

  • LoveDeeply
  • Sitting at mcdonalds waiting for 2:30 to hurry up and get here. Getting some more ink!

Poem Commentary

for my mother, whom I miss dearly


Sitting here, staring at the stars.
Wondering and thinking, where exactly you are.
Are you looking down at me from the celestail shore?
Or are you watching me from heavens door?
My heart aches, for each moment your away.
Even though I know I'll see you again one day.

Heaven needed another beautiful angel.
And God chose you, my mother.
I love you Mom and I miss you.
Forever and Ever, We will one day live again together
in the golden city.

I remember the day you left.
My heart ached and shattered.
I wanted for death to take me instead.

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Italionstallion commented on ...........


My Dear Sweet Wife, this poem is so graceful and touching, I'm sitting here crying just thinking about how pain you must be going through and it kills me to know to that you have so much pain inside you and that there is nothing that I can do to stop it, You have massive talent "My Queen" I pray that one day God gives you comfort and that our marriage grows stronger with each breath we take together, I love you "My Queen" Do not ever forget that no matter what happens. With Love Forever and ever Your Loving Husband Christopher Milan Pederson

arronpalmer commented on ...........


So sorry your mother is no longer with you physically, though I'm sure she's with you constantly in spirit, soul and heart. A mother never really leaves. As for this tribute/reflection, it is very moving indeed. It is emotional, as anything on this subject would be of course, yet you cleverly do not let structure or style become compromised with the rush of emotion. This poem flows nicely. I would hate to take guesses at your feelings, but personally I get from this that you are still feeling the shock somewhat, what with a lack of title and a final stanza that ends suddenly. I imagine the death of a parent, possibly the mother even more so, is something you never truly overcome the shock of, but I feel this poem is a touchingly more personal, more honest, more frank expression of your grief than some may realise. Nevertheless, it is a great piece of work. Stay strong.



Thank you :)

lonewolf commented on ...........


very nice tribute to your mother. im sure shes looking down annd beaming with pride.

Artie commented on ...........


Very well done!! You really know how to show your feelings in a beautiful, and powerful way. 10 from me

Kristina commented on ...........


I feel your pain. I can not imagine what you are going through. Just know that you will see her again and love never dies. a Ten from me.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

LoveDeeply’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Only We care 0
I look to 0
I can't 0
.......Emo feelings.....
Jayden, I miss you my daughter 5
Faith alone I am saved. 4
To my husband 7
Don't give up dear friend. 8
I hear heavens beautiful this time of year. 5
........... 5
Behind the skies 11
SnowFlake 2
Tears Streaming I feel like Screaming. 5
When I grow up. 6
A world away 5
Dreams 5
Dad 2
You 1
Camera 1
Too Fast 1
Watching 3
untitled 7