How Rich I Am


Poem Commentary

How do we define wealth in this life...Money has its place, but wealth has many other facets if we look at the full picture...In my poem "How Rich I Am" may you come to view the multi-facets of true wealth...Juanita Pittman-Brown

How Rich I Am


I am amazed that

I own the stars  --

I own the blue of the sky  --

I own the vast blue water

Spread across this earthen ball  --

I own the colors in the bouquet  --

I own the smell of rain

As it sprinkles across the soil  --

I own the laughter of a baby  --

I own the joy grasped by the heart

When the greeting card is read  --

I own the smell of my little girl’s hair

After her bath in the eve  --

I own the swelling of laughter

In my soul with

The truth told in humorous tone  --

I own the shine of the moon  --

I own the sparkle of the stars  --

I own the funniest story

I have ever heard  --

I own the words in my favorite book  --

I own the health granted to me

Moment to moment by God  --

I own the blessing of knowing that one day

I will have a birthday with the light of the stars

As the candles on my cake

There to see my Mom and Dad

And share eternity

With my Heavenly Father and angels

I have never met who were here

In this world with me

Before I knew their names  --

And I always remember

That I am heir only to that

Which my Holy Father

Decides He will give to me  --

And in that knowledge I glory in the fact

That My Father truly does unconditionally

Love me…

By Juanita Pittman-Brown  

“Rich is a condition of the h
eart…” JPB



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castlemist commented on How Rich I Am


I really love the feel of this....I do and want to share your have a beautiful soul Juanita. Jerry



Jerry, thank you...I do not know if you looked around my site, but I have a site where I post my work which is is a free site that you may wish to use as well ( -- Too, I now have a posting on facebook (whatamothersays (Juanita Pittman-Brown)...Recently I closed my official website and am using others soureces...I am new to, and I do like this site very much... Too, I am author of 2 books Words in Bloom, a book of poetry, and What A Mother Says, a books of aphorisms/truths...If you would like, I will send you an e-book of What A Mother Says...I have easy access to it from my original manuscript...If you have time, please do visit my posting on you enjoy if you have an opportunity... Blessings to you as yyou go...Juanita PittmanBrown

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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