Natural Beauty


  • Nature

    Natural Beauty

    The tempest sea bleeds
    against the shore
    The sand stained waves
    flow effortlessly
    wind adorned
    Tides pouring
    their over flow
    across the sun kissed floor
    Satin shells
    water torn
    sweep about foot laden paths
    To become fond memories
    of those who once made the waters laugh
    Each granule
    carries a story of the past
    Heavens ledge is smiling over
    While by and by
    the passions ride
    rippling long and deep
    Speaking in a unique language
    We cannot retrieve

    Poem Comments


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    Singcanary commented on Natural Beauty


    Enjoyed your poem. Technically balanced. Very virgo ;-) and nature felt.

    Chrisjan commented on Natural Beauty


    A very well written poem. The creativity and heart filled imagary are awesomely formed into this treasure.

    origionalmerlin commented on Natural Beauty


    since i read all of the postings of somone i am rating, rate all or not rate comment or not commentetc (as in my bio and i come back and read rate and comment again at later times the rating system and comments seem to reflect more often on the raters too often the subject of the pome or prose judge not lest... yep it fits everywhere still a 10

    origionalmerlin commented on Natural Beauty


    hmmm did i rate this yet??? well... merlin (seaborn or from the sea) how could i not like this?

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Tray4’s Poems (45)

    Title Comments
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