Why Does She Act That Way


  • Life

    Why Does She Act That Way

    Why does she strike up freaky conversations on the phone?

    Knowing exactly which topic she and the guy on the other line will end up on

    Why does she ask personal questions as to what positions and how many partners?

    Which then leads to the sending of text pictures, masturbation and single satisfied orgasms

    Why does she love the world of sex, but hate it at the same time?

    Why does she look for guys who are more than willing to read and know her for her body,

    Instead of her mind?

    What happened to her courage and strength?

    Her ability to say no

    What happened to her morals?

    Her extensive abstinent periods where she was in control

    Where is her character going?

    Who she used to be and what she stood for is not adding up to who she has become

    Yet the number of partners and lust for newer ones increase

    She now looks at  it like she deserves to be pleased

    All the times she waited and was good, and then all the bad experiences, you would think

    Would drive her away, keeping her from it

    Yet it draws her more and more, and she’s out of control

    Plotting the next person, time, date and place

    No need for him to have a vehicle, she’ll meet him all the way

    She’ll go to his place to be pleased

    Driving 30 or so minutes out of the city limit

    Just to receive

    A 5-6 minute gift

    And don’t even question for gas money, cause to her it will not be given

    She’s become accustom to prostitute sex

    No foreplay, kissing or loving gests

    Just straight get right to it, could care less, sex

    She doesn’t like it that way, but if that’s the only  way she can get it right now, she’ll take it

    She even went as far as extending oral favors, then was neglected

    Her body was not performed on

    The gentlemen got what he came for and was gone

    She had no time for hurt or regrets

    She brought it upon herself

    She should have known better than to get down like that

    On her knees, attempting and achieving to please someone who had other motives on his mind

    She brushed it off, only in search to find

    Someone else she could depend on

    Will she ever again be strong

    The sexual thoughts and actions get deeper and deeper by the day

    Why does she act that way?


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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    monae09’s Poems (17)

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