

  • Friendship


    To what we knew and understood
    That a friend in need is a friend indeed
    To what I was convinced and believed
    That friendship is what link people together

    In a world called earth
    People exhibit different characters
    Some in good favour to me
    Some I don't know what to make of it
    But then I realised, I have no friend
    With features of a thousand good friends

    Though I never bothered to think about it
    Because I never thought there could be one on earth
    Who could possess features like this
    But you recently counter my thought

    I believe my meeting you is a coincidence
    I have the impression it is meant to be

    I know not the reason to my happiness today
    But I know I have a friend
    That can't be replaced with 999 friends
    So I deduce I would live and die a happy person
    Because I have you to watch my back

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    LittleWonders’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    First love 1
    Love events 1 0
    Perfect Being With You 0
    Friendship 0
    Love not mine 0
    Friendship 0
    Power of Love 0
    And a Day Cometh 0
    Power of Love 2
    All I Have in Me 0
    No One To Trust -1
    For my Love 1
    The Power of Love 0