almost reality


Poem Commentary

This is a newer song I wrote for my band.  it is mostly the truth, and what may have happened if my alcoholism was not put under control.

almost reality

What did you say in the church on Sunday morning?
I need bread, I need to be fed.
What did you play in the car on monday morning?
It's in my head, something that you said.
What did you do on tues day morning?
I'm on the floor, and you're in bed.  I feel like  I am dead.

But now the sun's down it's divine
enjoy the fruits of the sweet vine.
I'll let you know when I am done,
but not until the morning sun.

Where did you go on wednesday morning?
out to eat without me. left me on my knees.
Where was I on thursday morning?
on the couch, alone to bleed, right where you left me.
Where were you on thursday morning?
I cant see, or believe why you'd leave.

It's not my problem, the fault's not mine,
She left me I saw the signs.
Took the kids and ran away,
but the alcohol is here to stay.

So now the sun's down it's divine,
enjoy the fruits of the sweet vine.
I'll let you know when I am done,
but not until I die, my son.

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wamomo commented on almost reality


powerful write, can be such a difficult is a blessing to read people "getting real". Refreshing and deeply heartfelt at the same time. So good to see honest depth verses "plastic people in plastic steeples."...."with face value wisdom and happy lies" ...thank you for sharing!

janetdawson commented on almost reality


WOW!!! You have always had just a magical touch in your words when you write. I really enjoyed this very much nice to see your talent .

WordSlinger commented on almost reality


Intense, I've been waiting for new material from you, Good write my friend, keep your head up, so what are ya doing now??? We are in the same boat somehow, stay strong.....



I've been focusing on my music, kids, and school...songwriting and performing almost every weekend limits my poetry time, but I thought that some of my lyrics, slightly formatted, would be good entries...good to hear from you!!!

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

dangedmanjr’s Poems (25)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Unrequited 1
Some Haiku for You! 2
Landslide 8
almost reality 3
Closed Eyes, Open Heart (UPA Pic challenge) 16
Arithmea 12
from the ground up 38
His, Hers, Their's 7
Mr. Mom 29
climax of a kiss 13
A prayer... 11
the time is now 11
the time has come 7
the thin line between 3
no more 2
rage 7
I can't... 4
blurred clarity 6
incoherent ramblings of a madman 2
in the wind 3
psycho dicotomy 10
the lone rider 4
Ten minutes...ete
Dream scape 8