Original Poetry Forums

Can Poetry Save the Earth?

10-27-2009 at 12:19:35 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

LOL! that's a powerful image ... something for the cover of P.O.E.T.S. ? smile

10-27-2009 at 05:13:08 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

And those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane
by those who could not
hear the music.


10-27-2009 at 05:34:08 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Isaiah 40:31 (King James Version)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

11-04-2009 at 09:33:48 AM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

"We're here to celebrate the power of words," President Obama said. Words "help us to appreciate beauty and also understand pain; to inspire us to action, and to spur us on when we start to lose hope; to lift us up out of our daily existence—even if it's just for a few moments—and return us with hearts that are a little bit bigger and fuller than they were before."

11-04-2009 at 10:55:59 AM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

nice, Grito! Obama has gathered some great poets in his circle, and shares their words with strength and grace ...

11-04-2009 at 11:27:01 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Hey Cookie, thats a very good point.
And I agree completely.
All I can hope for is that i'm able to help or touch one person who will in turn help someone else, who will then help another, and so on.
Like a ripple effect, ya?
And I think it's great that you work with foster kids.
You get a hug from me.

11-05-2009 at 10:41:56 AM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Thanks KtIrish,

cookie likes hugs....

11-05-2009 at 06:25:39 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

This is what sadens my poetic heart, not one of you have signed up at historychannel.com
This is 2009 and you have the tools to Make History Every Day, and you all,,, are to scared to raise your poetic voice. I believe in poetry, always have always Will/Shall with or with out you.
John E WordSlinger


11-06-2009 at 12:41:28 PM

Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?


You posted this in a thread on the History Channel show named "The Naked Archeologist". Do you think a show on Archeology is really the right place to promote a program on poetry?

Not that I think that your idea is a bad one, but it's gotta be a tough sell. It sounds a little off topic to me....

Your Resolute Friend,


11-06-2009 at 10:42:23 PM

Re: Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Originally Posted by gmcookie


You posted this in a thread on the History Channel show named "The Naked Archeologist". Do you think a show on Archeology is really the right place to promote a program on poetry?

Not that I think that your idea is a bad one, but it's gotta be a tough sell. It sounds a little off topic to me....

Your Resolute Friend,


Yes I know, I mentioned that when I first posted, That was the only thread I could find.
They have site moderators, I'll email them soon.
And ask them to transfer it all to a thread on {Poetry. thanks, sign up. we need ya..


All I have to say, is I can't do it alone, and most of all
a closed mouth don't get feed.


Last edited by WordSlinger 11-07-2009 at 09:59:41 PM

02-21-2010 at 11:32:47 PM

Can You Feel The Earth Move Under Your Feet?

Earth day / Spring is Coming!!!!!


02-22-2010 at 07:46:37 AM

RE: Re: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Originally Posted by Grito

Thanks Words. Slaughter rule huh, it sounds good to me!!

03-01-2010 at 09:36:41 AM

Can Poetry Save the Earth? 20 to 6

The score now is Earth 2.0 has 20 and what ever you call your selves have 6
here is the scoring point.

03-05-2010 at 05:21:43 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?


Can Poetry Save the Earth? Standing Bear Homerun

Earth 2.0 leads them 21 to 6
Please Read Standing Bears Poem
Into them...Into Me...Into You...


It takes tens of thousands of years to be
and we can destroy it in a blink of the eye

Water is overloaded with our pollution
A lot of uses for our sacred water
Ruined waters, ruined waters,
but still the same they may die
Vandaled valuable value valuation
Vamp the valueless valve
and the finger points to many
visionless discorded over
Man Age Meant
they may die

Vandaled Waters
John, you're a legend here .. relative to the couple of years of OP's existence excaim
Thank you for sharing your awesome poetry, high enthusiasm, continued support and most of all .. your great selflessness! It's quite an honor to be one of your many poet friends! I'm deeply humbled!

Thanks again,
StandingBear zipper

Last edited by StandingBear 03-05-2010 at 05:23:47 PM

03-05-2010 at 05:54:05 PM

The HistoryChannel Wants You

Please visit the website, read, and speak your mind.
This is your history to be made, now..


03-06-2010 at 12:25:08 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

POETRY alone CAN'T save the Earth
BUT PEOPLE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Wake up everybody!
The earth is melting in global warming
Just like the dinosauers DID!!!

This just came to me right now...

03-06-2010 at 12:27:49 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

POETRY alone CAN'T save the Earth


Wake up everybody!

The earth is melting in global warming



Just like the dinosauers DID!!!

This just came to me right now...


03-06-2010 at 04:55:03 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Maybe it can, hm, let me try to put it into poetry:


Your question inspired me to write a poem about our MOTHER EARTH.
And here it is:


Wake up everybody-
The Earth is melting in global warming!
We can become extinct,
Just like the dinosaurs did!
And not from a fallen asteroid
But from what we ourselves did
To Our Mother Earth,
Who is now ailing and hurt,
Crying for help with teardrops of melting ice
But her sobs remain unheard.
Will we give her the attention needed?
Or will we leave her crying and unheeded?

She cries
With teardrops of
Melting Ice-
Right before our eyes!
Our Mother cries
For help and screams:” Save me!”
But we can’t see,
Nor can we hear
Her cries,
Because our eyes are blind
And we have deaf ears
For many, many years…

Mother Earth cries with black tears,
Her skin is cracked and dry-
Where once were pastures- now just desert land.
Her face is blackened by
Poisonous carbon dioxide gasses
As her rainforests are turned into ashes…

The Earth is crying with black tears
Of carbonic and toxic emissions
But her sobs fall on deaf ears
As her human offsprings continue to destroy her
Without her permission.

She keeps sending warning after warning-
Tsunami waves and earthquakes,
Tornados, storms and hurricanes-
All expression of her pains
But no one understands…
Or no one seems to care about her ailing
As ignorance among the people
Is all-prevailing.

How can we save her-Our ailing Mother-
With her valleys, forests and fresh water ponds,
When we can’t even save ourselves from ourselves.
This is what our loving Mother ponders…

Only in her womb we can abide
But time is not on our side….
Will we be able to survive
If our Mother Earth one day dies???

March 6 2010

04-22-2010 at 10:20:15 AM

Post your Earth Day Poems Here, :)

Happy Happy Earth Day

04-22-2010 at 04:58:31 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Celebrate the Earth

Earth Day is special
All Countries and cultures share
the same home planet

Save Mother nature
Blue orb circling round the sun
Praise all her beauty

Take time to serve her
Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
Conserve and Preserve

Donate time to Earth
Plant a tree or pick up trash
Defend her from harm

Pass on the message
to decrease carbon footprints
Turn back the damage

Be heroes for our home world
Save and protect her!! gringringrin

04-24-2010 at 06:48:40 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

Earth doesn't have the problem. Mankind does.

Four point six billion
that's a bunch
big bang
lotsa years there
earth has been spinnin'
west to east
around the sun
like all the other planets
except Venus and Uranus
who spin east to west
but nobody will tell me why.
Renegades, I guess
gotta be different....

early atmosphere consisted of

no oxygen
no water
no life
no Big Macs

over a lotta time
radioactive material
and increasing pressure
way down deep
produced heat..
melted earth's interior.
it was a mess!
(those rocks of silicon and oxygen)
rose up to the surface
formed earth's crust.
it took a while....

Oxygen mixed it up
with hydrogen..
water was invented,
collected in low places
to form oceans.
Rain water dissolved salts
from rocks
carried them to the oceans..
salty water

three point eight billion
first bacteria appeared
no Comet cleanser in sight
two billion
first single cell with nucleus
my daddy
and yours

five hundred million
plants working overtime
and weekends
use photosynthesis
to create enough oxygen
to create atmosphere
so we can breathe..
thank a plant today.

earth has been through the wringer..
continental shifts
colliding platelets
meteor hits
Bill Clinton
Arnold Schwarzenegger movies
millions and billions
of years

now, Man
who appeared yesterday
is afraid of
destroying the earth.
Mother Nature
is cracking up
laughing histerically

introduced more pollutants
in the air than 3000 times
what man has produced
and there were others
one or two

Mother Nature is not worried.
Man cannot hurt her
Man can only hurt Man.
Mother will simply
shrug her shoulders
and start over, if necessary
create another bacteria
in a million years or so.

Man is an ant
floating down the river
on his back
with a hard-on
"Raise the drawbridge!"

Earth will survive.
We are the ones
with a problem.

Anyway, I don't care.
Scientists claim that the
Andromeda galaxy
will collide with ours
in two billion years
so I ain't buying
anything on credit...

04-26-2010 at 03:12:15 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

hmmm ... so that sounds like a point for Earth, Balladeer? ! smile she can shrug her shoulders anytime, amen smile

got another ... point for Earth:

Native No More

Happy Spring, Earth-Conscious Poets! smile


05-07-2010 at 06:25:28 PM

27 to 6 :Earth 2.0 leads for over a year now

27 to 6 Earth 2.0 needs to be in the majors:
No I think we need to PICK UP THE PACE... ya


05-31-2010 at 06:20:50 PM

Inspiration from a Spider

This morning as I swept the porch
That overlooks the garden
I saw the sun reflected on the dew
caught in a spiders web
and I thought,

Well, I’m here and I have the broom
And I…

Swept the steps but kept
well around the spider’s web
which glistened between the two
stone heads of gargoyles
and a potted geranium.
And I thought,
Everyone has the right
to try to make a home;
even a spider.
Especially a spider
who spins her intricate web
which binds her intimately
to the sacred Circle of Life.
She uses what she takes and
replaces it with something usable.
She has never waged a war.
She has never known hatred.
She has never felt greed.
She does not hunger for power.
She simply builds her beautiful web
on the Path of Least Resistance
and when the Chi passes
she moves along, leaving a gift
that will be used in bird’s nests.
And I was humbled
by this humble spider

She is not wasteful.
She has never broken the sky.
She has never polluted the earth.
She has never devastated the ocean.
She does not need to be bigger than she is.
She knows who she is and her place in the
grander scheme of things.
She is a spider. Her place is here.
And I felt ashamed
that I could ever have thought,
even fleetingly,
that I had any sort of right
to sweep away that web.
What can I say?
I’m only…


05-31-2010 at 06:31:45 PM

RE: Can Poetry Save the Earth?

One of the best poems I have read in a very, very long time...

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.