat! 1
CandleStick/ The Menorah 1
Heavenly Rewards: 0
God Kingdom qar*** 1
Kingdom Realtor 2
Consum Yet Free 3
The Reign of the New Heaven and New Earth 0
Me and '2012 2
If IT's Not God Kingdom of the Highest!!! 1
kingdom Power 0
Risiding in the Light! 0
Puppy, 0
Fear Not!!! 1
Risen! 2
Caught Up!!! 0
Ruling and Reigning in His Light! 1
A Queen A 1
The woman and thee Holyghost! 0
Quick to hear! 0
Unity-thee strong and thee weak! 0
Sharks! 0
My personal testimony, of His kingdom 0
From the Roof Top! 0
So alone! 0
Conversing by thee spirit, 0
Comely 1
Gospel of Peace, how beautiful are thee feet!!! 0
Everlasting kindom 0
Things Above 0
kingdom things from Heaven 2

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