poetry hangover


poetry hangover

poetry hangover

11:30 pm
wrote a poem
then two more
2:15 am
got in bed
read some pages
to get sleepy
forgotten poem
i'd written
in my head
at 10:30 am
suddenly popped
back into
my mind
ran down the
stairs to
the  typer'
at 3:00 am
and got it out
before it
miraged' again
4:15 am
went to bed
fell asleep
( time unknown)
barking dogs n
sirens woke me
at 7:55 am
with a poetry hangover

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BraveMoon commented on poetry hangover


I have a habit of devouring a new Author, @ 177 current works posted on OP, you're quite the banquet. I reserve my assestment of you until I've finished reading your works (convenient that you continue to post new, so I have no pressure) but when I stumbled upon this one I saved it for over a week to read, it is nice, my own "Txt Hngovr" is a play on our modern fad of intentional misspelled communication, it just goes to show, Everything in moderation, or you'll screw up yer head! They meet on the common ground of How Life Is.

Pape commented on poetry hangover


This poem was like sipping a crisp riesling, bright and quirky...then the last four words washed it down with a JD shooter. Nicely done. I keep a pad of paper next to my bed, that way I don't have to get up when words tempt to ruin my slumber.

hdmac commented on poetry hangover


The times you had are confusing. They are all over the place. It is not sure if you meant "pm" instead of "am".

jademelissa74 commented on poetry hangover


Beautifully crafted! It truly made me smile. I can relate to this piece in many ways. Keep up the great job!

Hampton commented on poetry hangover


What can I say? Such is the life of a budding poet.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

MikeDomino’s Poems (108)

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A Poem 1
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i i i 9
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Art 2
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poetry hangover 7
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do 0
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Country 0
Morning 0
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Time and 2 other Poems 0
Three Poems 0
Electric Night 3
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no mo woiken 20
Slainte 5
Celebrity Death 28
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cement shoes 14
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rank 7
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