Ruling and Reigning in His Light!


Ruling and Reigning in His Light!

In his Life, his life today, the life he left behind, for me and you to live and shine, to be that light, that can't be hid, that over shadows the shadows of darkness, to transpose the darkness into light, thats what's up! the light that consumes the darkness, that light that shines at the end of the tunnel, that True Light that is life unto all, that light that can manifest your works are of him, his alive, his alive, that light that can manifest your love for him, that light that needs no candles, that light that shined on the road to demacus and even Paul cried out, and he became the biggest proclaimer of this light thats being spoken of to you and so many more, because it's this light that shine from above thats so potent, it still brings forth many out of the grave, out of dispair, out of thee grips of thee kingdom of darkness, oh, so we pray, Lord, Lord, Lord let your light shine on me this day, and I know that all my doughts shell be dispelled, all my fears shall surely pass away.  Oh thank God for His dear Son Marvellous Light!!!

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ccslim commented on Ruling and Reigning in His Light!


A good write! Something here makes me say that you've tried to make a poem out of prose. Full sentences without so many breaks. Content super for our Today is forever by the life he left behind.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

kingdomseer’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
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Ruling and Reigning in His Light! 1
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kingdom things from Heaven 2

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