Dine Sublime


Dine Sublime

Dine Sublime

Can you see them, can you see the signs.

You can see them in movies, commercials, and daily life, But the best way is to research ancient times.

Rest assured what you uncover will come under fire by cynical minds.

“The Word” (the sword of the spirit that is) I find, confirms and is supported by history of all kinds.

People, places, times, events, cultures, and civilizations, are all encoded within the lines.


Let the cynics remain with their thoughts maintained. On historical truth I encourage you to dine.

Historical truth is sublime.

Forward vision is incomplete hind-sight is where past and present meet.

Our society is now... however, true awareness occurs when one questions

“What was then ?”

Or “what happen when?”

Not just “what's happening now?”

So I encourage you dine sublime, and look behind, for what's behind always escapes the mind.

Taken from "The Book of Hai/Clue" by Gary Jones Harris to be released in 30 days.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

GaryJonesHarris’s Poems (3)

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Dine Sublime 0