Hopelessly Hopefull


  • dmc1259
  • I added a new poem, Jumping Hurdles. It's best if you watch the video provided. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

Hopelessly Hopefull

Don’t worry if you can’t find the right words to say
My thoughts aren’t making much sense anyway
I find it hard to believe
That nothing is ever what it seems
I fear the secrets I cannot hide
Their existence are wasting my time
I don’t know exactly where I’m going
But I’ll find love without even knowing
It’s hard to forget the past
The promised love that didn’t last
I can’t remember the way it used to feel
When everything around me felt so real
Reality hits hard
And you realize that you didn’t really get that far
Life is just a mere frame of time
Nothing really different about yours…or mine
It all evens out pretty rough
I’m just hopelessly hopeful, you’re just hopeless enough
If my presence were to disappear
Then u would have nothing left to fear
What if the sun never came to relieve the night?
Do you think you’d make it out alright?
Damn, these thoughts are never ending
And these questions have no meaning
Time is healing right now
And I will forget some how
I’m feeling so good
So please crush my dreams one more time if you could
I can’t really take the pain any longer
But I know I will make it out much stronger

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MonkeyLover commented on Hopelessly Hopefull


I really liked your peom. The entire thing is well written. I particularly like "If my presence were to disappear Then u would have nothing left to fear"



Thank you, that is def one of my fav lines in the poem as well. I love reading my work. My technique is I just let myself go and write whatever comes up. After I am finished and its like I am reading something new not written by me. Haha if that made any sense

federallawman commented on Hopelessly Hopefull


You never forget, but, some how the pain gets lost. Again, all that is left is Strength. And with the Strength eventually perfect love.

Rainz commented on Hopelessly Hopefull


Well done! I know the feeling oh too well. Some say hope is pointless, others say its our greatest strength. I stress the latter.

magati commented on Hopelessly Hopefull


my dear r u an incartion of our thougts and feelings..your poems are moving deep mountains in our souls..eps. Hestation for temptation and hopelessly hopful...thanks for awaking our feelings...kudos gal...

BigBrooks commented on Hopelessly Hopefull


This one is good I'll rewrite it and give you credit. I am in no way trying to steal, I always give credit wherever credit is due

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

dmc1259’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Thank you Dad, Part 2 8
All it takes is one rhyme 3
I don't know how to say goodbye.... 9
Hesitation for Temptation 7
Hopelessly Hopeful 5
Thank you Dad 67
Hopelessly Hopefull 9
Hesitation For Temptation 5
In Love With A Lie 9