I am


  • Humor

    I am

    I am
    A student
    A friend
    A driver
    And right now I’m in school
    In Mrs. A’s class to be more exact
    Writing this paper
    Trying to think of something to put down
    Thoughts keep on coming
    But as soon as they come their gone
    I am
    Never going to get this done
    Never going to get an A
    Never going to pass
    But if I never try I can never succeed
    So I sit
    And think
    And think
    And think
    I am
    Starting to fall asleep
    Starting to drift away
    Starting to dream of pretty things
    But soon my fun is spoiled
    And Mrs. Everly comes
    And taps on my shoulder
    And says I must stay awake
    I am
    Now awake
    Now fast at work
    Now typing this paper
    Still have no idea what to write
    But I have to look like I’m working
    Otherwise I’ll get my second strike
    I am
    Waiting for the idea to just pop out
    Waiting for it to hit me in the face
    Waiting for the bell to ring
    But it is still so far away
    Got twenty more minutes to go
    I am
    Surprised by how good this is turning out
    Surprised that I still haven’t fallen asleep
    Surprised by how easy this way
    But now that it is almost done what will I do
    I know I’ll just lay back and wait
    Hope I don’t fall asleep
    But now that my work is finished
    Who cares?
    I am Done!

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    FranzJ commented on I am


    i feel like nothing comes to me sometimes too - very good i lik it

    lovechild417 commented on I am


    i remember those days lol

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    noahlee2b’s Poems (11)

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