My Untouchable Man


  • Love

    My Untouchable Man

    Oh my
    My untouchable man
    You can loss controll by feeling me in your words
    Seeing me in your thoughts
    Loving me
    for me
    As only you can
    I ask for molements
    for a life time
    Can you feel me in your words forever
    Can you see me in your thoughts forever
    Can you love me for me forever
    I belive we will always be
    Don't ever feel torn.
    I am giving you something.
    I am given you a molment of me

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    AngelaWalter’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Be open to me 0
    And so is life 0
    Oh Lord 0
    In a Dream 0
    My Untouchable Man -1

    AngelaWalter’s Friends (1)