Original Poetry Forums

Poem Critiques

09-18-2009 at 10:13:18 AM

Poem Critiques

This is a forum for posting your poems and requesting that people critique them, rather than leave generic comments. You can request they help you adjust your poem, help with grammar, fix spelling, structure problems, help you learn a new style of poetry, or really anything.

-Papa Paczki snake

09-18-2009 at 10:46:30 AM

Re: Poem Critiques

this sounds really interesting.

09-18-2009 at 11:35:07 AM

Re: Poem Critiques

Cool this will be a big help for lots, hey I could use this sometimes. Thanks papa.

09-21-2009 at 01:31:03 PM


Daddy Left
My daddy left home, a long time ago
He went somewhere, and said I couldn’t go
Mommy cried, when he left for that place
And before he left, he had tears on his face
I don’t really know where Daddy went
But I know his time is being well spent
Daddy’s going to be awhile, before he’ll be home
So I stay with mommy, so she’s not alone
Sometimes I watch Mommy, but she doesn’t see
That I can tell, when she misses Daddy
I know Daddy misses us too while he’s away
And I know for sure he’ll be home one day
He made me a promise, the day he had to leave
I was the only one that heard, and I believe
He’ll be back one day, and never leave us again
Then it’ll be me, Mommy, and Daddy again

09-21-2009 at 10:04:49 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

Thank you RH for your honesty and you are most correct. I enjoyed yours as well, the description was well placed and made it much easier to "feel" the cold snow and "see" the clouds. Your usage of metaphors seems veteran. Kudos.

My only issue is your flow. The way you have lines broke down makes it more difficult to get into the rhythm of a four-line sonnet. Punctuation would quickly solve this for me at least. For example:
"Where blue light illuminates
The icy shaded darkness,
I ask, where does this life end
And the fabric of the next one begin?"

09-28-2009 at 05:29:04 PM

We Are Not Alone

There once was a boy who recieved a ball and glove
The gift said,"Hope you like it" from us with love.
Everyone is gone, who will he show;
no mommy to catch and no daddy to throw
Then one day a man walked by,
He saw the tears in the little boys eyes
"Why the long frown?", he asked as he sat down
The boy replied,"I have nobody, not a single one."
The man replied,"I am here now, son."
That man was Jesus, and what do you know;
It just goes to show that we are not alone.

I would like to get some ideas on how to make this poem sound better. I feel the flow is off. I wrote this poem back in 2005. I had just started writing then. Please any constructive criticism is accepted. grin

09-28-2009 at 08:24:05 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

Yeah I want comments how to improve. smile

09-30-2009 at 08:51:53 AM

Re: Poem Critiques


God chose you for my angel
He knew you'd look over me.
He knew through good or bad
Like Him,you'd still love me.

You were always by my side
Through my joy and when I cried.
Through my sickness and my pain
You were there,nothing to gain.

Your love for me was true
Through your love,my love grew.
You taught me how to care
Even when others were unfair.

You had your own heartache and pain
But for me you left it behind.
You are my Angel from God
A beautiful heart,so giving and kind.

So always remember my sweet mama
That I will share your love.
I cherish all you've been to me
You are my Angel sent from above.

Linda Knight

09-30-2009 at 11:13:51 AM

Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by papapaczki

This is a forum for posting your poems and requesting that people critique them, rather than leave generic comments. You can request they help you adjust your poem, help with grammar, fix spelling, structure problems, help you learn a new style of poetry, or really anything.

-Papa Paczki snake

"The Man"

green leaves!
yellow leaves!
brown leaves!
that's the way
man lives!

09-30-2009 at 12:21:58 PM

Re: Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

Thank you RH for your honesty and you are most correct. I enjoyed yours as well, the description was well placed and made it much easier to "feel" the cold snow and "see" the clouds. Your usage of metaphors seems veteran. Kudos.

My only issue is your flow. The way you have lines broke down makes it more difficult to get into the rhythm of a four-line sonnet. Punctuation would quickly solve this for me at least. For example:
"Where blue light illuminates
The icy shaded darkness,
I ask, where does this life end
And the fabric of the next one begin?"


There is no such poetic genre as a "four-line sonnet". The sonnet( 0f Italian origin) invariably consists of fourteen lines. Each line normally contains not more than five iambic feet or ten syllables rhyming according to a pescribed scheme.
Less than ten syallables may be accepted , but is not the norm. In the Skakespearian Sonnet, the rhyming scheme falls into three quatrain or four-line units and a concluding coupet as follows: abab cdcd efef gg.
In the other type of sonnet called the Petrarchan Sonnet, the rhyming scheme is divided into one octaves ( of eight lines) and a sextet ( of six lines). The rhyming scheme is as follows: abba abba cdecde. The English Sonnet always ends in a couplet.

Last edited by cousinsoren 09-30-2009 at 01:19:32 PM

09-30-2009 at 01:08:54 PM

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Last edited by cousinsoren 12-25-2016 at 07:49:00 PM

09-30-2009 at 01:38:24 PM

Words From A Woman Named Word

I would appreciate all the feed back I can get. Thanks

A 'Plant' can be equated to many 'Situations' in life
When dealing with complexity, sometimes we grow quickly.....
Sometimes not.............
We can live indoors or pretend while living out
Or both simultaneously, I have no doubt
The bottom line is....
If love for'Either' in or out becomes displaced,
Love can feasibly, not necessarily easily, be replaced
Simply by pulling up the roots
And re-planting

Last edited by mjonesword 09-30-2009 at 01:39:03 PM

09-30-2009 at 01:43:03 PM


Through life we hear stories -Families torn apart
But can you be torn when you've never been a part?
Can we be close to people we've never known?
People with whom we've never grown?
People listed on a family tree, those of whom we never see
Family is more than just being born
Family is love and caring and scorn
Family is being there when one's in need
Family is more than planting a seed
Family, relationships filled with hope and zeal
Family is faith and promise surreal
It's really not something you stand and claim
Family must be mentored; It's more than a name
Through hope and obedience our promises come true
Our love is sincere in all that we do
We're not just a breed, a brood misconceived
We stand by each other in all we achieve
Devoted and loyal, observant, conserved
Only then is Family, a Family preserved
If believed what's been said
And what's been said feels true
Then Family we are, and Family is YOU!!!!!!!

10-04-2009 at 02:26:52 PM

Re: Re: "Daddy Left" LET ME KNOW PLEASE!

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

Daddy Left
My daddy left home, a long time ago
He went somewhere, and said I couldn’t go
Mommy cried, when he left for that place
And before he left, he had tears on his face
I don’t really know where Daddy went
But I know his time is being well spent
Daddy’s going to be awhile, before he’ll be home
So I stay with mommy, so she’s not alone
Sometimes I watch Mommy, but she doesn’t see
That I can tell, when she misses Daddy
I know Daddy misses us too while he’s away
And I know for sure he’ll be home one day
He made me a promise, the day he had to leave
I was the only one that heard, and I believe
He’ll be back one day, and never leave us again
Then it’ll be me, Mommy, and Daddy again

I have read this poem again and again, not because I am sentimental nor given to much emotion. I am neither. I have read it because of its almost childish simplicity, its perfect rhyming scheme, its metrical rhythm,,and its prosaic sincerity. It's a perfect little gem!

thanks cousin, i appreciate the correction on the sonnet. i have no schooling, only what i see and comprehend and decide to be true or false. also, thanks for the praise on "Daddy Left". That particular poem means a great deal to me and is most definetly one of my favorites. it is good to hear that it is appreciated, even to those who do not understand, or care about its deeper meaning.
thanks again, to every one who offers any constructive criticism ... or praise.

LGDisturb vampire

10-04-2009 at 02:28:53 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

this is a fairly rough draft, any ideas on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. i am learning so much from this site, especially this particular forum. thanks in advance.

The Angels Cry

With no wind, what does one see?
The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight
All is so still, could this be a dream?
Flags cannot flutter, laying wrinkled and unseen.
Kites controlled by children cannot soar,
And the waves cannot wash, footprints from the shore.
Chimes do not ring, seeds are not sewn.
Yet disaster cannot strike a family's home.
Tornadoes cannot tear trees from the ground
Hurricanes cannot flood, sirens do not sound
The rain falls straight down, pattering pavement
All seems well, almost Heaven sent
Yet waves cannot crash the shore
Chimes do not sing, flags flutter no more
The wind doesn't blow, so kites cannot fly
Maybe this is why, The Angels Cry

LGDisturb vampire

10-04-2009 at 05:07:10 PM

Re: Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

this is a fairly rough draft, any ideas on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. i am learning so much from this site, especially this particular forum. thanks in advance.

The Angels Cry

With no wind, what does one see?
The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight
All is so still, could this be a dream?
Flags cannot flutter, laying wrinkled and unseen.
Kites controlled by children cannot soar,
And the waves cannot wash, footprints from the shore.
Chimes do not ring, seeds are not sewn.
Yet disaster cannot strike a family's home.
Tornadoes cannot tear trees from the ground
Hurricanes cannot flood, sirens do not sound
The rain falls straight down, pattering pavement
All seems well, almost Heaven sent
Yet waves cannot crash the shore
Chimes do not sing, flags flutter no more
The wind doesn't blow, so kites cannot fly
Maybe this is why, The Angels Cry

LGDisturb vampire

L2-L4 this sounds like the grass, trees and rain are flying, but I think you mean only the rain. The pronoun "their" isn't specific.

The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight

Maybe (drops) end their flight? This might make it more specific. Just a thought.
Question (L5) how still is stillness? Is stillness any more still, by saying "so still" I don't think that the absence of sound can be decreased anymore at all, the pitch of stillness is the absence of sound. It looks like an unnecessary modifier.
This line is a winner to my heart (L7)
(Kites controlled by children cannot soar,)
I wonder about the need of the reiteration of the word chimes between lines: L9 & L16. I really don't see the need for the reiteration in the poem in any way. Maybe another sound would carry the message better if it were related to the images at either point in the poem. flapped flags or the silence of seeds might add some sort of depth to your total poem image as would any other sound; a another sound might add more, rather than the reiteration. The repetition doesn't offer much. I think you have some space to be more creative there.

Nice poem: I like the intent of angels as a whole crying. What would the powerful teardrops of Seraphim, the mightiest of all angels, feel like? Would it burn your skin off like acid? You bring home an interesting point with your use of Tornadoes and Hurricanes in your angels crying theme. Nice write. Not all angels are the sweet teardrops of Cherubim.

A poet friend
RH Peat

10-04-2009 at 05:08:11 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

This is a wonderful poem. I read it twice. It gave me a feeling of lost hope, of a lost world. I invisioned living on the Moon or Mars or somewhere.

10-06-2009 at 10:00:53 PM

Re: Re: Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by RHPeat

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

this is a fairly rough draft, any ideas on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. i am learning so much from this site, especially this particular forum. thanks in advance.

The Angels Cry

With no wind, what does one see?
The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight
All is so still, could this be a dream?
Flags cannot flutter, laying wrinkled and unseen.
Kites controlled by children cannot soar,
And the waves cannot wash, footprints from the shore.
Chimes do not ring, seeds are not sewn.
Yet disaster cannot strike a family's home.
Tornadoes cannot tear trees from the ground
Hurricanes cannot flood, sirens do not sound
The rain falls straight down, pattering pavement
All seems well, almost Heaven sent
Yet waves cannot crash the shore
Chimes do not sing, flags flutter no more
The wind doesn't blow, so kites cannot fly
Maybe this is why, The Angels Cry

LGDisturb vampire

L2-L4 this sounds like the grass, trees and rain are flying, but I think you mean only the rain. The pronoun "their" isn't specific.

The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight

Maybe (drops) end their flight? This might make it more specific. Just a thought.
Question (L5) how still is stillness? Is stillness any more still, by saying "so still" I don't think that the absence of sound can be decreased anymore at all, the pitch of stillness is the absence of sound. It looks like an unnecessary modifier.
This line is a winner to my heart (L7)
(Kites controlled by children cannot soar,)
I wonder about the need of the reiteration of the word chimes between lines: L9 & L16. I really don't see the need for the reiteration in the poem in any way. Maybe another sound would carry the message better if it were related to the images at either point in the poem. flapped flags or the silence of seeds might add some sort of depth to your total poem image as would any other sound; a another sound might add more, rather than the reiteration. The repetition doesn't offer much. I think you have some space to be more creative there.

Nice poem: I like the intent of angels as a whole crying. What would the powerful teardrops of Seraphim, the mightiest of all angels, feel like? Would it burn your skin off like acid? You bring home an interesting point with your use of Tornadoes and Hurricanes in your angels crying theme. Nice write. Not all angels are the sweet teardrops of Cherubim.

A poet friend
RH Peat

thank you RH, i found this very helpful. tho i must say in one line of defense. the usage of "so" was merely for rhythmatic purpose. i felt i could sacrifice a little grammatical error for a better flow. thank you again, very very helpful, as always.

10-06-2009 at 10:03:06 PM

Re: Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by gogant

Hey LG, your poem, Daddy Left, hit a bitter chord of my heart. When I was 8 years old, my Dad left my mother and us three kids behind. You have a nice poem here, for sure…And, The Angels Cry, is likened to a song by Bobby Bare and his son. The title is, Daddy, What If. You will find it on You tube if you like. Your poem has more than this in my opinion………gogant


thank you gogant. always a warm feeling to know someone understands and/or appreciates my writing, however grammatically incorrect it may be. thanks for the encouragement.

LG vampire

10-07-2009 at 01:38:00 AM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Poem Critiques

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

Originally Posted by RHPeat

Originally Posted by LGDisturb

this is a fairly rough draft, any ideas on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. i am learning so much from this site, especially this particular forum. thanks in advance.

The Angels Cry

With no wind, what does one see?
The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight
All is so still, could this be a dream?
Flags cannot flutter, laying wrinkled and unseen.
Kites controlled by children cannot soar,
And the waves cannot wash, footprints from the shore.
Chimes do not ring, seeds are not sewn.
Yet disaster cannot strike a family's home.
Tornadoes cannot tear trees from the ground
Hurricanes cannot flood, sirens do not sound
The rain falls straight down, pattering pavement
All seems well, almost Heaven sent
Yet waves cannot crash the shore
Chimes do not sing, flags flutter no more
The wind doesn't blow, so kites cannot fly
Maybe this is why, The Angels Cry

LGDisturb vampire

L2-L4 this sounds like the grass, trees and rain are flying, but I think you mean only the rain. The pronoun "their" isn't specific.

The grass holds steady as does the tree.
Rain is everlasting, falling day and night
Puttering gently, ending their flight

Maybe (drops) end their flight? This might make it more specific. Just a thought.
Question (L5) how still is stillness? Is stillness any more still, by saying "so still" I don't think that the absence of sound can be decreased anymore at all, the pitch of stillness is the absence of sound. It looks like an unnecessary modifier.
This line is a winner to my heart (L7)
(Kites controlled by children cannot soar,)
I wonder about the need of the reiteration of the word chimes between lines: L9 & L16. I really don't see the need for the reiteration in the poem in any way. Maybe another sound would carry the message better if it were related to the images at either point in the poem. flapped flags or the silence of seeds might add some sort of depth to your total poem image as would any other sound; a another sound might add more, rather than the reiteration. The repetition doesn't offer much. I think you have some space to be more creative there.

Nice poem: I like the intent of angels as a whole crying. What would the powerful teardrops of Seraphim, the mightiest of all angels, feel like? Would it burn your skin off like acid? You bring home an interesting point with your use of Tornadoes and Hurricanes in your angels crying theme. Nice write. Not all angels are the sweet teardrops of Cherubim.

A poet friend
RH Peat

thank you RH, i found this very helpful. tho i must say in one line of defense. the usage of "so" was merely for rhythmatic purpose. i felt i could sacrifice a little grammatical error for a better flow. thank you again, very very helpful, as always.

Try a one syllable verb that offers some depth to the rest of your intent. I think you should be able to find one that works for you and adds more to your poem as well. That way you'll keep your rhythm and add to the contextual flow. Like held still or laid still, I'm sure you can find a verb that actually fits your needs within the poem and heightens the awareness that you want. Just do a little word search.

A poet friend
RH Peat

10-09-2009 at 11:25:51 PM

Why Can't We

I'd appreciate feedback thanks! This is one of my first pieces! Here it is:

His smile sends my heart to gold
His laugh tempers my emotions from depression to hope
Though I love him how could he love me
We are as different as the land to sea
But of course there are similarities
Both host life, love and childhood
Both hold magic though very different magic the same
Both are simple but become amazing when we look at them right
So if land and sea can be together in some ways
Why can't we
If the sun and the moon can live together without destroying each other
Why can't we
Why and how are we so different from the simple charms of nature
If they can be together in harmony can you not see us apart of it
Many men and women are together no matter the differences
We may be young but why can't we
How different can we be to everything else when in the end we all come together in harmony
So when I dream of your smile and laughter tonight I hope you dream of what you an I can be
Then maybe it won't be just a dream

10-22-2009 at 02:27:47 AM

Re: Poem Critiques

I'd Like Some HONEST OPINIONS on my poetry, anyone interested in helping me improve, please check out my page/poems and let me know what you think.... I'll return the favor to all who do wink Thanks. All the best.


10-23-2009 at 02:22:53 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

Okay Marion, I'll take a look see.


10-23-2009 at 02:41:13 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

Yeah, it's me again, Marion. I read your poem, HAZE, and left this comment...

The words, of what seems like an angry lady, are too brutal. I am angry at lots of things...for instance, I get so angry when I catch the red light at an intersection where not one single car comes through...but not at life itself. This is written well, as a form of venting ones anger. I'm sure there are happy things though, that you could compose a poem to express your happiness about it. Try, for me.............................................gogant

oh oh

10-23-2009 at 02:43:05 PM

Re: Poem Critiques

I'd love to get HONEST feedback for my poems. If anyone's interested, check out my page/poems. Let me know what you think, I'll return the favor smile thanks.

All the best.


A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.