DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


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One day a few years ago, I bumbled onto some site which had a haiku feature... I don't remember the site's name, but while I was there looking around at the odd and really lame haiku posts, I became humored and wrote this; my first ever haiku... It just seemed funny at the time... lol... Hope you think so too....

DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife

575 Haiku
by Doug Jackson

The Knife

Red oozing quickly
Crimson contrast upon flesh
This knife is too sharp

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danmartyjake1 commented on DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


Good haiku. I have never been very good at these. I should read more of them and practice it.

Qualin commented on DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


A hands on lesson...not soon forgot..................Qualin



Well put... lol

Tempestlady commented on DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


Simple and a subject many can relate to personally. Well done. Write on..



TY TL... Short n' to the point, eh...??? lol

dahlusion commented on DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


A perfectly composed haiku shimmering with the sweet disease of flawless imagery and metering. Bravo!



thank you dahlusion, coming from a grand word tinker as yourself, that's a very high compliment...

RHPeat commented on DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife


I like the intent here a lot; But the poem has some problems for me. The adverb appears out of place; (quickly) modifies oozing. Then there appears to be a redundancy with (red & crimson) both speaking of the same blood. Then there is the presentation of contrast that is never given. The reader needs the color of the flesh to form a real picture in the mind between blood and flesh. That is if the poem is going to stand without the invitation of the photo. Maybe (pinkish, pallid, rosy, tinted, palish, blushed, pasty, ashen, or many other possibilities) might work for a contrast of the skin to form an image of contrast that would fit your syllable count, replacing (crimson) the redundancy. I love the last line: a swift painful reality by stating the obvious. True Haiku doesn't connect with personal images for the most part and there is also a word that suggest seasonal change in the haiku form. but other than that it looks like you fit into the 5/7/5 syllable count for the form. You also have the snap-shot image that is required for a haiku. Above and beyond all this. I like the intent in the poem, but I think the reader needs the real contrast so the poem doesn't need the picture. Then the poem can work with or without the picture. Just my take on it. A poet friend// RH Peat



thank you for that wise break down on this short piece RH, i did change one word since the original before i posted, and reading your take, i think i might change it back... thank you so much...

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