RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by WordSlinger There is some fine teaching going on here, and some fine poetry written from The School of Poetry, I see more and more poets engaged in Street/Acedemics here, lol. So with the tools that I have so far, and have shared. I would like to see some great poetic videos, they are a pain in the donkey, but it's fun, a camera is the trick capturing original photo/shoots etc.. That's the key, I don't have one as of yet, because, I am not an Octopuss, but If I was there would be slinging everywhere, lol. I think OP is working on a section for OP 3.0 for us. I shoot them an idea, so give Pac-Man some time. The codex net stuff is a whole lingo itself, lol Do you all remember C+ is school, lol, I do and don't, but that is the back bone. Ok when you or anyone sets up a youtube id, add me so I know. There are other poets as well on my site that will help, just introduce yourself, and check out there work. Enjoy, WS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hey , John, View Mutaburaka's poetic video. I agree with what you are saying about poetic video. I should like to attempt some of my own, but juat now, I haven't the time. I also need to learn about "animo" which seems very dynamic and "vervy." Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 02:16:01 PM |
RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl Originally Posted by Rafiqam Dear Caster! Unfortunately, before posting by Wordslinger I have had not encountered any classification as street poets and academic poets. To me it sounds that this classification may be done on the basis of formal education. Those who did not pass through the course of college/university level education may be placed in Class 1 and those who had in Class 2. As I have not read much about the history of English and American poets, it is better to quote some examples from the East. Street Poets: I agree with you that they are better critics of life around and add that they analyse environment through love and vision..Their message is sound and universal. Examples: Baba Bulley Shah Shah Hussain, Rehman Baba Sachal Sarmast Baba Fareed Shakar Ganj and many others Academic Poets: I agree that they are concept oriented and write in a more systematic way because they are well equpped with the academic tools. Their poetry better qualifies on the basis of set rules. Examples: Dr. M. Iqbal (PhD) Faiz Ahmad Faiz (Master) NM Rashad (Master) Ahmad Faraz (Master) and many others As far I am concerned , i have an equal appreciation for both hiya Rafiqam..please don't think me just a dummy, but can you tell me what the title (Master) refers to on the acedemic poets examples you listed. I can understand other titles like PhD but I don't recall ever seeing that title (Master) used...Course I am a poet without all that formal education that has been spoken about in this topic......thanks just curious..... asha @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Asha, visit my opinion on the futility and frustration of attempting to pigeon-hole poetry into categories. Rest assured that only poets, critics, audiences and readers can be categorized, never poetry..................... Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 02:27:55 PM |
RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by EinStud Money is the equalizer. Who makes more? Street poets or Academic poets? Originally Posted by Madelynn I think this is a valid topic. I do. Not because Im taking sides on the matter- but because this question has been raised throughout writing history where poetry, and music- are concerned. Without this question 'free verse' wouldnt exist. I also believe to comment 'the poem is either good or bad'- is ridiculous, without addressing this topic. Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art. I am an uneducated poet. Am I still a poet- I think so, because I express my spirit through writing-does everyone agree, probably not.. but there is definately more to writing then.. it's either 'good or bad'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. I believe this hold true with poetry as well. -ps- I do want to add (in my opinion) if street poets, grew academically in the genre they love- they can only get better at there skills. We all have room to grow and learn in this art. To me both sttreet and academic, are equal.. but I got a soft spot for the educated pieces- just me.. smiles, Maddi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You are preaching the same Gospel on the same pulpit, as myself.........LOL Allelluiah! Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 01:49:31 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets I DEFEND THE RIGHT TO WRITE AS YOU WILL, Quote:
Originally Posted by CorinthiaSugar I agree with everyone of you, as some of the work of Shakespeare contained merely language of the time. That's just an example, even though he was educated. It can be said by many poets of previous centurys. Every poet here that I have read are original to me, a few of you I haven't read. I believe that the 'best' poets out there (those who manage to be original yet fluent) can be a combination of two. Writing about life experiences, however using complex lexicons and ambiguity to create an original set of poetry. CS Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 08:39:34 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by kabbalistic Street poets vs. academic poets? Let me put this little "house of cards" to the test! Here is a piece that I have just crafted and posted. Could any of you please tell me if this is "street", or "academic" poetry? A Very Boring Love Story This is a type of love story Not just any other love story A very boring love story A tedious snoozer of a love story fleshed out over frozen distance. So he calls his love who seems to be so strange, stranger and strangest on the other side; He wants to know what's wrong in this very boring love story. "I was with someone last night and had sex but not with you. I cannot tell you who, but I was not faithful and partied with sex, drugs and rock and roll." She's finally done and he ponders with hippo like silence that grows ever more obese; "Tell me, the person who you were with, Do you want to be with him?" A surprise question, the instant answer; "No, I want to be with you." His answer; "OK then. Case closed." On to the next subject as this bombshell dissipates into welcome Canadian air. Oh yes this is a love story A very boring love story bereft of drama and devoid of histrionics like "Why have you done this to ME?!" as the daytime audence jeers and hoots and howls...I told you this was not just another love story, but a true, ever living love story of special, deep kiddusha...it is time to wake up! (Lovingly dedicated to my late Canadian Princess who, even though was the most glorious angel that God had ever created, was definitely NOT a saint, and that's just fine by me! I miss her more than words can ever hope to express.) KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Weep not for the dead, Since the dead cannot weep with you. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by kabbalistic Street poets vs. academic poets? Let me put this little "house of cards" to the test! Here is a piece that I have just crafted and posted. Could any of you please tell me if this is "street", or "academic" poetry? A Very Boring Love Story This is a type of love story Not just any other love story A very boring love story A tedious snoozer of a love story fleshed out over frozen distance. So he calls his love who seems to be so strange, stranger and strangest on the other side; He wants to know what's wrong in this very boring love story. "I was with someone last night and had sex but not with you. I cannot tell you who, but I was not faithful and partied with sex, drugs and rock and roll." She's finally done and he ponders with hippo like silence that grows ever more obese; "Tell me, the person who you were with, Do you want to be with him?" A surprise question, the instant answer; "No, I want to be with you." His answer; "OK then. Case closed." On to the next subject as this bombshell dissipates into welcome Canadian air. Oh yes this is a love story A very boring love story bereft of drama and devoid of histrionics like "Why have you done this to ME?!" as the daytime audence jeers and hoots and howls...I told you this was not just another love story, but a true, ever living love story of special, deep kiddusha...it is time to wake up! (Lovingly dedicated to my late Canadian Princess who, even though was the most glorious angel that God had ever created, was definitely NOT a saint, and that's just fine by me! I miss her more than words can ever hope to express.) KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Weep not for the dead, Since the dead cannot weep with you. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by Londo Not wanting to offend anyone, I offer the following, all in good fun: I find I must agree with Richard This debate topic is for the birds Why pit two camps against each other In a battle of many words Although, if I were forced to choose A side in the war on words I’d call myself a lyric-street poet That hangs around with nerds More of an engineering mindset Read Poe’s short stories once, for fun But I wasn’t graded on it No A- when I was done I don’t know what iambic means Nor do I really care Pentameter, tetrameter They don’t matter, so there! I’ve never studied the classics Shakespeare, Frost, nor Kipling Upon the road less traveled I found the journey somewhat crippling “Can’t we all just get along?” As Rodney King once asked it Don’t get your panties in a bunch And run around all spastic So I’ll leave you with a thought For all my poetic sisters and brothers Write for the pleasure of writing But share it for the pleasure of others -Londo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Although I am academic, Londo, we are preaching the same Gospel from the same pu;pit........................ |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsI DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO WRITE AS YOU WILL Originally Posted by BDIsernhagen
well, I guess my catalog speaks for itself. Although I have been more than inspired by Jim Morrison (I own 2 of his books and his spoken word albums) and Bob Dylan, I guess I am more of an acedmic, with my chief influences being YEATS and Poe. I seem to respon better to more "acedemic" poems. Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 08:30:22 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by ccslim Untraditional is a very catchy phrase and I dig it wOOt slim aka Mr. untraditional lol sorry a blinding moment of transparent bull.. But imagine life without those who break the rules. I can't nor will I. hehehe like I am untraditional by learning to correlate the King's English into poetry of some sort. To be a poet of today one must break rules set forth by presiding phd's and master's of Literature for one reason and that is to be different than them. imaGine that! My writing by far can't be used to illustrate proper technique but can be used for effort. Simple math is to keep trying past the negative and positive tho lying critiques. I still stand as I say trash can bards + stale English = 21st century poets. If that is a dis then so be it! Advise is to get head out of trashed and write fresh. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I defend your right to write as you will. But harsh and unjust though it may seem, Criticism makes poets famous. Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 08:32:06 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by ginga My oh my this subject crosses my mind frequently. What genre or type of poet am I? It seems I do not have an entirely traditional style, yet that is my first love from elementary and high school. As far as street poetry, I admire the fast melodic beat, the undulating delivery of the voice, the often dramatic theatrical delivery and all is spoken is memorized notread off a paper like I read. I respect those street poets cause they have it all over me as far as guts and ego. Then there's the songwriter's style which I certainly can relate to and have written but the nature poet seems to suit me well, is a genre I aspire to and am successful with. I guess I fall in between traditional and singer/songwriter. My poetic prowess for street poetry, rap, and dark poetry has not been tapped yet. And as far as the collegiate abstraxct poetry, as much as I admire the poems I read in my "Poetry" monthly subscription (hard copy), they are often a bit too avant gard for my taste, yet noble and extremely cerebral just the same. I am truly a fan of Thoreau, Dickinson, Poe, Whitman, Frost, Rumi, Cullen Bryant.But when I yearn for abstract I trurn to Plath and Hughes. Often a novel written in creative writing can inspire me or a few haiku. Or I sit doen and read fellow 20-21st century poets chapbooks and all of you I have read thus far here on OP. I guess I fall somewhere in the middle of the poetry genre melting pot. Cheers and Happy 4th!! ginga %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I defend your right to write as you will. Harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous. Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 09:18:09 AM |
RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by EinStud Money is the equalizer. Who makes more? Street poets or Academic poets? Originally Posted by Madelynn I think this is a valid topic. I do. Not because Im taking sides on the matter- but because this question has been raised throughout writing history where poetry, and music- are concerned. Without this question 'free verse' wouldnt exist. I also believe to comment 'the poem is either good or bad'- is ridiculous, without addressing this topic. Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art. I am an uneducated poet. Am I still a poet- I think so, because I express my spirit through writing-does everyone agree, probably not.. but there is definately more to writing then.. it's either 'good or bad'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. I believe this hold true with poetry as well. -ps- I do want to add (in my opinion) if street poets, grew academically in the genre they love- they can only get better at there skills. We all have room to grow and learn in this art. To me both sttreet and academic, are equal.. but I got a soft spot for the educated pieces- just me.. smiles, Maddi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I defend your right to write as you will. But harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous, . Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 10:24:45 AM |
RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by EinStud Money is the equalizer. Who makes more? Street poets or Academic poets? Originally Posted by Madelynn I think this is a valid topic. I do. Not because Im taking sides on the matter- but because this question has been raised throughout writing history where poetry, and music- are concerned. Without this question 'free verse' wouldnt exist. I also believe to comment 'the poem is either good or bad'- is ridiculous, without addressing this topic. Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art. I am an uneducated poet. Am I still a poet- I think so, because I express my spirit through writing-does everyone agree, probably not.. but there is definately more to writing then.. it's either 'good or bad'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. I believe this hold true with poetry as well. -ps- I do want to add (in my opinion) if street poets, grew academically in the genre they love- they can only get better at there skills. We all have room to grow and learn in this art. To me both sttreet and academic, are equal.. but I got a soft spot for the educated pieces- just me.. smiles, Maddi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I defend your right to write as you will. Harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes real poets famous, . |
RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by EinStud Money is the equalizer. Who makes more? Street poets or Academic poets? Originally Posted by Madelynn I think this is a valid topic. I do. Not because Im taking sides on the matter- but because this question has been raised throughout writing history where poetry, and music- are concerned. Without this question 'free verse' wouldnt exist. I also believe to comment 'the poem is either good or bad'- is ridiculous, without addressing this topic. Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art. I am an uneducated poet. Am I still a poet- I think so, because I express my spirit through writing-does everyone agree, probably not.. but there is definately more to writing then.. it's either 'good or bad'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. I believe this hold true with poetry as well. -ps- I do want to add (in my opinion) if street poets, grew academically in the genre they love- they can only get better at there skills. We all have room to grow and learn in this art. To me both sttreet and academic, are equal.. but I got a soft spot for the educated pieces- just me.. smiles, Maddi @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I defend your right to write as you will. Harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous, . Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 07:49:52 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by angel33614 What an excellent topic! I think there is a good argument on both sides. While academic poetry is much more structured I find that many poets get lost in the use of language, to the extent they hide the expression of the poem so deep within they sybombolic word that many never really see the meaning at all. Personally I love this type of writing because I love the challenge of the riddle, but for the average reader I think much gets lost in the translation. If the reader has to spend all his/her time trying to understand the laguage used than at what point do they have time to really feel the emotion of the poem? Don't get me wrong I love nothing more than just sit down with a good poem and just read it over and over till the message become clear in my mind, but really how many people take the time? And if the message of the poem is lost in the riddle than what is the point? Also many poets trying to write poetry use the language of poetry in rhyme and meter but lose the very essence of what makes a good poem. Street poets on the other hand use much more free verse and the language tends to be more common place and easier to understand. While academic poetry is built in riddles and hidden in symbolism street poets tend to be very blunt and the message is much easier to see. This type of poetry also tends to be filled with raw emotion and feeling. I personally think a good modern day poet finds him/herself somewhere in the middle. the true power of poetry is the ability of a poem to become more than just the words on a page but to transend the written word and to create something much more meaningful. True poetry is the window to one's heart and soul, it allows others to see through your eyes, to feel the emotion as you felt it, to walk for a moment in time in another shoes. It gives the reader the opportunity to gain persepective on the world and those around them and to selfreflect that prosoective on them selves. It allows for a looking glass relfection. As one gains perspective it allows one to truely grow. This in my opinion is the true power of poetry, whether it be a street poet or an academic one if the poem allows the reader an avenue to such a relaization than the poem has done its job well. Just my own rambling thoughts, perhaps I see, perhaps I am blind... Purity of the soul, journey well!!!! Angel aka Poem Buster. *********************************************************************************************************** Angel. You and I are preaching the same Gospel I defend the right to write as you will, But harsh and unjust though it may seem, Criticism makes poets famous. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by angel33614 What an excellent topic! I think there is a good argument on both sides. While academic poetry is much more structured I find that many poets get lost in the use of language, to the extent they hide the expression of the poem so deep within they sybombolic word that many never really see the meaning at all. Personally I love this type of writing because I love the challenge of the riddle, but for the average reader I think much gets lost in the translation. If the reader has to spend all his/her time trying to understand the laguage used than at what point do they have time to really feel the emotion of the poem? Don't get me wrong I love nothing more than just sit down with a good poem and just read it over and over till the message become clear in my mind, but really how many people take the time? And if the message of the poem is lost in the riddle than what is the point? Also many poets trying to write poetry use the language of poetry in rhyme and meter but lose the very essence of what makes a good poem. Street poets on the other hand use much more free verse and the language tends to be more common place and easier to understand. While academic poetry is built in riddles and hidden in symbolism street poets tend to be very blunt and the message is much easier to see. This type of poetry also tends to be filled with raw emotion and feeling. I personally think a good modern day poet finds him/herself somewhere in the middle. the true power of poetry is the ability of a poem to become more than just the words on a page but to transend the written word and to create something much more meaningful. True poetry is the window to one's heart and soul, it allows others to see through your eyes, to feel the emotion as you felt it, to walk for a moment in time in another shoes. It gives the reader the opportunity to gain persepective on the world and those around them and to selfreflect that prosoective on them selves. It allows for a looking glass relfection. As one gains perspective it allows one to truely grow. This in my opinion is the true power of poetry, whether it be a street poet or an academic one if the poem allows the reader an avenue to such a relaization than the poem has done its job well. Just my own rambling thoughts, perhaps I see, perhaps I am blind... Purity of the soul, journey well!!!! Angel aka Poem Buster. *********************************************************************************************************** Angel. You and I are preaching the same Gospel I defend the right to write as you will, But harsh and unjust though it may seem, Criticism makes poets famous. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote:
Originally Posted by inkmaster Wow, deep thought going on here actually putting ones thoughts and heart felt emotions into classes!! Poetry is a extention of the soul does it really matter where the person gets there inspiration?? Some write from the heart, some poets write from life does it really matter as long as you reach one person in your poetic quest. you havei made a difference!! Most poets write like broken toasters some days it comes out dark some days it comes out light it really depends on the electricty that you are plugged into! The street poet has the street smarts to at least try, while the educated poet has to write for there ego. Putting a poet into a class is BS as long as there is expression in the verse, and heart, each has as made a effort to express themselfs for another to read out of a personal portfolio of thoughts, soul, heart, and experience!! Inkmaster~[/quo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I[b] defend the right to write as you will, But harsh and unjust though it may seem . Criticism makes poets famous. [/b] |
RE: RE: Stumbling Stone Removal SystemQuote: Originally Posted by RHPeat Originally Posted by WordSlinger I really like what all is going on in this thread, all Teachers here, poets/friends at the great table of poetry, discussing the infrastructure of poetry every one of you are amazing 21st Century poets, We the Poets, need to make the youth our priority, They are the heart of poetry Our title is meaningless without this There is only one way, and that is the Write-way They should be heard, along with being seen Some one please pass the turnip greens.... WS Arise Gifted Poet Arise! Arise gifted poet as a flaming bird from the ashes of your estate, an estate in the moment as eternity. Lift, lift, lift— above the trees of shady time. Soar above the hills of your newly found home to grasp the clouds. Sing the voice of the present wrapped in your grief. Uplift your eyes, Uplift them; let them walk through the cumulous white sky— Frame by frame in flames—a music in the making fixed with that new freed song standing before you in the mirrored self. To lastly alight in your present dream still discovering you. Land, land now on the laden fruit tree in the orchard where life's abundant fruition fruits forth with it's full roundness and sweet meat upon the tongue. Feel the drips of newly bitten flesh slide down your cheeks. Leave only, only the core attached to the stem. For without knowing your words, your breaths, you have become— Become liberated from the cage of that ancient heart wood. You've changed. © RH Peat 5/31/2010 10:56Pm From free verse. 25 lines. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I defend the right to write as you will,. But harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous. |
RE: RE: Stumbling Stone Removal SystemQuote: Originally Posted by RHPeat Originally Posted by WordSlinger I really like what all is going on in this thread, all Teachers here, poets/friends at the great table of poetry, discussing the infrastructure of poetry every one of you are amazing 21st Century poets, We the Poets, need to make the youth our priority, They are the heart of poetry Our title is meaningless without this There is only one way, and that is the Write-way They should be heard, along with being seen Some one please pass the turnip greens.... WS Arise Gifted Poet Arise! Arise gifted poet as a flaming bird from the ashes of your estate, an estate in the moment as eternity. Lift, lift, lift— above the trees of shady time. Soar above the hills of your newly found home to grasp the clouds. Sing the voice of the present wrapped in your grief. Uplift your eyes, Uplift them; let them walk through the cumulous white sky— Frame by frame in flames—a music in the making fixed with that new freed song standing before you in the mirrored self. To lastly alight in your present dream still discovering you. Land, land now on the laden fruit tree in the orchard where life's abundant fruition fruits forth with it's full roundness and sweet meat upon the tongue. Feel the drips of newly bitten flesh slide down your cheeks. Leave only, only the core attached to the stem. For without knowing your words, your breaths, you have become— Become liberated from the cage of that ancient heart wood. You've changed. © RH Peat 5/31/2010 10:56Pm From free verse. 25 lines. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I defend the right to write as you will,. But harsh and unjust though it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by Artie kabbalistic you make some excellent points. I read both pieces, and thought both are well written and entertaining. As far as knowing which catagory they fall in, I'm clueless lol! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Defend your right to write as you will. But harsh and unjust it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous. |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by Artie kabbalistic you make some excellent points. I read both pieces, and thought both are well written and entertaining. As far as knowing which catagory they fall in, I'm clueless lol! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Defend your right to write as you will. But harsh and unjust it may seem. Criticism makes poets famous. Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 08:14:54 AM |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by kabbalistic OK, I'll make it a little easier! Take your pick; "street" or "academic"? Are those the only two options that we're left with? How about "hybrid" poetry? How about "avante-garde" poetics? How about "beat" poetry? Does anyone want me to start a thread so we can explore these different influences? Would the other fine instructors be willing to collaborate with me on such an undertaking? Requiem For An A**hole "Some people just plain suck..." observes the zit popping oracle as we contemplate how to best eulogize the Sons of Belial. Ah, such a formidable task as, musing, we compare how easy it is whenever the righteous die as we can justly mourn their passing-but whenever scumbags are dispatched to those piney woods-how say we? It is easier to perform auto falatio then to eulogize a douchebag- undeserved elogy and lying praise are like a million fingers on the blackboard and/or a penis on a cow. My eulogy to the grieving widow (also a family member): "Today, we sadly mourn the passing of your philandering, drug dealing, goatf**ker husband who treated you and your family with contemptuous disrespect-who even stuck a pistol in your uncle's (my Dad's) belly for no apparent reason. However, we are here to honor the memory of the dearly departed... Let us then consider the a**hole...it takes all kinds, square ones, round ones, dark ones, greasy ones-we have come together in order to celebrate the amazing diversity and are so grateful that the dearly departed was such a prominent member of this illustrious universal brotherhood. How could we possibly have 'Immodium' without one such as our dearly departed brother?" It is so hard to eulogize an a**hole...what a connundrum! I wouldn't have this problem if the sonofab*tch had never been born. Rest in peace, d**khead! Addition by Subtraction. Amen. Question: Is there "academic" language in this piece? Is there "wise-ass", "edgy" language? Which is more prominent? Do they balance? Do they blend, or do they clash? How about the metaphors? Are they fresh? Is there sarcasm? How about the modifiers? Is there epiphany? Is there a "hook"? Is the message clear? I |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by kabbalistic OK, I'll make it a little easier! Take your pick; "street" or "academic"? Are those the only two options that we're left with? How about "hybrid" poetry? How about "avante-garde" poetics? How about "beat" poetry? Does anyone want me to start a thread so we can explore these different influences? Would the other fine instructors be willing to collaborate with me on such an undertaking? Requiem For An A**hole "Some people just plain suck..." observes the zit popping oracle as we contemplate how to best eulogize the Sons of Belial. Ah, such a formidable task as, musing, we compare how easy it is whenever the righteous die as we can justly mourn their passing-but whenever scumbags are dispatched to those piney woods-how say we? It is easier to perform auto falatio then to eulogize a douchebag- undeserved elogy and lying praise are like a million fingers on the blackboard and/or a penis on a cow. My eulogy to the grieving widow (also a family member): "Today, we sadly mourn the passing of your philandering, drug dealing, goatf**ker husband who treated you and your family with contemptuous disrespect-who even stuck a pistol in your uncle's (my Dad's) belly for no apparent reason. However, we are here to honor the memory of the dearly departed... Let us then consider the a**hole...it takes all kinds, square ones, round ones, dark ones, greasy ones-we have come together in order to celebrate the amazing diversity and are so grateful that the dearly departed was such a prominent member of this illustrious universal brotherhood. How could we possibly have 'Immodium' without one such as our dearly departed brother?" It is so hard to eulogize an a**hole...what a connundrum! I wouldn't have this problem if the sonofab*tch had never been born. Rest in peace, d**khead! Addition by Subtraction. Amen. Question: Is there "academic" language in this piece? Is there "wise-ass", "edgy" language? Which is more prominent? Do they balance? Do they blend, or do they clash? How about the metaphors? Are they fresh? Is there sarcasm? How about the modifiers? Is there epiphany? Is there a "hook"? Is the message clear? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I |
RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsHey cousin darling, would you stop already posting the same picture over and over in every post, come one my friend you are flooding my email........I love your responses to other peoples comments but this one is getting to be a bit much........still loves ya though.........Namaste.......asha |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by rsalassi Well, now that everyone seems to be in agreement with me, and since we've all kissed and made up, I would be the last one to say, "There, I was right all along!" Instead, let me suggest merely and most humbly, let's now drop this nonsense, and get about our business of penning poems that uplift the human spirit, tickle the shit (oooppps, sorry, I meant to say funny bone), and inspire a better tomorrow in us all! *********************************************************************************************************** |
RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poetsQuote: Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl Hey cousin darling, would you stop already posting the same picture over and over in every post, come one my friend you are flooding my email........I love your responses to other peoples comments but this one is getting to be a bit much........still loves ya though.........Namaste.......asha $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I hear you , Baby, I am waking some who have fallen asleep or are in the doldrums...... i WAS JUST ABOUT TO SHOUT. "The end ! Curtains! " Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 12:59:37 PM |
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.