To a Special Mother


  • elaineas37
  • is feeling like God and Jesus on my side who can be against me

Poem Commentary

This was writen for my mother and I love her. It is also for all mother who were or trying to raise their children. The only father we knew was our heavenly Father.

To a Special Mother

Mother, words cannot express how I feel
About my mother and the love you build
You had many chooses you could have done
But instead you chose to raise each one

It was hard in the days we grew up
Trying to raise all seven of us
Sometimes you felt you were all alone
I think Jesus was there who sat on the throne

Yes I know we gave you heart aces and pain
But you stood by while we played life’s silly games
You know there was one man we could not defeat
Its was our Lord Jesus standing at our feet

I am sure you had a many sleepless nights
And not only when we were young but higher then a kite
You took care of our hurts and scares
And even at a distance when we were so far

Now that we are much older and wiser too
We can understand how you felt when you were in the blue
If this can bring some happiness and joy from the rest
Then count your many blessing mother you pass the test

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

elaineas37’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Cats, Dogs, Birds and Fishes 0
To a Special Mother 0
The Past is Healed but not Forgotten 1