Black Sock


Poem Commentary

Life sometimes is like choosing a sock from your drawer.  The color you choose will become the color of your life. 

It is my hope that you enjoy my poem "Black Sock" and understand its analogy to our day to day experiences.  May the poem also be a reminder of the fact that sometimes we cannot see which sock we are choosing, but we can accept the pair and find the goodness, if we look, within our choice.   Juanita Pittman-Brown

Black Sock

“Black Sock”


Life is like a drawer of white socks

All in their place

Except one pair of black socks

Has taken up some space--

Life is like being a child

And picking a pair of socks

From this drawer far above your head

And in the picking rather than getting a white pair

 You get the black pair instead  --

The stool you use to reach above

Allowed only for your hand to reach

As blindly you pulled forth

A pair of socks in air  --

 No way you could have known

When you reached into the drawer

It would be the black pair  --

It may seem to be a mistake

As the white ones eluded your fingers there

But it truly was by God’s design

That the black socks were the ones

That appeared in air  --


So one day

The white socks may represent

Your health

And for a season of time

You may lose some measure of that wealth  --

The wealth of wellness

You have always known


If one day you pull

From your drawer a pair of black socks

Which you must call your own

Just put them on

And smile

For there is a reason

That you pulled the black pair

My child  --

Today you may not understand

The reason you picked this pair

As you reached sight unseen 

Into the drawer above  --

But keep in mind

That whichever pair you wear

Does not change God’s eternal love  --

Keep in mind as you go

From day to day

That even when you

Wear black socks

God will make a way  --

He will make a way

And provide answers as you go  --

So in your heart remember

That it is so 

That God loves you

And desires for you only the very best

For you that life can be

But He also knows

That you would only pick the white socks

If above your head you could see…©

Juanita Pittman-Brown 



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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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