Original Poetry Forums

Who is your Favorite Poets??

05-11-2009 at 04:55:20 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

What no Willy the Shake, 5 cents for the paper and a nickel's worth of ink and boom-ba-boom drama. But then there's a lot of other favorites, Wilfred Owen, Stephen Crane, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, Lorca (anyone wanting to be a poet needs to read is essay: Duende), Jorie Graham, WS Merwin, DH Lawrence, M.R. Rilke, T.S Elliot, William Cullen Bryant, Coleridge, Bret Hart, Kipling, Longfellow, Wordsworth, James Hillman, John Dryden, Milton, Shelly, Frost, Thoreau, Spenser, Dylan Thomas, Poe, Milton, Ginsberg, Jack Mitchland, Michael Meade, Bobby Kauffman, Sir Walter Scott, Alexander pope, William Carlos Williams, Mary Ann Moore, Wm Yeats, James Joyce, Seamus Heaney, Archibald MacLeish, Rupert Brooke, Carl Sandburg, Wallace Stevens, Carl Sandburg, Robinson Jeffers (Hurt hawk is a gotta read), Brenda Hillman, Robert Bly ('the rag & bone shop of the heart' is a must read for all poets) Emerson, Edgar Lee Masters (great anthology), Housman, Lao Tzu (the way), Lu Chi (the Wen Fu), Li Po, Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Donne, Heck I have too many favorites to mention. And the list keeps getting longer. I'm influenced by a lot of different people past and present. Good players on both teams makes for a great ball game.

a poet artist friend
RH Peat.

Last edited by RHPeat 05-11-2009 at 05:07:01 PM

05-13-2009 at 05:44:42 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Nostradamus, huh
Nostradamus, huh
Nostradamus, huh, lol

05-17-2009 at 02:27:32 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

many, many. but two most favs are whittier "maud muller" and gibran "the prophet"

Last edited by lanice224 05-17-2009 at 08:49:09 PM

05-17-2009 at 05:57:15 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

William Blake, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Edgar Allen Poe, Lewis Carroll

05-26-2009 at 11:35:06 AM

Re: Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Originally Posted by Bladebearer

I also love the Bible poets! They are THE most inspirational of all!

who is your favorite Biblical poet and wat is your favorite book in the bible/

06-04-2009 at 10:28:57 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Saul Williams
sean daley
edgar allan poe
jim morrison

The first two are my favorite, their modern poets check em out.

06-05-2009 at 02:43:31 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

David from the bible
Maya Angelou
cool cheese

06-05-2009 at 07:14:44 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

YEATS, Poe, Carol, Shakespeare, Longfellow, Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Jim morrison...

06-05-2009 at 08:38:54 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Robert Frost, T.S. Elliot, Emily Dickenson, Bob Dylan, Edgar Allan Poe, John Lennon

06-06-2009 at 11:44:29 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

"How do I love thee, let me count the ways" Elizabeth Barrett Browning-My absolute favorite of all time. I also love Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickenson and Edgar Allan Poe. Oh and my mother!

Last edited by dawnjyc 06-06-2009 at 11:46:39 PM

06-07-2009 at 12:25:25 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

I also get a ton of inspiration from the Biblical Psalmists (Psalters are what they are technically) Song of Songs are my favorite!! Some others are Dickenson, Poe, Rosetti, and I too love Shakespeare!!You can't beat the classics! There are quite a few on here that I have found as modern favorites!!

Good choices for everyone else as well!


06-11-2009 at 09:33:07 PM
  • KLF
  • KLF
  • Posts: 16

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Robert Burns, Robert Frost since I was a little girl, C.S. Lewis, D. H. Lawrence, Dickinson, Browning, Canzonetta, Rossetti, Roditi, Sun Tzu, and many others. And I quite like some of the writings of Castlemist

06-11-2009 at 09:43:07 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Found a new favorite poet on my way into minn and wisc last week. He write always with a wry twist in his work.

Louis Jenkins


I take the snap from the center, fake to the right, fade back...
I've got protection. I've got a receiver open downfield...
What the hell is this? This isn't a football, it's a shoe, a man's
brown leather oxford. A cousin to a football maybe, the same
skin, but not the same, a thing made for the earth, not the air.
I realize that this is a world where anything is possible and I
understand, also, that one often has to make do with what one
has. I have eaten pancakes, for instance, with that clear corn
syrup on them because there was no maple syrup and they
weren't very good. Well, anyway, this is different. (My man
downfield is waving his arms.) One has certain responsibilities,
one has to make choices. This isn't right and I'm not going
to throw it.


06-11-2009 at 11:48:12 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

if a bush had have been down field he would have thrown it. smile))
Great poem.

06-12-2009 at 01:52:53 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Well, I have many, but here in this website, I would have to say:

Wordslinger- For his aggressive style and powerful messages
Jademelissa74- For her unique and eloquent style
Dahlusion- For his unique and eloquent style
Artie- For his unique style and powerful messages
Orsonav- For his religious ways and powerful messages

I cannot seem to stop reading their poetry!

Thanks to you all for sharing!

06-16-2009 at 12:28:08 PM

Re: Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Originally Posted by cat8rat74

Well, I have many, but here in this website, I would have to say:

Wordslinger- For his aggressive style and powerful messages
Jademelissa74- For her unique and eloquent style
Dahlusion- For his unique and eloquent style
Artie- For his unique style and powerful messages
Orsonav- For his religious ways and powerful messages

I cannot seem to stop reading their poetry!

Thanks to you all for sharing!

wow, I don't know what to say.
thank ya so mucheo

I am glad to see Emily Dickinson fans here, what a blessing she was.

Last edited by WordSlinger 06-16-2009 at 12:29:50 PM

06-16-2009 at 10:31:55 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

on here:


and many more....but ther eare so many!!!

Last edited by BDIsernhagen 06-16-2009 at 10:56:44 PM

06-19-2009 at 10:53:10 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Lupe Fiasco.
Dare to contest me?

cool hmm

06-20-2009 at 12:25:42 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

I also love Kerouac and Bukowski. I don't believe anyone has mentioned Bob Dylan. T.S. Eliot and e.e. cummings. Edgar Alan Poe and Robert Frost.

06-21-2009 at 02:44:42 PM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

ME love Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Ginsberg, Burroughs, D.A. Levy, Whitman, Blake, T.S. Eliot, Alan Kaufman, Robert Browning, Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed, Poe, Rumi, Bukowski, Mary Oliver, Bob Kaufman, Pedro Pietri, Che Guevara, Tom Waits, Richard Pryor, James Dean, Neal Cassady, Henry Miller, Gomez, Patti Smith, Williams Carlos Williams, Frank O'Hara, Jack Hirschman, e.e. Cummings, Emerson and Thoreau. yep smile i'm glad that we are all sharing our influences.

06-23-2009 at 08:16:57 PM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Mine would be Poe, Shakespeare and Bob Dylan. David Allan Coe and Ted Russell Kamp have been huge influences on me so I will have to add them if nothing more then from a song writing aspect

06-24-2009 at 12:04:54 AM

Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

I like Dr. suess and all of Jesus works!

06-24-2009 at 04:30:45 PM

Re: Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Originally Posted by masterpoet

I like Dr. suess and all of Jesus works!

Totally awesome, smile

06-24-2009 at 06:49:06 PM

Re: Re: Who is your Favorite Poets??

Originally Posted by cat8rat74

Well, I have many, but here in this website, I would have to say:

Wordslinger- For his aggressive style and powerful messages
Jademelissa74- For her unique and eloquent style
Dahlusion- For his unique and eloquent style
Artie- For his unique style and powerful messages
Orsonav- For his religious ways and powerful messages

I cannot seem to stop reading their poetry!

Thanks to you all for sharing!

A very good selection there, Jennifer! I agree with you.

Marcus tongue wink

04-18-2010 at 07:55:54 PM
  • kabbalistic
  • kabbalistic
  • Posts: 45

RE: Who are your Favorite Poets?? "I Praise Myself Loudly"!!! LOL

My favorite poet? Oh, that's easy!!! ME!!! What??? I'm not allowed to have an ego? I'm not allowed to "praise [myself] loudly"???LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
By the way, I have just done something that I KNOW that at least some people in this thread are too full of crap to admit-that their favorite poet is really the reflection looking back at them in the mirror! LOL Here's my small list (other than myself!):

Dorothy Parker
Sylvia Plath
CS Lewis
Rick Lupert
Mark Strand
CS Lewis
Allen Ginsburg
Willam Merwin
Ezra Pound
Luis de Camoes
Yevgeniy Yevtushenko
Alexandr Pushkin
James Russell Lowell

I could go on and on! Here is a good place to upload free e-books of your favorite poets:

Remember, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful! LOL
I could go on and on, but I'm still my favorite poet!

LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLzipperzipperzipperzipperzipperred facered facered facered facered facered facered face

Last edited by kabbalistic 04-18-2010 at 08:01:25 PM

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.