nakedcity’s Profile

  • Age: 63
  • Location: Plano, Te
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I was born in Terre Haute, Indiana and I've been living in Texas since the age of six. My life has had its share of "up's and down's" and throughout the years I've learned to find "blessings" behind each of these challenges. I always try to reach out to others through laughter. Last night, while surfing the web for a better poetry community, I stumbled across this one. And I'll be damned If I'm not happy I did! I apologize to anyone that I may offend through my style of poetry. I write about things that most folks wouldn't dare to speak about. I love humor! However, I do have respect for poetry as well as my fellow poets. Writing mostly about humor doesn't mean that I take the art of poetry for granted. How do you distinguish whether I'm being silly or not? When you see the title ending with an exclamation point, (!) rest assured it's gonna be silly! Forgive me if it takes a while to comment on other poet's works. I'm still in the process of familiarizing myself with the settings and functions on this site. Guess that's all for now. By the way, is there such a word as "familiarizing?" Thanks and God bless each of you.


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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

nakedcity’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
the toilet's meow! 0
Looking Back... 1
Dead Man Walking! 0
The Ladder 1
flip floppin'! 1
stanky feet! 2
the hunchback of tennessee! 1
male enhancement! 4
Rudolph's new job! 2
who's moonin' who?! 4