Original Poetry Forums

Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

05-22-2009 at 01:34:24 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Re: A poetry challenge/Dahlusion

05-22-2009 at 01:35:19 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Re: A poetry challenge/Dahlusion


05-22-2009 at 04:23:01 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

U funny guy WordSlinger. gulp (' Love this goofy little guy.) If I were a neighbor and was your age we could have hung out together.

Well - this is quite a thread! - -
May the journey to the crossroads of chance and circumstance provide the lucidity for you and all who believe truth to be a property we intrinsically possess; be they God lovers or otherwise.
'Make a cool greeting card if you add ... and have a Merry Christmas.

There's certainly an awful lot of personal encounter stories out there - Hey! We haven't even touched on Flying saucers and Alien abduction.
- Let's keep it rolling. LOL

Last edited by NevillePark 05-22-2009 at 04:37:43 PM

05-22-2009 at 05:06:34 PM

Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

i think a whole lot of people take shit out of context just to have something or someone to rant about and that is evil.


I DON'T KNOW, It's conceivably just an attempt to enter into academia
WEBSTERS=3. an association of scholars, writers, artists, etc., for advancing literature, art, or science.
Words are fun for sure but we all have to use with care. I know we like to write because we have words in our pockets or purses. As far as the God debate goes, most of it is just an exercise. It's a cinch nobody's going to be convinced of God or Heaven because someone came up with the great headlock of irrefutable logic. All we can do is keep our pencils sharp and make a few friends here and there.

smile wink tongue laugh gulp

05-22-2009 at 05:26:46 PM

Re: Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by NevillePark

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

i think a whole lot of people take shit out of context just to have something or someone to rant about and that is evil.


I DON'T KNOW, It's conceivably just an attempt to enter into academia
WEBSTERS=3. an association of scholars, writers, artists, etc., for advancing literature, art, or science.
Words are fun for sure but we all have to use with care. I know we like to write because we have words in our pockets or purses. As far as the God debate goes, most of it is just an exercise. It's a cinch nobody's going to be convinced of God or Heaven because someone came up with the great headlock of irrefutable logic. All we can do is keep our pencils sharp and make a few friends here and there.

smile wink tongue laugh gulp

(sarcasm alert)

Oh, no-no.. You have it all wrong.. Anyone who presents a logical position that attempts to refute the theory of an all knowing, all seeing, all compassionate superbeing is obviously more interested in stirring up dissent and controversy than they would ever be interested in entering into academia.. Nor are they interested in advancing the plateau of human civilization..

Nope, seems quite obvious that those ornery neophites are pure evil, and are merely interested in stirring up dissent and fostering more confusion.

Why else would someone like that waste their breath?

(sarcasm over)

05-22-2009 at 06:46:11 PM

Re: Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by uspslady

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Ok this is how I look at.

When I was 9, 1979

I watched the Excorcist
I couldn't sleep for a week ar more.
And I went to church, and a brother/elder.
Said to sleep with your bible, and it helped.
And I learned to fight fire with fire.
As time went on, when a man of faith walks into a room,
people go quite, for I guess they feel something
A strong willed person, so I feel stronger with Gods Wisdom.
I have had people who seen the bible with me ,and
ask me to read a verse or 2
Or even pray with them.
As of yet no ridicule.

And in my bio I mention I fought demons
And it's true.
Spirits, and enities, with proof ,,,,Human eyes and feelings.
So the only way I beat them was with my beast.
And now my life as been so much better, but I'm not perfect, because
I am a poet, I write all types of poetry.
XXX, hate, horror, violence, and a lot of spiritual stuff,
and I am afraid to put all of it on here.
Just for one reason, confusion.
Since I posted here on Alexs question,
I have already been tested by the -negative forces,
so it is no joke.
So I ask all to take it serious.
And as for now this is all I have to say.

Upslady yes is your answer -As of yet no ridicule

Wordslinger, that is fascinating!!! And to NevillePark...my mother always told me that it IS in the bible that there are "restless spirits" roaming the earth...what do you make of that? And my husband just died 2 months ago...chillingly enough, he told me not long before to "not put away my black dress because I would be a widow soon." I have reason to believe he played a part in his own death by not taking his medications...however...still being his legal wife, I had to take care of arrangements. I had to have him cremated, and I have his ashes in my living room. The first week or two they were there, it really bugged me, and honestly, kind of freaked me out. HOWEVER...recently, there have been strange happenings in my house and I have to wonder if it's him doing it. The other morning I woke at 5:20 to what sounded like someone banging on my front door. When I got up and looked, no one was there. I have also heard what sounds like footsteps shuffling through my house, as well as things being moved, and I have also seen flashes of white from the corner of my eye, as well as SOMETHING that looks like it is moving, also from the corner of my eye. So that's kind of creeping me out. My sister believed in ghosts...so did my grandmother, and she was one of the holiest people I knew. She said certain people are born with a "veil" over their face and that means that they have certain "gifts". My sister and I have a gift...we hear "death bells" (our ears ring so badly to the point of being painful, and when that happens, it means someone we know will die soon). My grandmother had a gift of removing warts...and on and on. So how do you explain these anomalies? Because I would never attribute all of them to being something evil. And Wordslinger, I too have slept with a Bible under my pillow...my parents have witnessed demons in their bedroom, as well as angels who showed up to fight the demons. And my mother has told me, if there is a spirit present in your house, all you have to do is say, "What in the name of God do you want?" and it either has to tell you or leave. I would be too afraid to ask because I personally do want it to present itself. Comments on any of this, anyone?

Dear upsylady; There is a huge chunk of humanity out there who could swear that their deductive reasoning, (with which they have a lifelong affinity with) is all they ever need to sift through the questions life affords. If the answers aren't forthcoming- then all that can be done is to wait for more information to surface, is their reasoning.
In the grand scheme of things it would seem that few people see "ghosts" or demons or angels. Why we all don't see these things is a question which could be leveled at the believer. If it were true we would ALL see it? Supernatural activity is running at a fever pitch in that realm and more are bound to witness the activity as time grows shorter.
To embrace the thought that a dearly departed has a word of encouragement for us, or is actively working in our corner from the great beyond is a comforting thing for a lot of folks. My dear from where I sit ... God's angels, and the influence of His Holy Spirit are the only forces authorized to fulfill that task. Like WordSlinger I've encountered demons. I've seen angels and I've been visited- one on one, by an angel in broad daylight. They bring a sword of Truth that will cut away the entanglement of deception from strange vines which endeavor to choke the Truth.
There's no pretty or gentle way to put it. Sorry.
P.S.- These things are usurpers- they have no authority to work evil if a stand is taken.
Your Grandparents are right. If you command them (you're allowed to) and say something like ..."In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I bind you and command you to leave this place."
Do that and you'll witness a miracle. grin

Last edited by NevillePark 05-22-2009 at 06:59:50 PM

05-22-2009 at 07:13:16 PM

Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by sk

NevillePark that is a bone chilling story, for truth usually is far scarier than anything Hollywood can create; I too have had a couple of experiences that defy logical explanation....the story is too long to relate here, but lets just say I should not have been surprised to encounter a demon while in a temple dedicated to human sacrifice...on the other hand, I also had a wonderful encounter just 9 short yrs ago....if at any time I forget who I am or what my destiny is, I recall that memory and everything is well with me again....

Thanks SK. It's good to get it out I believe. 'Not always comfortable to talk about but good. I'm working on a couple of screenplays ongoing but who knows I might put something together with mine and other experiences. Maybe I could consolidate with others who have had experiences and throw them into the pot. A book - a documentary, a film? Pardon me for a moment while I put on my shades cool smile

05-22-2009 at 07:19:51 PM

Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by Mrpoetry

God's Plan Of Salvation

1. It is a fact that God loves you. (John 3:16)

2. It is a fact that you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)

3. It is a fact that you are now dead in sin. (Romans 6:23)

4. It is a fact that Christ died for you. (Romans 5:6-8)

5. It is a fact that you can be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:30,31)

6. It is a fact that you can be saved and know it. (I John 5:10-13)

7. It is a fact that you are now a child of God and you are to obey Him. (Acts 5:29)

Basics Of The Christian Life

1. Submit yourself to God daily. (Romans 6:13)

2. Read & Study God's Word. (I Peter 2:2)

3. Pray for others and self. (I John 3:22; 5:14-15)

4. Fellowship with Christians. (Hebrews 10:25)

5. Tell others about what Jesus can mean to them. (Philemon 6)

There you go sir ... that's all she wrote. Make that ... that's all He wrote! smile

05-22-2009 at 07:42:50 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by CadillaCricket

Originally Posted by NevillePark

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

i think a whole lot of people take shit out of context just to have something or someone to rant about and that is evil.


I DON'T KNOW, It's conceivably just an attempt to enter into academia
WEBSTERS=3. an association of scholars, writers, artists, etc., for advancing literature, art, or science.
Words are fun for sure but we all have to use with care. I know we like to write because we have words in our pockets or purses. As far as the God debate goes, most of it is just an exercise. It's a cinch nobody's going to be convinced of God or Heaven because someone came up with the great headlock of irrefutable logic. All we can do is keep our pencils sharp and make a few friends here and there.

smile wink tongue laugh gulp

(sarcasm alert)

Oh, no-no.. You have it all wrong.. Anyone who presents a logical position that attempts to refute the theory of an all knowing, all seeing, all compassionate superbeing is obviously more interested in stirring up dissent and controversy than they would ever be interested in entering into academia.. Nor are they interested in advancing the plateau of human civilization..

Nope, seems quite obvious that those ornery neophites are pure evil, and are merely interested in stirring up dissent and fostering more confusion.

Why else would someone like that waste their breath?

(sarcasm over)


I like to look at it all this way. There are tons more songs on the subject of LOVE than there are on descent and insurrection.
-A man labors under a truculent sky filled with the yellow heat in an arid land.
Now that's wicked and evil. Anywayz ... I feel a song coming on. Where's my guitar?

05-23-2009 at 12:28:35 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Oh....what a yummmmy topic ok ill try and put my whole weird view out here...

I am a spiritual person (but not a real religious one) and as originally stated I dont believe there is a hell per se.

I have this belief....given what is commonly believed and what is commonly known..I would have to say that in order for God to exist as religion has made him out to be (and yes I believe in god in some shape or form) god must be a non-linear being (ie not confined y the constraints of space-time as we know it) and if that is true then that means that god has "access" to all of what we call time...past/present/ or future. So if that is true then it must also be true that he/she/it knows the outcome of all events.....

you guys still with me?

so if that is true then there cannot be a devil....if there was then it would mean that the devil (ie a fallen angel another of gods creations) had direct power to interfere in the course of what is already set (ie the timeline) if that were true then it would mean that there were factors OUTSIDE of gods control...which wouldnt exactly be all knowing all seeing would it lol.

So I think that there is a god and he/she/it knows all there is to know and what will be. Which also means that if there is a hell god already knows whos going....its like having seen a movie and then watching it again with your friends....you already know how it will end, but you stay quite and let them make their own conclusions about what will happen.

and like originally stated our senses and such are physical.....what I do have no idea about is our thoughts.....I believe we are more rthen the sum of our parts...and given on the scientific side that 60+ percent of the calculated matter and energy of the universe is unaccounted for leaves alot to be explored in the realms of existance. (dark matter and dark energy)

ok im rammbling lol

05-23-2009 at 04:39:22 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?


Likes the concept

I like the question

Every time I Robin hood rhymes

I paradox crimes

It's a bank heist

Robbed by a few poltergeists

I have your scary

I got this puzzle

Something I see

It's going down

Country to country spree

If realms to be

Go figure,

Out of all the souls, some would be

Lots of laughs, get away car

Serve justice on these stars

It goes to show where death will go

Money disappears

All in disbelief and fear

The poor and hungry get rich and full

My ghost bank robber concept is cool

05-24-2009 at 04:54:26 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

It's really simple. You wind up in hell for doing bad stuff! Everyone knows that!

05-24-2009 at 07:55:09 AM

Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by masterpoet

It's really simple. You wind up in hell for doing bad stuff! Everyone knows that!

Ah, yes... Exceedingly simple..
But which version of "bad stuff" are you referring to? Who's "sin list" do we go by?

05-24-2009 at 04:39:44 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

There are only 10 Commandments in the Bible, so I guess that's the model you need to go by...HOWEVER, there is ONE sin that is unforgivable, and that is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit, however you want to put it. But for several years now, I have been trying to figure out what blaspheme means. My mom said it means to "make fun of". Or does it mean using the GD word? Because if that's the case, I'm SO screwed...but a long time ago, I heard a televangelist say, if you are afraid you've already blasphemed, you haven't, because once you commit that particular sin, you no longer have a conscience, since you are already doomed anyway and there is no hope for you at all. Comments on this anyone? but personally I would say that the people who DESERVE to be in the literal burning, teeth gnashing, flesh eating worm version of hell are those who engage in things such as torture, rape, murder, ESPECIALLY when it involves children...That kind of thing just turns my stomach. As does any kind of abuse to anyone...animals, the elderly, just your everyday run of the mill average joe. The boss who makes your work life a "living hell" should also have to pay. Lots and lots of things go unpunished in this world, so maybe that's why people hope there really is a place such as that for all of the "horrible" people in our own lives, as well as the truly horrible people in the rest of the world to pay their penance. And I think another thing that will be present in hell will be these peoples' memories of every single thing they ever did, every single chance they had to accept salvation. Their thoughts will haunt them for all of eternity. Or at least I hope so.

05-24-2009 at 11:17:43 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?
There are only 10 Commandments in the Bible, so I guess that's the model you need to go by...HOWEVER, there is ONE sin that is unforgivable, and that is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit, however you want to put it. But for several years now, I have been trying to figure out what blaspheme means. My mom said it means to "make fun of". Or does it mean using the GD word? Because if that's the case, I'm SO screwed...but a long time ago, I heard a televangelist say, if you are afraid you've already blasphemed, you haven't, because once you commit that particular sin, you no longer have a conscience, since you are already doomed anyway and there is no hope for you at all. Comments on this anyone? but personally I would say that the people who DESERVE to be in the literal burning, teeth gnashing, flesh eating worm version of hell are those who engage in things such as torture, rape, murder, ESPECIALLY when it involves children...That kind of thing just turns my stomach. As does any kind of abuse to anyone...animals, the elderly, just your everyday run of the mill average joe. The boss who makes your work life a "living hell" should also have to pay. Lots and lots of things go unpunished in this world, so maybe that's why people hope there really is a place such as that for all of the "horrible" people in our own lives, as well as the truly horrible people in the rest of the world to pay their penance. And I think another thing that will be present in hell will be these peoples' memories of every single thing they ever did, every single chance they had to accept salvation. Their thoughts will haunt them for all of eternity. Or at least I hope so.

blaspheme,i believe is real close to what the scribes said of jesus about having a devil.
read mark 3;29 and 3;30
when some one gets to the point that they believe they are more wise than God who is the only rightious and holy that sent his gift of the Holy Ghost to us all,which is his spirit,that is Good and people that have tasted of it then turn away to a point that they start to speak evil of it .I believe that is getting real close.
God is where all Good comes from,that is how I see it but if someone somehow does not believe in God how can they see it?
I will testify to you that I believe with all that I am that The Holy Ghost is real.
I hope no one has to go there,but if they do well God knows best
all i will say about hell is dont go there!!!!!!!!!!
some how people just have to accept the fact that we must be saved
and thats how you want "WIND UP IN HELL"

The Fool saith in his heart there is no God,not my words but the Word of God

05-25-2009 at 02:35:56 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Kurai said;
I have this belief....given what is commonly believed and what is commonly known..I would have to say that in order for God to exist as religion has made him out to be (and yes I believe in god in some shape or form) god must be a non-linear being (ie not confined y the constraints of space-time as we know it) and if that is true then that means that god has "access" to all of what we call time...past/present/ or future. So if that is true then it must also be true that he/she/it knows the outcome of all events.....

you guys still with me? YES! YOU'RE ON THE MONEY WITH THAT!

so if that is true then there cannot be a devil....if there was then it would mean that the devil (ie a fallen angel another of gods creations) had direct power to interfere in the course of what is already set (ie the timeline).
What that deviant creature didn't count on was a plan God set in motion from beyond time; in eternity ... where there is only one plain of reality. God and His worshipers.
Lucifer was the most beautiful of beings who's position and power was greater than all angels. When understanding first came out from the MIND of God ...anything else that represented an original idea - from a created being, was simply an afterthought. [That's an important point to get hold of.] Satan does not possess omniscience [He can not see or know all things] Scary for some, but all things come from God and all things are held together and have their being ONLY by the express will of God - This mantle was afforded the one beloved wise one who is known to us on earth as Jesus. He is known as Wisdom in eternity.
If it wasn't for Him and the Father cooking up the secret plan to take the keys of death and hell from the fire angel, mankind would still be forever lost and separated from God.
When Jesus was suffering on the cross- Satan was jumping up and down in joy entertaining the erroneous vision that he'd done away with man's only means of redemption from sin's alienating properties. Since Satan's original sin of pride and belief in autonomy had infected the soul of man at the garden of Eden man's doomed state was cinched- or so he had thought. God had imputed or bestowed upon Jesus as he hung on the cross - all of mankind's alienation collectively throughout all the spans of time gone before or yet to come, on man's time line. This one event ...those most crucial few hours of time... the earth ever witnessed disarmed the rebel forces forever when it comes to the earth's inhabitants. I love to write about this. I'm digressing a little but if you can grasp the completeness of God's wrath being cast away as far as the east is from the west and his condemnation of mankind forever vanquished you can understand a little of what power has been taken from the enemy. Satan's much cleverer than you and I. He can bring pain and confusion, manifest this and that in the spirit realm. Yet he still has to run up to the courts of heaven for permission to claim a hollow right to harass and harangue people on earth. In the end the lake of fire will be his and his minions' eternal home. The second death, as told us in the Book of Revelation is the terminating point for those who side with the fallen angel and who's minds are made up -stubbornly refusing to have anything to do with the light of the world even if the evidence becomes irrefutable to everyone else. [As I wrote in another post - I believe God has his own loop holes and will save more people than we count.] Satan is "a man" with no authority is the bottom line. Don't get spooked by manifestations- speaking the name of Jesus is all you need to do. That's what I found out when I was experiencing a full attack.
I MUST TELL YOU FOLKS - I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO PREACH ... I just let my fingers do the walking. However it does seem to round out the original topic on a good note though.

if that were true then it would mean that there were factors OUTSIDE of gods control...which wouldnt exactly be all knowing all seeing would it lol.

So I think that there is a god and he/she/it knows all there is to know and what will be. Which also means that if there is a hell god already knows whos going....its like having seen a movie and then watching it again with your friends....you already know how it will end, but you stay quite and let them make their own conclusions about what will happen.

and like originally stated our senses and such are physical.....what I do have no idea about is our thoughts.....I believe we are more than the sum of our parts
We are tri-une beings Kurai. We ... our physical body is comprised of elements found in the earth (Our padlock to the realm of time). Our soul is the body shaped entity comprised of God's kingdom thoughts and fashioned after His own. Our spirit was a more intimate and precious gift which was imparted into us by overwelming love and holiness. That was lost to us once but is reclaimed through His generous and free giving. It's the Holy Spirit which when we take on by belief in Him which gives us a passport to Heaven. It's our ticket on the train bound for Glory (as the song goes.)
...and given on the scientific side that 60+ percent of the calculated matter and energy of the universe is unaccounted for leaves a lot to be explored in the realms of existence. (dark matter and dark energy)

It is a point of annoyance with a lot of folks that Christians seem to have all the answers.
I would venture the suggestion, that if we're honest - quite a few of the answers for the ones that stump you could just as well be ... I DON'T KNOW.

Last edited by NevillePark 05-25-2009 at 03:00:38 AM

05-25-2009 at 09:00:52 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

If i may make a few comments.I have read everyones answer on this subject of hell,and see that they are all your opinions.We all have opinions but what God says is what matters.For you to even talk about God,hell,and even the devil tells me you have either heard it from others or read a little Bible.Everything we know of God came from His word.Everything i believe as a christian comes from The Word of God.You either believe it all or none of it.You cant choose to believe some of it and not all of it, thats why you have so many arguements about what is real.Hell is real Jesus talked about it and said it is a place of torement.But you didnt read far enough.The final outcome for those in hell is the lake of fire completely different to hell.When you die you will either go to hell or heaven thats plain to see in Gods Word.The body left behind???Yes for we will receive a new body that is not corrupted.Nothing sinfull will ever enter into heaven.Hell and the lake of fire were created for the devil and his angels not for us.If you go there you choose to go there,About the blaspemy of the Holy Ghost??Simple,its rejecting Him, for without faith in Jesus Christ as your sacrifice for sin you will not be forgiven. Remember ALL manner of sin will be forgiven even cursing .Its funny how one wants to believe in the goodness of God but not the judgement of God.
One last comment about going to a light when you die.Too many movies...If i see it right the deacon Stephen in the book of acts when being stoned to death said he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father and gave up the ghost .As you will see i love the Word of God and all i have said comes from Gods Word and are not my opinions.If Gods Word is not true i have nothing to stand on .The life that i live i live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.Believe it like it is God said so.

05-25-2009 at 10:16:06 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

I have talk to someone a few years ago. He said he does not beleive in hell. I said to him well lets see. You beleive in H eaven. and you beleive obviously in the earth. by example. lets use electricity. We have the positive, the negtive, and, the ground. Heaven would be the positive. The earth is the ground. If there is no hell being the negtive where is the electricity. any questions contact me at dancing_eegle@yahoo.com

Last edited by Eagleman 05-25-2009 at 10:17:23 AM

05-25-2009 at 07:43:43 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

NevillePark, I LOVE reading your posts on this subject! they are extremely interesting and thought provoking. I like the way you present things, unlike my mother and all the other preachers I've encountered over the years. No, you don't come off as "preachy" at all. My mom, on the other hand, once she gets started on the subject, it's very uncomfortable because she doesn't take too kindly to any kind of questioning on things like this. As far as she's concerned, what's in the Bible is the pure truth and no one should question it. But I am a thinking human being, an intelligent human being, so YES, there are things that I naturally question and wonder about. What I AM curious about, however, is the full attack by "manifestations" that you underwent? Care to elaborate?

05-25-2009 at 07:45:16 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

And Neville Park, do you believe in life on other planets? Do you think it would be conceited of mankind to think we are the ONLY intelligent life in the entire universe, or do you think, after creating humans, God had an "Oops" moment and decided that we were going to be enough of a handful for him to look after?

05-25-2009 at 08:40:29 PM

Re: Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by wjc

If i may make a few comments.I have read everyones answer on this subject of hell,and see that they are all your opinions.We all have opinions but what God says is what matters.For you to even talk about God,hell,and even the devil tells me you have either heard it from others or read a little Bible.Everything we know of God came from His word.Everything i believe as a christian comes from The Word of God.You either believe it all or none of it.You cant choose to believe some of it and not all of it, thats why you have so many arguements about what is real.Hell is real Jesus talked about it and said it is a place of torement.But you didnt read far enough.The final outcome for those in hell is the lake of fire completely different to hell.When you die you will either go to hell or heaven thats plain to see in Gods Word.The body left behind???Yes for we will receive a new body that is not corrupted.Nothing sinfull will ever enter into heaven.Hell and the lake of fire were created for the devil and his angels not for us.If you go there you choose to go there,About the blaspemy of the Holy Ghost??Simple,its rejecting Him, for without faith in Jesus Christ as your sacrifice for sin you will not be forgiven. Remember ALL manner of sin will be forgiven even cursing .Its funny how one wants to believe in the goodness of God but not the judgement of God.
One last comment about going to a light when you die.Too many movies...If i see it right the deacon Stephen in the book of acts when being stoned to death said he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father and gave up the ghost .As you will see i love the Word of God and all i have said comes from Gods Word and are not my opinions.If Gods Word is not true i have nothing to stand on .The life that i live i live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.Believe it like it is God said so.

WELL said brother or sister in Christ,you get an aman from me
May God bless you and continue to shed his Grace upon you

Last edited by denraybou 05-25-2009 at 08:50:48 PM

05-25-2009 at 10:55:02 PM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Originally Posted by Alexgrey

When we die, our bodies are left behind, correct?
That means that our senses are no longer the tools
we use for vision, awareness, and feeling. I'm not denying
the very existence of Hell, but I do question the concept of
it being some horrible, unforgiving physical place with
curses, unbreakable laws, and unthinkable apathy.
As we die, we are said to "go to the light." The only thing
we can concentrate on while dying is going to the light,
so how can we have a choice? It's the only thing we're even
aware of at the moment, as far as I've read. So someone say
something. How can macabre visions of being chained up in
a fiery well-like furnace, in an abyss of darkness, which can't
be, considering the glow from the aforementioned flames, being
raped or such by demons or having the flesh rend from your body
and instantly heal again... how can that be an accurate depiction
of what true Hell is? We say our days have been hell, but in reality,
it just didn't go our way. It was uncomfortable, miserable, unplanned,
and just not fair. Regardless of books you read, I believe God has
a different plan for those who defy his word and live for themselves.
I don't believe the creator of all has enough empathy nor apathy for
the concept of a live-action Hell. Dungeon of fiery, eternal despair
and torment. I don't believe the concept to be as solid as it sounds,
even if it's in another dimension or on the astral plane.

About that comment, "I don't believe the creator of all has enough empathy
nor apathy for the concept of a live-action Hell" was over the top. I meant
that He knows that Hell as we know it is NOT productive, and there is no
lesson to be learned from it. God is about judgment and redemption, I think,
not torment and sadism.

By the way, this face is the creepiest emoticon I've ever seen: vampire

05-26-2009 at 12:40:27 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?


To find out how we have a choice and why God can send us to hell which is in no way what people think,go to your bible and read about the three resurrection's we have to go threw.The resurrection of life(john 5;29)the resurrection of condemnation(John 5;25, 28-29)Then the final resurrection the great white throne judgement(Revalation 20;11, 20;5)If you are not living for God now you will only go threw 1 the final resurrection,As far as death trust me you dont get called to any light as jesus said the dead know nothing when you are dead your dead,not floating aound in heaven or burning in hell!The reason's I gave you the scriptures is because,jesus said the scripture CAN NOT BE BROKEN(John10:35)And no hell is not how you decribe if we are condemend you will be cast in the lake of fire once your body is burned its like you never where.You don't just relive it and your not raped by demon's. I don't know your reliogn but,what I have given you is God's word's. As jesus said unto his disciples, I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming,and he has nothing in me (John14:30),And,as the Apostle John wrote the true christians of his day:We know that we are of god, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one(1 John5:19)And God said he who denies my son I deny you and you can never enter his gates,And you never doubt or blaspheme the Holy Ghost for this to there is no forgivness.I hope this help's you understand more if you choose to see the truth but ,as we know that's on you. Good luck I wish you the best. smile

Last edited by shannon 05-26-2009 at 02:00:04 AM

05-26-2009 at 04:32:42 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

Hell will exist. If there is an eternity in a form of beloved and in a form of blotting away, Hell will exist. I believe that many people you think wouldnt go to hell are actually going, some by there own way, some unwillingly are going to hell, pulled by there ears. I believe there is a time of torment where good and evil coincide and where foolery is breathed throughout the air in heaping gulfs. If the earth is a gateway of lifeform and a coexistance of heaven and hell. Then believe they are intertwined and seperated in realms beyond knowledge. There is assumingly nine rings of hell and it is assumed that everyone at one encouragable span of time reaches the very depths of the all consuming. It is said that Lucifer is as the most high God, supreme and full of glory that no man can ascertain, even to the degree that he will fool all of humanity into believing that he is the messiah.

Hell isnt fire that burns your flesh away,maims you or deceives you, it is a place of torment and time, with your mind being the actual hell. Why do you think there was so much time put into making a casing or skull to protect the brain. The brain, its receptors, the senses are the beginning of hell, time add the torment and without knowledge hell is a concious state of frequency in a lone prism which flutters across the corrilating sky to create unending saga's that echo forth to futures that are beyond purity, beyond, cosmos and time. Places where forever the mind knowingly breeds Jealousy.

05-26-2009 at 05:35:33 AM

Re: Epiphany: How can one wind up in Hell?

I do believe in God- I do believe in 10 laws. The more I read, the more convinced I am that ... If you believe- try to follow 10 laws ( I say try because as humans, we all F up )
and ACT with love, you will be fine - I don't trust organized religion, because man made it, and then made all these new rules, that confuses man, and so the simple 10 laws now cause man to judge others - and - when we judge others - we loose sight of the 10 simple laws. We now claim - only one way to get to heaven is this, no, it's this, no, it's this . If you don't believe only one, is only son of God - your a goner. If you believe he is - wrong-the Messiah has not come yet. What! You don't follow Mohammad - call a jihad.

Thank you, Oh Great One, with 10,000.00 names,
For all the miracles I have had-
For all the love others have given me, by their actions.
For the gift of loving others by my actions.
For faith and hope in my beliefs.
For the strength to forgive others, and myself.
For giving me life.
For the gift in times of sorrow, not to loose faith.
For the gift of joy, and reminding me to be grateful.
For the comfort I feel with my belief.
For helping me to be colorblind.
And most of all, for giving me the gift of being a poet.


Oh yes,
And thank You for letting me be born in America
where I am allowed to believe with freedom.


Perhaps there is no Hell-some believe there isn't.
Perhaps there is no Heaven - no afterlife - some believe this.
Neither are atheists.
Both are religions.

I believe in a gut feeling, and I call it my soul.
It is known as an instinct.
And I think it is said, that in hindsight, it is never wrong.

But being only human, I might be mistaken.

There are many truths.
Better to be safe, than sorry.

I sure hope God,w/10,000.00 names is real, because
man - if He's not,

This is Hell!

red face

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.