The Ladder


Poem Commentary

Yes, I do have a serious side. :)

The Ladder

I climbed the highest ladder,
 To see what I could see;
 I saw my fellow countrymen,
 Living in poverty

 I climbed up even higher,
 As I grazed open skies;
 I saw murder, death and bloodshed,
 Before my very eyes

 I saw a ruling power,
 The middle-class shrank to poor;
 I saw wars and powerful conflicts,
 Standing at our doors

 I saw hungry children,
 Here, on our native soil;
 I saw the rich become richer,
 Thriving on the wealth of oil

 I saw separate entities,
 Like thieves in the night;
 They stole away our liberty,
 To strengthen their own might

 I saw those who fought in wars,
 Though victory spells defeat;
 Many were welcomed heroes,
 Now homeless on the streets

 I climbed above the highest clouds,
 Beyond where eagles soar;
 I saw social security fade away,
 No healthcare for the poor

 I saw drugs pollute our communities,
 While terrorists stalked their prey;
 Children had no love for their elders,
 Sunny skies turned a darkened gray

 I saw changes in power,
 Though no changes in government rule;
 Technology feasted on the obsolete,
 Our economy stolen by fools

 I saw fewer days of promise,
 Many days of pain;
 The poor are expendable fragments,
 Millions are dying in vain

 I climbed up as far as I could go,
 Piercing the deepest galaxy;
 I saw the meek in the arms of our Father,
 The Ruler of peace and prosperity

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

nakedcity’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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