Original Poetry Forums


03-15-2010 at 09:15:08 AM

RE: Couplets?

Couplets are lines of poetry rhyming in pairs. Couplets have been composed in all meters, but the following two are more often used.
The octosyllabic couplet,aL also called the iambic tetrameter consist of eight sylables or four feet in each line,as in Swift;s "The Beast';s Confession":

The Ass approaching next,confess'd,
That in his heart he loved a jest.

The most widely used is the heroic couplet or the iambic pentameter, as in John Denham's "Cooper's Hill" :

O could I flow like thee,and make thy stream
My great example, as itis my theme.

The heroic couplet was first used by the Father of English poetry , Geoffrey Chaucer,

As mentioned before, a poet needs not adhere to any of these couplets, but his lines must rhyme ,as in CousinsOren's. "Jamaica,Land Of Beauty":

In this lovely land of wood and water,
Nature bestowed beauty and Love taught her..

03-15-2010 at 09:16:47 AM

RE: RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by KtIrish

What you say could be true.
Trees often have a better view.

Ht, I love this couplet of yours.

How about this one of mine?

In this lovely land of wood and water
Nature bestowed beauty and love taught her.

Last edited by cousinsoren 03-15-2010 at 03:47:14 PM

03-15-2010 at 09:26:30 AM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by dahlusion

in the beginning there was love
and love blossomed...

©dah 1994kiss

Yours is not a couplet, My Friend. The lines must clearly rhyme in pairs as in:

If I weren;t a monkey ,I'd be a donkey,
With such long ears, I'd listen frankly.;

From; 'My Zoo Mates' by Cousinsoren)

03-15-2010 at 10:13:58 AM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

This is from my poem Madversity, search WordSlinger2

Treacherous urges steadily spur
The dreadful adventure of what we lure

I read "Madvesity" some months ago. I'll ahve to re-read it, Chau!

03-15-2010 at 10:25:31 AM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by BDIsernhagen

suspended by a heartstring, like pendulems we seem
swinging almost heplessly from extreme to raw extreme.

Yeah Bret, I love this one,though I feel uncomfortable visualizing my 220 lbs 0r 100kilos hanging from the pendulum of the clock in my hallway, and swinging left---right---left right,........LOL

Excellent, strikingly great imagery, that couplet of yours. Read a couplet from my poem, :Jamaica,Land of Beauty,"

Last edited by cousinsoren 03-15-2010 at 03:56:02 PM

03-15-2010 at 10:27:54 AM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by dahlusion

in the beginning there was love
and love blossomed...

©dah 1994kiss

Rewrite this one ,Dahlusion, Tt's not a couplet.

03-15-2010 at 10:30:53 AM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by dahlusion

in the beginning there was love
and love blossomed...

©dah 1994kiss

This is not a couplet, Dahlusion.

03-15-2010 at 11:45:08 AM

RE: Couplets?

now that i understand the term couplet! I thought i'd give it a go
throw ideas out, to poetry land, too set self .....

lost in the space where we appreaciate
the emotions race fast in order to vibrate

in moody disorders that angers the foundation
within you reorders whats linguers in relation red facered face

03-15-2010 at 03:50:25 PM

RE: RE: Couplets?

Originally Posted by KtIrish

I don't have any myself. But I like the couplets because of the amount of power and style it takes to express so many thoughts and emotions in two small lines. Its short, but very powerful.
Good topic.

I firmly agree with you, Kt, couplet hold a lot of subtle power, apart from being precious stones of poetry.

03-16-2010 at 10:13:15 AM

RE: Couplets?

American Parable by me, John E. Wordslinger

All it takes is one good erotic write
to take everyones sadness,
and turn it into madness
So me
as a Lad will be glad
to put some more ad in your gladness

04-13-2010 at 08:10:44 PM

RE: Couplets?


beautiful, graceful, swaying in the wind
lunging, frightening, crawling on my skin

04-15-2010 at 10:47:15 AM

RE: Couplets?

What is this madness I see?!
People chatting in short poetry?

04-15-2010 at 10:56:32 PM

RE: Couplets?

It may be madness that you feel,
But madness has it's own appeal.

04-17-2010 at 04:12:43 PM


Your illusions of maddness are wishing,
To end the insanity of pacing through normality

its a slant rhyme, that counts, right? :P

Last edited by jpmaster13 04-17-2010 at 04:14:32 PM

04-18-2010 at 12:14:07 AM

RE: Couplets?

I think an explanation is needed,
What is a slant? You might have succeeded.

04-18-2010 at 11:13:32 PM

RE: Couplets?

Slant rhime in not so exact,
Its like together the words baked and hacked

(not an exact rhyme, but close? XD)

04-18-2010 at 11:20:47 PM

RE: Couplets?

I think I get what you mean,
And I can't argue with what I've seen.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.