Original Poetry Forums

Street poets VS. Academic poets

11-06-2010 at 08:45:12 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

is a poet with 4 wheel drive, so lets go for a ride.

I have written (self taught) Poetry since 15 October 1987, until recently
I am studying the greats, and have started the School here on OP.
I have rounded up the teachers via the net. Kabbalistic, RHPeat,
Neville, Oren, Thought Caster, Balladeer, Rhafam. I only done this to add to our
tool box( training), my fellow citizens here on OP.
Don't worry, I won't loose the old school WordSlinger feel.
I just want to add more to the 21st Century deal, lol

I create poems in all genres so don't trip!....

I have to take the road that Bruce Lee took towards the Martial Arts, as an
Analogy here. Like Water; I take the Literature Arts of Poetry.
In the beginning I used free verse, swift rhyming, lyrical, rap-groove verse.
With definition and aggression. Now I try deferent systems , in all genres, as always,
And put them to my personal use, furthermore put to use what is useful when needed,
and reject what I dont need at the time for a specific write. Using no specific way is the way,
I am the way I write, but keeping in mind, the tools at hand. No limitations as the limitation.
With all poetry styles ( trapping, and grabbing )-(Mind locks-Heart locks-Spiritual locks-)
Honestly expressing ones self is difficult to do: The Poet, the creating individual is always
more important than any style or system. Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless,
And add to what is your own. I write my own interpretation of poetry. Concepts behind concepts.
Dedicating to creating creative new-original thoughts, and poetry. Like I write with one hand, but if I could write with the other, at the same time, a different poem, that would be to break boundaries.
As asking multi-tasking: Poetry styles separate poets. Style is a continuous growth.
Poetry skills/tools are weapons and you have to use all of them, to incorporate all styles.
(Move all parts of your poetry) Put everything into it, all energy. Rest then progress.
A true poet is constantly growing, and when he or she are bound by a set of styles,
or a way of doing things, thats when he stops growing.
To reach a reader you have to move to them, advance, and retreat- advance retreat, furthermore slide and step back, push, and push back, circle them
( put the reader on defense),and close them in, and hit them with the best closure.
Poetry is like water, flexible, it has to go somewhere.

Currently I am here, studying your American Poetry Past and Present Class:
This study thread is amazing with Highlighted notes, impressive book.


You and I, John Wordslinger, are preaching the same gospel, from the same pulpit. My obvious shortcoming is, I cannot write street poetry simply because I am an academic. However, I shall quarrel with no one who claims that some of my poetry is street poetry...................LOL

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 08:46:45 AM

11-06-2010 at 08:53:00 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by rsalassi

I find the questions you pose to be simply bullshit. Street poets? Academic poets?
Bullshit!! Poetry cannot be divided into camps as warring factions pitted against each other. Now there's good poetry and, well, the not so good. I find your position demeaning to all poets, regardless of what you consider yourself!


You speak harshly and strongly here ,My Friend. I go beyond what you say to declare there is no good nor bad poetry, but good and bad poets, good and bad critics, good and bad audiences. Similiarly. there is no such as academic poetry nor street poetry, only academic and street poets and so on. .....LOL

11-06-2010 at 09:00:57 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Madelynn

I think this is a valid topic. I do. Not because Im taking sides on the matter- but because this question has been raised throughout writing history where poetry, and music- are concerned. Without this question 'free verse' wouldnt exist.
I also believe to comment 'the poem is either good or bad'- is ridiculous, without addressing this topic.

Whether the piece is good or bad- depends on the reader- their 'opinion', and that would be where it stands on this topic as well- I have a friend who can't stand early american poetry, but loves all the contempory stuff- I cant say he's wrong! I dont get it, but this is how he determines art.
I am an uneducated poet. Am I still a poet- I think so, because I express my spirit through writing-does everyone agree, probably not.. but there is definately more to writing then.. it's either 'good or bad'.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. I believe this hold true with poetry as well.
-ps- I do want to add (in my opinion) if street poets, grew academically in the genre they love- they can only get better at there skills. We all have room to grow and learn in this art. To me both sttreet and academic, are equal.. but I got a soft spot for the educated pieces-
just me..

smiles, Maddismile


Hi, Lil' Sis,

Wisdom, Lil Sis,

You and I are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit//////LOL

11-06-2010 at 09:22:53 AM

RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

11-06-2010 at 09:40:19 AM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

Originally Posted by rsalassi

And another thing!!!
All poets, indeed, all writers draw their material from experiences and observations. If one has a bit of formal education in the area of poetry, then it's simply part of his experience, So what? If one has no formal education in the area of poetry, so what, again? It does not matter one way or the other. Now there are good poets and bad poets, but even that is subjective. There's a particular contributor on OP whose name I won't reveal (J.L) whose poetry is utter SHIT! in my opinion. But I'm sure he has many devotees who think he's the cat's meow! So what? There are several (perhaps, legions!) who regard my little verses as poop. So what?


You and I are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit, though not in the same voice, My Lady!.......
But to start listing people and labelling them as to which camp they belong sends me over the edge!!! Who are any of us to pontificate so?
I rarely read bits posted in the Forum, and I have a good reason. Much of it is pure puffery, and this so-called topic is no exception!

Although I think it could of been expressed much more eloquently with more tact and less anger ( good lord man take a pill or something ) I have to agree with much of what
rsalassi has to say on this topic. Everything is subjective to taste and our own paticular life experiences. I have a real issues with applying labels to this is this or that type of poetry or music or art in general. Art is among other things.. : the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter and . : skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
So....it is what it is.

I also have to agree with the fact that at one time those artist who are now being defined as classic or academic were at that time in history the new voices of that time. They expressed what they observed. They expressed it in the way that was phoneticly (if thats even a word) common for that time and in the forum or medium that was common for that time. Just as we (word warriors that we are) do here on this web site and other sites on our common forum or medium of the day.....the internet. So 40 50 60 years from now our poetry will be considered the classic and a new form of poetry will emerge telling the poets of the futures stories and observations in a forum or medium that we don't even have a clue about today.......
So enjoy what you enjoy.... take from it what you need or want........and stop trying to compare and label what is ART and all that word defines.


Need to add one thing......I value and appriciate all writers on this website for the honesty and willingness to rise above our different points of view to do what it is we all are here to do........experience the observations of others lives through written word and to express our own. I find it to be the part of my day I most look forward to. And all our words are relevant and important and will someday be part of a historic anthology.

11-06-2010 at 09:40:19 AM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

Originally Posted by rsalassi

And another thing!!!
All poets, indeed, all writers draw their material from experiences and observations. If one has a bit of formal education in the area of poetry, then it's simply part of his experience, So what? If one has no formal education in the area of poetry, so what, again? It does not matter one way or the other. Now there are good poets and bad poets, but even that is subjective. There's a particular contributor on OP whose name I won't reveal (J.L) whose poetry is utter SHIT! in my opinion. But I'm sure he has many devotees who think he's the cat's meow! So what? There are several (perhaps, legions!) who regard my little verses as poop. So what?


You and I are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit, though not in the same voice, My Lady!.......
But to start listing people and labelling them as to which camp they belong sends me over the edge!!! Who are any of us to pontificate so?
I rarely read bits posted in the Forum, and I have a good reason. Much of it is pure puffery, and this so-called topic is no exception!

Although I think it could of been expressed much more eloquently with more tact and less anger ( good lord man take a pill or something ) I have to agree with much of what
rsalassi has to say on this topic. Everything is subjective to taste and our own paticular life experiences. I have a real issues with applying labels to this is this or that type of poetry or music or art in general. Art is among other things.. : the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter and . : skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
So....it is what it is.

I also have to agree with the fact that at one time those artist who are now being defined as classic or academic were at that time in history the new voices of that time. They expressed what they observed. They expressed it in the way that was phoneticly (if thats even a word) common for that time and in the forum or medium that was common for that time. Just as we (word warriors that we are) do here on this web site and other sites on our common forum or medium of the day.....the internet. So 40 50 60 years from now our poetry will be considered the classic and a new form of poetry will emerge telling the poets of the futures stories and observations in a forum or medium that we don't even have a clue about today.......
So enjoy what you enjoy.... take from it what you need or want........and stop trying to compare and label what is ART and all that word defines.


Need to add one thing......I value and appriciate all writers on this website for the honesty and willingness to rise above our different points of view to do what it is we all are here to do........experience the observations of others lives through written word and to express our own. I find it to be the part of my day I most look forward to. And all our words are relevant and important and will someday be part of a historic anthology.

11-06-2010 at 09:44:20 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by kabbalistic

OK, it's time for me to weigh in, since I have adumbrated and pontificated on this subject repeatedly on my thread. Street vs. academic poets? I don't think that I would like to be defined in this manner since I consider these two designations to be artificial, with actual independent and reasonable thought having been supplanted by "labels" and "buzzwords". My first point; street or academic be damned, how good is your proficiency in the poetic idiom? In other words, how good is your written command of English? This is basic. You either write well, or you don't! Obviously, the better your command of written English, the better you will write and then the more you can do! Dizzy Gillespie said it best whenever he was asked what kind of music he preferred. He always answered; "Anything that is played right"! Pretty simple, no? In like manner, we can apply this to the realm poetic. Street or academic-it doesn't matter; is it "right"? KEEP IT SIMPLE! Secondly, It behooves us as poets to allow the reader to make that determination, and if we wish to break the "rules", we should first know what the applicable "rules" are!. I will close with my final point; if we seek to craft effective and compelling poetry, we must endeavor to write on a higher level, and in order to do that, first we must learn to think on a higher level. This takes time, patience and tears! Satisfying poetry is the apotheosis-the crown of the hoary head-the mystical document that chronicles our journey-and everything in between. Street vs.academic poets? Which is "better"? The best way is to allow the reader to define you, and once they think that you are neatly tucked away in the "box", you can crawl out of the box and surprise the hell out of everyone! As the Apostle was wont to proclaim: "I am all things to all men"! Be all things to all readers! Street or Academic? Be whatever you need to be in order to connect with your readers! Let THEM tell YOU what kind of writer you are! Street or Academic? Does it matter what you are called? Well, roll up a newspaper and call me "Sparky"! Street or Academic? Just as long as my poems don't SUCK!

"An unexamined life is a life not worth living..."-Socrates


You and I are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit, Kabbalistic.

11-06-2010 at 09:49:40 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Balladeer

Whatever you do, try to do it well.....it's that simple. If you are happy with the result and feel you put your best into it, it really doesn't matter how others think or how they define it.

To ignore the traditional and standard forms is foolish. To not want to deviate from them with a style of your own is unimaginative.


My 10 percent/ to the debate

"Let us not be weary in well doing" ( Galatians 6:9)
Unpopular criticism makes poets famous.

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-07-2010 at 10:04:22 AM

11-06-2010 at 10:13:36 AM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by EinStud

Keep on keepin' on (how poetic)....

Originally Posted by Londo

Not wanting to offend anyone, I offer the following, all in good fun:

I find I must agree with Richard
This debate topic is for the birds
Why pit two camps against each other
In a battle of many words

Although, if I were forced to choose
A side in the war on words
I’d call myself a lyric-street poet
That hangs around with nerds

More of an engineering mindset
Read Poe’s short stories once, for fun
But I wasn’t graded on it
No A- when I was done

I don’t know what iambic means
Nor do I really care
Pentameter, tetrameter
They don’t matter, so there!

I’ve never studied the classics
Shakespeare, Frost, nor Kipling
Upon the road less traveled
I found the journey somewhat crippling

“Can’t we all just get along?”
As Rodney King once asked it
Don’t get your panties in a bunch
And run around all spastic

So I’ll leave you with a thought
For all my poetic sisters and brothers
Write for the pleasure of writing
But share it for the pleasure of others


You and I and others are preaching the same Gospel in he same pulpit,. Londo. Allelluiah!

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 10:14:45 AM

11-06-2010 at 10:18:19 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Londo

Not wanting to offend anyone, I offer the following, all in good fun:

I find I must agree with Richard
This debate topic is for the birds
Why pit two camps against each other
In a battle of many words

Although, if I were forced to choose
A side in the war on words
I’d call myself a lyric-street poet
That hangs around with nerds

More of an engineering mindset
Read Poe’s short stories once, for fun
But I wasn’t graded on it
No A- when I was done

I don’t know what iambic means
Nor do I really care
Pentameter, tetrameter
They don’t matter, so there!

I’ve never studied the classics
Shakespeare, Frost, nor Kipling
Upon the road less traveled
I found the journey somewhat crippling

“Can’t we all just get along?”
As Rodney King once asked it
Don’t get your panties in a bunch
And run around all spastic

So I’ll leave you with a thought
For all my poetic sisters and brothers
Write for the pleasure of writing
But share it for the pleasure of others


I am academic by circumstance. I am street by acquaintance.

I am academic by acquaintance, I am street by circumstance[/b]

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 12:53:59 PM

11-06-2010 at 10:18:19 AM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Londo

Not wanting to offend anyone, I offer the following, all in good fun:

I find I must agree with Richard
This debate topic is for the birds
Why pit two camps against each other
In a battle of many words

Although, if I were forced to choose
A side in the war on words
I’d call myself a lyric-street poet
That hangs around with nerds

More of an engineering mindset
Read Poe’s short stories once, for fun
But I wasn’t graded on it
No A- when I was done

I don’t know what iambic means
Nor do I really care
Pentameter, tetrameter
They don’t matter, so there!

I’ve never studied the classics
Shakespeare, Frost, nor Kipling
Upon the road less traveled
I found the journey somewhat crippling

“Can’t we all just get along?”
As Rodney King once asked it
Don’t get your panties in a bunch
And run around all spastic

So I’ll leave you with a thought
For all my poetic sisters and brothers
Write for the pleasure of writing
But share it for the pleasure of others


I am academic by circumstance. I am street by acquaintance.
I like to think I am a God-made clown.....................LOL

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 10:19:46 AM

11-06-2010 at 10:22:50 AM

RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

11-06-2010 at 10:22:50 AM

RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

11-06-2010 at 11:22:19 AM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

Thank you both my dear friends gogant and Balladeer......plus all of my other dear awesome poet friends...

From me to all of you, dear friends

Sometimes I like to rhyme....

I always try to express...
What I feel in my life...
Heart, body & soul, is best...
Or events in my daily plight...

Things I have seen today...
The reasons I write, could go on and on...
But the important things I wish to say...
I always express true feelings, no con...

What I say might make you laugh, cry or sigh...
If they did then I succeeded...
Once more without a fight...
To bring forth all that is needed...

Sometimes I like not to rhyme....

What came from me into the words...
Does not always have to rhyme...
To show how much I love...
Putting pen to paper each day...

So I do not need big fancy words contemplated...
To get my feelings out into the light...
Maybe a mystical magic array of dreams...
Fairy tales of lovers spirits soaring...

My joy in writing poetry...
Oops I let slip a fancy word above...
I can express as well to my friends...
With my eye pressed to the lens of my camera...

Seeking natures beauty has no ends of glory...
The love for each fills my heart with bliss...
To share both equally with my friends...
The rest is just fatter for the birds...

Cause I am but a simple country girl...
From the mountains of Tennessee...
A loving heart for all my friends, gives me such a thrill...
Can't you see, it's all just poetry...

loves ya all bunches
red facetongue laughtongue winkcool smilelong facerolleyeskiss
Way to go, Asha. You have expressed the feelings of 90% of the poets
on this site, and I applaud you for your bravery...



I venture to judge that this is neither academic nor street, but plain didactic verses,. Who dares to disagree?............

Originally Posted by Balladeer

One does not need the fancy words, Asha.....read Sylvia Plath's DADDY and you'll know what I mean. The important thing in poetry is the emotion you are able to put into it. When you can transfer the passion from your body into your poem, people will know it. When you fake it, people will know that, too. Actually I wrote a small ditty to illustrate that point....

My poems may not be classics;
They may never make the grade
That separates the amateurs
From masters of their trade.
They may never reach anthologies
Or even magazines,
Or ever be considered masterful,
By any means.

They may go through Time unnoticed
But, one thing I promise you,
Is, whatever I may offer
Is the best that I can do.

There's a chance I'm not as gifted
Or, as my ex-wife believed,
That my father's sperm count faltered
On the day I was conceived.

Perhaps my grey cell count is lower
Than another man's
But, whenever I present myself,
I do the best I can.

A poem has integrity.
It puts us on display.
A testament of our beliefs
Is there in what we say.

Sincerity cannot be faked;
Pride has no substitute.
If we don't give it our best shot,
Why take the time to shoot?

Let's help enrich each other
And this world in which we live.
In poetry, and friendship, give
The best that you can give.
cool smirkcool smilewinkwinkwinkcool hmmcool hmm

11-06-2010 at 11:22:19 AM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by ApaqRasgirl

Thank you both my dear friends gogant and Balladeer......plus all of my other dear awesome poet friends...

From me to all of you, dear friends

Sometimes I like to rhyme....

I always try to express...
What I feel in my life...
Heart, body & soul, is best...
Or events in my daily plight...

Things I have seen today...
The reasons I write, could go on and on...
But the important things I wish to say...
I always express true feelings, no con...

What I say might make you laugh, cry or sigh...
If they did then I succeeded...
Once more without a fight...
To bring forth all that is needed...

Sometimes I like not to rhyme....

What came from me into the words...
Does not always have to rhyme...
To show how much I love...
Putting pen to paper each day...

So I do not need big fancy words contemplated...
To get my feelings out into the light...
Maybe a mystical magic array of dreams...
Fairy tales of lovers spirits soaring...

My joy in writing poetry...
Oops I let slip a fancy word above...
I can express as well to my friends...
With my eye pressed to the lens of my camera...

Seeking natures beauty has no ends of glory...
The love for each fills my heart with bliss...
To share both equally with my friends...
The rest is just fatter for the birds...

Cause I am but a simple country girl...
From the mountains of Tennessee...
A loving heart for all my friends, gives me such a thrill...
Can't you see, it's all just poetry...

loves ya all bunches
red facetongue laughtongue winkcool smilelong facerolleyeskiss
Way to go, Asha. You have expressed the feelings of 90% of the poets
on this site, and I applaud you for your bravery...



I venture to judge that this is neither academic nor street, but plain didactic verses,. Who dares to disagree?............

Originally Posted by Balladeer

One does not need the fancy words, Asha.....read Sylvia Plath's DADDY and you'll know what I mean. The important thing in poetry is the emotion you are able to put into it. When you can transfer the passion from your body into your poem, people will know it. When you fake it, people will know that, too. Actually I wrote a small ditty to illustrate that point....

My poems may not be classics;
They may never make the grade
That separates the amateurs
From masters of their trade.
They may never reach anthologies
Or even magazines,
Or ever be considered masterful,
By any means.

They may go through Time unnoticed
But, one thing I promise you,
Is, whatever I may offer
Is the best that I can do.

There's a chance I'm not as gifted
Or, as my ex-wife believed,
That my father's sperm count faltered
On the day I was conceived.

Perhaps my grey cell count is lower
Than another man's
But, whenever I present myself,
I do the best I can.

A poem has integrity.
It puts us on display.
A testament of our beliefs
Is there in what we say.

Sincerity cannot be faked;
Pride has no substitute.
If we don't give it our best shot,
Why take the time to shoot?

Let's help enrich each other
And this world in which we live.
In poetry, and friendship, give
The best that you can give.
cool smirkcool smilewinkwinkwinkcool hmmcool hmm

11-06-2010 at 12:41:34 PM

RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets



11-06-2010 at 01:38:43 PM

RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by ThoughtCaster

This is a multi-topic question.
First who do you admire/are influenced by most- street poets or academic poets?
Or Both?

The academic poets seem to me more concept oriented-fancy words(sacrificing thought over emotion), etc. while the street poets have always depicted more real life-more emotion. I consider myself somewhere in between as I have more of a street poets sense of life yet still an academic use of language sometimes.

Examples of academic poets:
Walt Whitman
Robert Frost
T.S. Elliot
(and archaic poets)

Street Poets:
Jim Carroll(the best street poet)
Charles Bukowski
Michael Madsen(yes, the actor)
Rod McKuen(more confessional)

and the in betweens:
Jim Morrison(of the Doors- (3 books of poetry)
Erica Jong
David Berman

and also a third group-the songwriter poets

Bob Dylan(no doubt his lyrics are poetry)
Michael Stipe(of R.E.M.)-again abstract and poetic
Fish(Derek William Dick of the band Marillion-his lyrics are definitely poetic)
Paul Simon
Patti Smith(the female punk poetess)
Tupac Shakur
Pink Floyd
Trent Reznor(of Nine Inch Nails)
Tori Amos
John Lennon

So what type of poet do you consider yourself?
What are your feelings on academic versus street poetry versus lyric poetry?
What are your thoughts on the different types/styles?[/quot

For me,My Friend, to answer you would be an Herculean task, as poetry ought not to be categorized as academic or street or good or bad, only poets, critics , audience and readers of poetry ought to be categorized. [/b]

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 02:41:39 PM

11-06-2010 at 01:49:27 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by rsalassi

As should no one on OP. I think of this site as more than a respository for poetry. It is a classroom and laboratory. Those bleeding hearts who think all should be coddled are simply wrong! When I smell poop, I hold my nose. I don't inhale deeply and pretend it's roses. Come on, we're grown-ups. We must learn to take criticism, even condemnation, if it is warranted. And believe me it is warranted. And yes, even I, who gets wrongly accused of having an inflated ego, drop little turds along the way. Now, that's all I'm going to say. I shall now retire from the field of battle to let the real fighters fight.


Well. You are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit as I, only in a different voice..................LOL

11-06-2010 at 01:49:28 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by rsalassi

As should no one on OP. I think of this site as more than a respository for poetry. It is a classroom and laboratory. Those bleeding hearts who think all should be coddled are simply wrong! When I smell poop, I hold my nose. I don't inhale deeply and pretend it's roses. Come on, we're grown-ups. We must learn to take criticism, even condemnation, if it is warranted. And believe me it is warranted. And yes, even I, who gets wrongly accused of having an inflated ego, drop little turds along the way. Now, that's all I'm going to say. I shall now retire from the field of battle to let the real fighters fight.


Well. You are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit as I, only in a different voice..................LOL

11-06-2010 at 01:49:28 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by rsalassi

As should no one on OP. I think of this site as more than a respository for poetry. It is a classroom and laboratory. Those bleeding hearts who think all should be coddled are simply wrong! When I smell poop, I hold my nose. I don't inhale deeply and pretend it's roses. Come on, we're grown-ups. We must learn to take criticism, even condemnation, if it is warranted. And believe me it is warranted. And yes, even I, who gets wrongly accused of having an inflated ego, drop little turds along the way. Now, that's all I'm going to say. I shall now retire from the field of battle to let the real fighters fight.


Well. You are preaching the same Gospel from the same pulpit as I, only in a different voice..................LOL

11-06-2010 at 01:55:06 PM

RE: RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by EinStud

I gave the answer to another poet. I will do likewise for you, because I call you "friend".

Don't get caught up in all of this stuff. It is meant to divide. Are you Black, or White?

No. I am a poet. A "Street Poet" is a "Modern Poet", just the same.

But there is one thing, or two... a poet can do...... to improve his poetry...

Write a letter first, to the person, place, or thing. YES! A real letter. Spill out your guts! Let them have it... But in the end, do not send the letter.

Pull from that that letter, that is worded as a regular letter, and pull it into a poem! Or Song!!!

That is the [b]KEY[/b] to writing any form of ART. The least you will have, is meaning.

Peace Out, Gary Ruff (the Compusician or EinStud as you know me here)

Originally Posted by angel33614

Why are so many people bashing the street poet? Street poets are not always uneducated, this is a bad stereo type! I consider myself a street poet more than an acedemic one and I have a lot of college to my name, like two AA degrees and a BS. I also studyied much of the classic styles of poetry and prose, many of the greats. I just choose to write using my own style that fits me best, why is that so wrong? I think many academic poet's of their time were probably considered street poets by thier generation. Personally, I think a good 21 st century poet is a little of both. It does help to have a good sense of structure and proper grammer to better relate your message or the emotion of the write, but I don't feel all poetry has to have big words and use allegory to be considered good. My own thoughts are if the reader has to spend more time tying to figure out what the meaning of this word or that word, than more often than not, they will miss the true meaning of the poem all together. I know not everyone will agree with me, we each have our own opinions but there are poets that spend so much time trying to make thier poems look good that they loose the true meaning and power of true poetry. Just my rambling thoughts. I personally love reading and commenting on a good riddle, or a poem written in allegory, using a lot of hidden meaning, for me it is a challenge and I love a challenge! I enjoy nothing more than just to read a poem over and over till the little light buld goes off in my head, I am kind of the house of commentary, lol. But truthfully for the average reader much gets lost in th translation, just my thoughts. Take it as you will... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! Angel aka The Poem Buster, lol cool smile

Hi, Angel.

You are preaching the same Gospel, as I , on the same pulpit, but in a different voice. However, I don't see anybody bashing the street Poets,
Please view the Mutabaruks's videos. posted here on the Forums,,and enjoy them

11-06-2010 at 02:00:50 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by kabbalistic

OK, I'll make it a little easier! Take your pick; "street" or "academic"? Are those the only two options that we're left with? How about "hybrid" poetry? How about "avante-garde" poetics? How about "beat" poetry? Does anyone want me to start a thread so we can explore these different influences? Would the other fine instructors be willing to collaborate with me on such an undertaking?

Requiem For An A**hole

"Some people just plain suck..."
observes the zit popping oracle as we contemplate how to
best eulogize the Sons of Belial. Ah, such a formidable task as,
musing, we compare how easy it is whenever the righteous die
as we can justly mourn their passing-but whenever scumbags
are dispatched to those piney woods-how say we?
It is easier to perform auto falatio then to eulogize a douchebag-
undeserved elogy and lying praise are like a million fingers on
the blackboard and/or a penis on a cow. My eulogy to the grieving
widow (also a family member):

"Today, we sadly mourn the passing of your philandering, drug dealing, goatf**ker husband who treated you and your family with contemptuous disrespect-who even stuck a pistol in your uncle's (my Dad's) belly for no apparent reason. However, we are here to honor the memory of the dearly departed...
Let us then consider the a**hole...it takes all kinds, square ones, round ones, dark ones, greasy ones-we have come together in order to celebrate the amazing diversity and are so grateful that the dearly departed was such a prominent member of this illustrious universal brotherhood. How could we possibly have 'Immodium' without one such as our dearly departed brother?"

It is so hard to eulogize an a**hole...what a connundrum!
I wouldn't have this problem if the sonofab*tch had never been born.
Rest in peace, d**khead! Addition by Subtraction. Amen.

Question: Is there "academic" language in this piece? Is there "wise-ass", "edgy" language? Which is more prominent? Do they balance? Do they blend, or do they clash? How about the metaphors? Are they fresh? Is there sarcasm? How about the modifiers? Is there epiphany? Is there a "hook"? Is the message clear?


The bottom line is it is somewhat a wasteful process to attempt the fruitless exercise of categorizing poems. It is more practicable to place poets, critics, audiences and readers into categorical s;lots or cubicles
They, at least , if alive, have a tongue to object or to approve ....LOL,.

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 07:22:19 PM

11-06-2010 at 02:00:50 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by kabbalistic

OK, I'll make it a little easier! Take your pick; "street" or "academic"? Are those the only two options that we're left with? How about "hybrid" poetry? How about "avante-garde" poetics? How about "beat" poetry? Does anyone want me to start a thread so we can explore these different influences? Would the other fine instructors be willing to collaborate with me on such an undertaking?

Requiem For An A**hole

"Some people just plain suck..."
observes the zit popping oracle as we contemplate how to
best eulogize the Sons of Belial. Ah, such a formidable task as,
musing, we compare how easy it is whenever the righteous die
as we can justly mourn their passing-but whenever scumbags
are dispatched to those piney woods-how say we?
It is easier to perform auto falatio then to eulogize a douchebag-
undeserved elogy and lying praise are like a million fingers on
the blackboard and/or a penis on a cow. My eulogy to the grieving
widow (also a family member):

"Today, we sadly mourn the passing of your philandering, drug dealing, goatf**ker husband who treated you and your family with contemptuous disrespect-who even stuck a pistol in your uncle's (my Dad's) belly for no apparent reason. However, we are here to honor the memory of the dearly departed...
Let us then consider the a**hole...it takes all kinds, square ones, round ones, dark ones, greasy ones-we have come together in order to celebrate the amazing diversity and are so grateful that the dearly departed was such a prominent member of this illustrious universal brotherhood. How could we possibly have 'Immodium' without one such as our dearly departed brother?"

It is so hard to eulogize an a**hole...what a connundrum!
I wouldn't have this problem if the sonofab*tch had never been born.
Rest in peace, d**khead! Addition by Subtraction. Amen.

Question: Is there "academic" language in this piece? Is there "wise-ass", "edgy" language? Which is more prominent? Do they balance? Do they blend, or do they clash? How about the metaphors? Are they fresh? Is there sarcasm? How about the modifiers? Is there epiphany? Is there a "hook"? Is the message clear?


The bottom line is it is somewhat a wasteful exercise to attempt the fruitless process of categorizing poems. It is more practicable to place poets, critics, audiences and readers into categorical s;lots or cubicles.

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 02:01:43 PM

11-06-2010 at 02:05:38 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Rafiqam

Dear vkabbalistic

I agee with you that there seems to be no classification of poets into street poets and academic poets. Had it been, the issue would have been resolved till now. There is no likelihood of this resolution in future. My request to all friends will be to stop discussing this issue and switch over to some other subject to reap better fruits in terms of time intensity=Rafiqam


I agree with you. You are preaching the same Gospel as I on the same pulpit......................LOL

11-06-2010 at 02:05:39 PM

RE: RE: Street poets VS. Academic poets

Originally Posted by Rafiqam

Dear vkabbalistic

I agee with you that there seems to be no classification of poets into street poets and academic poets. Had it been, the issue would have been resolved till now. There is no likelihood of this resolution in future. My request to all friends will be to stop discussing this issue and switch over to some other subject to reap better fruits in terms of time intensity=Rafiqam


I agree with you. You are preaching the same Gospel as I on the same pulpit......................LOL

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-06-2010 at 02:06:04 PM

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.