Play "in no sense" of the word


Play "in no sense" of the word

Play "in no sense" of the word

Believe in this!

Believe in that!

Why do we coerce little kids to do that

Why does it make sense to play on innocence

Wasting faith on what adults know is fake

So much emotion passion and unforgettable memories

All surrounding what’s make believe

Only at age 9 to turn them about face

In an attempt to stop the belief waste

Explaining to them that though they can’t see

him either it shouldn’t be odd for them to now

believe in God


Stirring their pots for belief in what’s not

Seems to me like the perfect basis

To move them toward becoming faithless


From whence comes the sense to play on innocence.

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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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GaryJonesHarris’s Poems (3)

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Title Comments
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