Factions at the "distraction" the case against the workplace.


Poem Commentary

With a "Master Plan" in place, you can escape the "Rat Race".


Factions at the "distraction" the case against the workplace.

Factions at the distraction

The Case against the work place

While at your 40 hour distraction

You must learn to perfect your reactions

to those who lack understanding, and have conniving intellect

These only seek to cause an effect

Such folly you must learn to deflect

The effects of these types are obviously toxic

Though some wish they would stop it

This has no affect on the mind of a gossip.

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Wesa commented on Factions at the "distraction" the case against the workplace.


I like this. Your anger and frustration comes through clearly. You'd have to check with someone who knows for sure, but I think "affect" in the last line should be "effect". Still, I like this one a lot.



Hi Wesa thanks for your comment. I think it can go either way affect or effect, both meaning change. http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/affect.html.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

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