unsure ?


Poem Commentary

i'm not sure what 2 call it...........

unsure ?

my love is like the water, it never ends, my dreams are like tomorrow, it never comes, my heart is like a tree it grows w/ every thought of you. your the one who can make me cry and i can care less cause i love u that much. your the one who's love gets me through the day. your the only one who can break my heart and I'll still love you. my heart always will belong w/ you. you were my first love that i knew was true but then you told me it wouldn't work my heart torn all the way through my tears overfilled my eyes i no longer had control. you were my all that i never knew you were the one who brought the sun into my dark little world. all i ever dreamed of was u before i knew you i never dreamed before. my nights would b filled w/ sleep but then you came and my nights were filled w/ dreams and awareness, i never knew it would be so sweet falling for you. but now i lay here night after night my dreams shattered and the dark is back my heart is torn and all i'm left w/ is the memories that seem to be slipping away.

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

NeavaehRain’s Poems (7)

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unsure ? 0
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Inspiration from Carl Sanburg’s Grass 0
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