Original Poetry Forums

New Update

12-29-2009 at 06:54:41 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "WordSlinger"

maybe it's a java script I don't have, what do you think?

If you have javascript enabled, it should work. If not, then yes, that's it.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-29-2009 at 06:56:28 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "bloomingsun"

love the new look... the problem I am having is in the contest. When I click a poem to read, half the time it brings me to fred1932's post "warning". It's wierd because sometimes it goes to the poem clicked and sometimes it goes to fred's poem again... is this problem on my end or something to do with the new upgrades??

This almost sounds like you're trying to go to an alternative content poem, and you don't have the setting on to allow that. And instead of it showing the proper message, something else is coming up. For now, try going to your profile settings and enabling that. Let me know either way if it works or not.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-29-2009 at 06:57:06 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "WordSlinger"

I went old school html. lol, hey ok the new feature of favorite poets, in editing profile, does.nt show when your not logged in, on the profile. I used the code
to break lines in the bio so the wording doesn/t looked jammed, and it doe'snt work, so is there another way to break a paragraph??

thank you, Pac


Our parser isn't breaking the lines properly. I'll get it fixed.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-29-2009 at 07:02:34 PM
  • epiksonik
  • epiksonik
  • Posts: 44

RE: New Update

And I was just getting used to the previous layout :p

Last edited by epiksonik 12-29-2009 at 07:02:58 PM

12-29-2009 at 07:32:55 PM

RE: New Update

Ok Pac, I like how it shows all of ones poems.
look at
But they go off in the gray, maybe extend the cass of white down,
please keep the poem list unending that gives the poems a fair chance
to get read, maybe a poem up and down scroller???


Last edited by WordSlinger 12-29-2009 at 08:04:26 PM

12-29-2009 at 10:02:51 PM

RE: New Update

Ok in the forum, you can't click on the poets name to go to their page, and when you click on their picture, it close out the window completlely?

12-29-2009 at 10:23:48 PM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

RE: New Update

There is something wrong with the inbox messages I think. When I get a reply to a message all it shows is what I sent the person in the original message and not the reply

12-29-2009 at 10:23:49 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "WordSlinger"

Ok in the forum, you can't click on the poets name to go to their page, and when you click on their picture, it close out the window completlely?

I don't know what's up with the closing browser thing. Anyone else having this problem?

The unlinked members is on purpose. The way the forum works, a username will stay there forever, even if the person leaves the site. The thought was to not link any usernames, but I think its wanted. So I'm going to come up with a module that will check if they exist still, then add a link. If not, don't.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-29-2009 at 10:42:11 PM

RE: New Update

I'm helping you work out the bugs, lol
ok need a scroll bar for the peoms like the friends page.
that is a must.
I love the friends page on one up and down page, nice frame.
profile pics, may need to be enlarged.
I love the idea of adding more pictures. ty
Reading room is way cool.
the Settiends area, would be nicer if it had the user navigation area there, so you dont have to click back to navigate. So far that's what I think.

oh and it doesn't show you favorite poets on the profiles..

thank you OP,


12-29-2009 at 10:43:38 PM

RE: New Update

I agree with KT Irish papa, somehow our poems are in the order of the day of the month only, not sequential in the months order at all. Also whenever I read another poets poems and I scroll to the bottom and read the bottom poet's comment, I cannot activate the previous posted comments by poets who first rated the poem when it was first posted. Is their a glitch here? ty for listening.

12-29-2009 at 10:59:24 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "ginga"

I agree with KT Irish papa, somehow our poems are in the order of the day of the month only, not sequential in the months order at all. Also whenever I read another poets poems and I scroll to the bottom and read the bottom poet's comment, I cannot activate the previous posted comments by poets who first rated the poem when it was first posted. Is their a glitch here? ty for listening.

There might be a glitch there. I'll check it out in the morning. As for the sorting of the poems, it looks like the dates are sorting wrong on the table listing. I'll fix that too.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-30-2009 at 02:14:10 AM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "ginga"

I agree with KT Irish papa, somehow our poems are in the order of the day of the month only, not sequential in the months order at all. Also whenever I read another poets poems and I scroll to the bottom and read the bottom poet's comment, I cannot activate the previous posted comments by poets who first rated the poem when it was first posted. Is their a glitch here? ty for listening.

I noticed that too. But I thought it was just because the kinks were being worked out.

12-30-2009 at 02:54:58 AM

RE: New Update

The format of my poems is being changed from how I have arranged them!
Since word placement and spacing is an important aspect of any poem...this is a pretty serious bug. Can you please remedy this asap? thank you!

(it would help to know if others are experiencing this as well right now?)

12-30-2009 at 09:42:29 AM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "ruach"

The format of my poems is being changed from how I have arranged them!
Since word placement and spacing is an important aspect of any poem...this is a pretty serious bug. Can you please remedy this asap? thank you!

(it would help to know if others are experiencing this as well right now?)

We're working on this.

-Papa Paczki shock

12-30-2009 at 01:23:02 PM

RE: New Update

Is it possible to limit each poet to one submission per weekly contest? With 74 pages or more of poems submitted it is impossible to read any significant percent of them. I note that many poets submit multiple poems each week. Some as many as 8 to 10. If each was limited to 1 a week it would cut the number to some more reasonable level. As it is, the number is so over whelming that I'm sure most people just read the postings of their friends thus the contest becomes and remains a popularity contest. Also, if I read a poem on the 35th page, when I am finished I am returned to page one and have to sit there and page thru 35 pages to get back where I was.

12-30-2009 at 01:34:11 PM

RE: RE: New Update

Originally Posted by "aggieprof"

Is it possible to limit each poet to one submission per weekly contest? With 74 pages or more of poems submitted it is impossible to read any significant percent of them. I note that many poets submit multiple poems each week. Some as many as 8 to 10. If each was limited to 1 a week it would cut the number to some more reasonable level. As it is, the number is so over whelming that I'm sure most people just read the postings of their friends thus the contest becomes and remains a popularity contest. Also, if I read a poem on the 35th page, when I am finished I am returned to page one and have to sit there and page thru 35 pages to get back where I was.

Liimiting it might also increase the quality of the poems submitted. I like the idea. Any other thoughts on it?

-Papa Paczki shock

12-30-2009 at 01:42:05 PM
  • epiksonik
  • epiksonik
  • Posts: 44

RE: New Update

I think one submission per week for the contest is the best idea.

Last edited by epiksonik 12-30-2009 at 02:57:49 PM

12-30-2009 at 01:45:36 PM

RE: New Update

Award Winning!
There is so much wisdom here.
This website is a living book
of 21st Century Poets starting
a Readers' Revolution!

That's what I say;

John E WordSlinger tongue rolleye

12-30-2009 at 01:52:40 PM

RE: New Update

I like the one poem a week idea.
I think it would require more effort on the poets part, which is good.

12-30-2009 at 02:55:59 PM

RE: New Update

I definitely agree with the thought about submitting only one poem from a poet for the weekly contest. I also think it would be a good idea to put the old format back until OP gets all the glitches ironed out...and there are a lot of wrinkles, for sure.

big surprise.......................g

12-30-2009 at 09:16:00 PM

RE: New Update

Papa & Poets.
I agree with the 1 poem per week for the contest. I submitted more than one on a few occasions and you know it doesn't make sense. It's also a scramble to let everyone know to read all your new posts.
I vote 1 poem per week for contest!

ginga smile

12-31-2009 at 04:40:25 PM

RE: New Update

I just counted 15 poems posted by one poet in the first 10 pages in this weeks contest. I think from now on, if I see that the poet has multiple postings I will refuse to read any..

Last edited by aggieprof 12-31-2009 at 04:42:38 PM

12-31-2009 at 05:12:05 PM

RE: New Update

I agree 100%. One poem per week.

01-01-2010 at 10:09:16 AM

RE: New Update

Oblaidon mentioned earlier that poets pics were not clickable. I cannot get to any poet's page by clicking their pick from another poets comment list or friend's list like before on the former site, and also cannot from the Forums where pics are posted.

Will we regain this very convenient feature? It is cumbersome and sometimes discouraging to have to return to one's own site or scroll through pps. looking for that one poet who you saw on a page with a fantastic comment or profile. I feel I am adrift waiting for my one true poet to rescue me. Is that you Papa?
oh oh

01-01-2010 at 02:34:09 PM

New Update/Poem Spotlight

I remember talking about a poem spotlight, so poets can spotlight a poem that they really want reader's to read, can that be added???

ty, Happy New Yearssssss



Last edited by WordSlinger 01-01-2010 at 02:35:22 PM

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.