The girl from the Portofino Bay Hotel(about a teenage moment 7/25/05-8/2/05)


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In this pathetic love story: My thoughts wander to my first love who shot the gun romantic who made the songs sang by my tounge who made my heart beat frantic this is where it all started, until the love in my heart has ended

The girl from the Portofino Bay Hotel(about a teenage moment 7/25/05-8/2/05)

It was a summer night in Orlando Flordia, I was 15 years old.  My family and I were eating at one of the city walk resturants when I suddenly felt impulsed to go back to the hotel. In that moment, the impulse felt nothing more then a mere excuse to seperate myself from my family.  Maybe to find a cigerette since I had hidden that habit from my parents at the time.  So I calmly and normally walked to the water boat to be taken back to the Portofino Bay Hotel.  My friend called me in this moment from my home town, telling me horrible news, attempting I imagine to take my mind out of vacation and for a moment did, but as I was gathering my thoughts something simple occured.  The sun was just down at around 9 o'clock and through the romantic summer air, a girl about my age at the time was sitting across from me and for some reason, at the same moment, noticed me.  Through out the boat ride, it continued, we caught each others attention and I was a boy of fate and no action.  So cowardly I walked back up to my room when I felt another large impulse.  An instinct, to get on my bathing suit and run down to the pool as fast as possible before it closes at 10 and I did and she so happened to be there as well with her friend.  Now imagine a 15 year old boy at 6'3, 160 pounds, nervous as hell, in a pool with whom he now believes is his soul mate and not having a clue what to say.  So I swam up next to her, her friend and her sitting on the wall.  I kept putting my head under the water like a fool, up and down, managed to some how say hello, she said hi back, didnt ask her for her name, didnt tell her my name, kept dunking my head up and down in the pool, over and over and over until the fire works went off in the sky and then just stared at the fire works like a little child, as if i just found out what fire works were, anything to not talk to her, run on sentince intentional, left the pool, didnt talk to her, went up to my room, fell asleep and woke up the next day sick as hell and when I say sick I mean mentally sick, I mean puppy love sick, all I could do was think about her sick.

That day I was suppose to go down to the park with my family and enjoy the rides but I was paralyzed in love, and yes I was.  I told myself, well if this is fate then I will run into her again.  So I waited around, I walked around the portofino bay like a lost child, I walked by the water boat to see new arrivals.  I did not entirely leave it up to fate, I gave it too much thought, I fell in love too fast but I saw her.  I saw her waiting by the water boat to get on.  So I nervously, awkwardly and cowardly put myself too on that boat.  She was there with her family and I felt weird and all about talking to her in front of her family, so I sat in the back of the boat, kinda accidental stalkerish and got off the boat.  This is when I had to do something or nothing, this is when I had to choose between walking in her direction or walking in an opposite direction from her.  I walked in the opposite direction from her, dissappoint so greatly overwhelmed me and instinctually I just turned around.  I turned around and found her in the large crowd walking towards the theme park, and there she was.  She had turned around too.  We were both staring at each other through this enormous amount of people and to make sure this contact was genuine I rose my hand up into that summer sky and then she did to.

The next night I was in a resturant again with my family and it was getting late, I wanted to make the water boat so I could make it to the pool in time to talk to her, but I did not make the water boat that night.  So instead, I ran.  I ran down the cement path that led to the hotel.  I ran and I didn't stop, my heart was racing, my nerves had ended and I ran.  I ran for ten minutes without stopping, up into my room, got changed and ran out back into the summer night where I was greeted by the fire works again.  Which indicated that the pool was about to close and when I got there I was too late.

The next couple days I did not see her, I did not see her at all and soon came the day when I was leaving, leaving to go onto the plane back to New York and realized in quickly that I would never see her again unless fate some how brought us back together.  That day was filled with uncomfort, with sadness, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, the only girl I've ever ran for, the only girl, who through all this time, will somehow still to this day, grab my thoughts and remind me of what a beautiful world this really is.  And though we have barley spoken with our tounges, we have some how managed to say everything in brief summer moments with only our presence.

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BrokenHeart2009 commented on The girl from the Portofino Bay Hotel(about a teenage moment 7/25/05-8/2/05)


I don't think it is pathetic, it is learning about approaching the opposite sex, and learning not to be afraid of rejection. Feeling sparks, and being unsure:)

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

Patman34’s Poems (15)

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