

  • Loss


    I lay on this plank and hay;
    watching as we all fade.
    I see the man next to me die;
    but for some reason I can't cry.

    I've been here in hell,
    as men around me fell.
    This place has no escape;
    we are kept in here like apes.
    I have no shoes on my feet,
    no soles to walk on peat.

    I am to small to survive
    but they say I must strive.
    I am tired and can't go on;
    I know I'm already to far gone.

    That is how I ended up in the hay;
    watching as I fade.
    I know I am the next to die
    and for me no one will cry.

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    Tray4 commented on holocaust


    and hay? huh

    Tony commented on holocaust


    awwww das rlly sad :'(

    mistyparish commented on holocaust


    Wow, this is very good. Very heart felt.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    noahlee2b’s Poems (11)

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