I think I need the question


  • Confusion

    I think I need the question

    Not always sure about my feelings
    Longing for something
    Never knowing just what it is
    No response it recalls

    Am I Trying to find an anwser without a question
    Puzzlement rules my moment
    What am I trying to find
    To much confusion roams through the mind

    Whats going on, can this problem be be solved?
    Is their relief when you don`t know quite what is wrong
    Just longing
    never really knowing why
    I rely to much on emotions to pass the time
    But it isn't my fault
    It is only one of my many my human defects
    Maybe it isnt the lack of a question
    In it's stead inferior aspect

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    PRober commented on I think I need the question


    I think you're very right, a good poem to a great one in fact! Nicely done...write on!

    kdarcy commented on I think I need the question


    We all need the / a question, for what purpose would we have withot them? For me, I like the concept and many of the lines. It seems strained, could it be you are trying too hard? we all do it. I will look over some of your others and comment, thanks for sharing.

    Tray4 commented on I think I need the question


    just rewrote this one, much improved I think.I did'nt change it to much but I believe those little details make all the difference

    origionalmerlin commented on I think I need the question


    (advice to Virgo(s) Perfection is the goal, not the rule..) alone time gets you recharged, let the wheels spin till something important catches your fancy . good read, good write

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Tray4’s Poems (45)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Recovery 0
    2021 1
    Invisible Enemy 1
    Beyond 0
    Weight 3
    Sibling Rivalry 1
    The Kindly Gardeners 2
    Invisible Prison 4
    A Summer's Day! 3
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    Stallion 2
    "The Wind In My Soul" 10
    Eternity 3
    Candle Sticks 4
    Natural Beauty 4
    Pigment 1
    Precious Moment 1
    Ready 1
    Temporary Destractions 2
    The Exchange 5
    The missing feathers 2
    True Expression 4
    Unstable 1
    A Reminder 2
    "Soul mates" 4
    A good winter's week end 1
    Only for so long 2
    "Best Friend's" 2
    "Whole" 1
    Release 3
    Little lights scatter the darkness 2
    " ! A New Year ! " 2
    Unbosom (a poem I had on poetry.com) 2
    Alluring Decor 1
    Corruption Unveiled 3
    Wait don't flip ya lid get ur hair did 3
    I think I need the question 4
    I Can`t Explain 2
    "You and I" 7
    Find freedom -10
    The Man She could not leave behind,an Intro 3
    untitled 2
    Genuine Exhibitions 10
    Dusk Arriving 9