The Past is Healed but not Forgotten


  • elaineas37
  • is feeling like God and Jesus on my side who can be against me

Poem Commentary

I wrote this poem in my life story as I grew up as a child. I got an A out of the class for CDS

The Past is Healed but not Forgotten

I do not dwell on the past because it is behind me

I look to the future because it is ahead of me

I chose to look at the good time in my life

Because it shows my weakness and fights


It has made me who I am today

I could not have done this alone no way

I had someone for me who was strong

He gave me the courage and strength so I could go on


Yes many friends and family were their too

So each one played an important part you know who

They open my eyes and touch my heart

Nevertheless, God gave me this beautiful start


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graceladymn commented on The Past is Healed but not Forgotten


Well put together, nice flow, content is excellent. Enjoyed reading it.



Thank you for your warm comment. I have many This is just one. I will try and read some of your poems soon

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

elaineas37’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Cats, Dogs, Birds and Fishes 0
To a Special Mother 0
The Past is Healed but not Forgotten 1