Original Poetry Forums

Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

02-08-2010 at 04:16:49 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

i agree with EinStud , there can be only one...A cut to the bone " tie off" is the way to settle the dispute . Let them battle with the pens till one wins! ~Inkmaster~

02-09-2010 at 08:32:17 AM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

The Elephant in the Room

I'm not a brave voter, but Bear, your post stands out Strong... Big, like an elephant in the room. and I can't ignore a response... and I apologize for being late

here is my view.

It wasn't easy when one poem was removed because of unwritten rules posted late, but it was accepted with grace.

Now, I see the contest has encountered another unwritten rule, ie ... one who double voted, which caused a Tie.
And I understand our judge stepped in to vote and break the tie... so I'm left thinking it's not really proper to discredit our judge's vote... a rather unpleasant biting of the feeder's hand

Which brings me to my vote, of the tie announcement,... but I have frodo-ism, thinking everyone should get a present on my birthday, or win... so I'm a valueless voter for a one winner now... and can't rip the crown from Malik's head...

I like the idea of a tie --- having a poet write-off, or both go on to the finals....

02-09-2010 at 11:11:29 AM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

02-09-2010 at 07:44:23 AM

* StandingBear
* Posts: 88

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

* StandingBear
* Posts: 88

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

* StandingBear
* Posts: 88

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Tom, i'm assuming there will be no retraction forthcoming pertaining to your decision to announce a 2nd place entry per the January Survivor contest as the January winning entry. Your walking away and leaving the decision to the voters has created a tie .. 2 votes to each entry by 4 brave voters .. although a tie never existed in the first place. Realization to the double vote placed the vote count "The Final Decisions" 20 and "Bombs Over Utopiia" 19 to which this is the original end result vote count at the end of the January contest. This decision relates directly to the fact your deciding vote wasn't needed and should've been excluded as the illegitimate vote should've also been excluded. Your statement pertaining to a non forthcoming retraction simply states the true original vote count "by the voters" isn't accepted by you and the true winning entry will not be announced as such. Papa declared differently, relating the winning entry consists of the most votes. I thank all voters and Papa for standing up!

Malik related he'd forfeit were he to realize his entry didn't win this January contest.
No forfeit has been forthcoming so i move to commend Malik upon his "alleged winning entry" which in "proven actuality" came in 2nd Place for the Poetry Survivor Contest Moderator, all voters, contest participants and supporters to realize. Malik, nothing to detract from your awesome talent .. simply the honest facts. Tom, .. nothing personal .. it's your contest to call it how you want to .. regardless of the "proven vote count outcome". I commend you for your steadfast ethics. Good luck to the February contestants!

zipper Kendlv contact "poetrysurvivor1" under "poet names" option.
Thanks Inkmaster! Thanks Springsize!
Last edited by StandingBear 02-08-2010 at 04:06:35 PM

02-10-2010 at 12:19:04 PM

RE: How do I enter

Beats me. But I would try searching for PoetrySurvivor1 and write the man in charge (Tom). That is where I would start.

Originally Posted by Kenedee

This is something that I am interested in...How do I enter?? Kendlv@hotmail.com

02-15-2010 at 09:43:37 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

This sounds great... Do you have to submit a newly written poem each entry? How can I use my existing work and remove the comments?

02-16-2010 at 07:18:48 PM

RE: RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

I would add as a "friend", PoetrySurvivor1 (just search for that club in the search box). Drag the link to my desktop (for ease in finding the link again). And there are the instructions. I hope this helps!

Peace Out!


Originally Posted by aliciagall

This sounds great... Do you have to submit a newly written poem each entry? How can I use my existing work and remove the comments?

02-18-2010 at 07:18:24 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Less than i hour left to vote per Week 3 Poetry Survivor Contest!

StandingBear zipper

02-18-2010 at 09:18:21 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

hi ... I've been waiting impatiently for three weeks to thank some people ... I was really so surprised at what I read and honored ... thank you so much ...

Thank you to:

week one: BloomingSun, Einstud, Dancing Hawk, Knight 4696, Charlie 23, StandingBear, Corey1hillen, Dragongirlie, SavvySam, Stellar, Gogant, Ccslim

week two: Dancing Hawk, SpringSize, BloomingSun, Einstud, StandingBear, Gogant, Cold as ice, Earthly

week three: Rhymer, SavvySam, Dancing Hawk, Einstud, Springsize, Gogant, Knight 4696, and last but not least StandingBear ...


02-23-2010 at 04:10:18 AM

RE: RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Originally Posted by bandit1192

Hi Tempestlady,
A few changes have come about since this original post. All 12 poems are posted anonimously at.... PoetrySurvivor1.... a profile set up specifically for this contest. Here you can vote for all poems you like, or only one. It's up to you, the judge. Twelve poems will be posted for one week. Three being eliminated next Thurs. Friday will start the second round... 9 different poems will be posted and we go through the voting process again....until we have a final three. From this final three, we choose a poet of the month. Hope you'll stop by and visit. The Jan contest has already started. cool smile
cool hmm

02-23-2010 at 08:26:40 AM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

I would like to thank all those who voted for my work as well-

Soulless Solace Week 1-
CCSlim, Springsize, Einstud, Niecy, Dancinghawk, Knight4696, Charlie23,
Summerrose35, Corey1Hillen

Hostage Week 2-
Bloomingsun, Einstud, Knight4696, Charlie23, Savysam, Summerrose35,
Twise, Springsize, Dancinghawk

More Of You Week 3-
Charlie23, Summerrose35, Gogant, Springsize, Einstud, Knight4696,
Bllomingsun, Savysam

Last edited by Artie 02-23-2010 at 08:28:45 AM

02-23-2010 at 12:59:48 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

I would be interested in competing later in the year, say summertime.hmmm

02-23-2010 at 03:32:17 PM

The Cricket

You awake at 2:30 A.M. by the sound of the loudest cricket you have heard in years.

It is now 3:30 A.M. and in the dead of night you decide to grab the bug spray and kill the cricket.

Finally it stops at 4:20 A.M.

He starts to chirp again and you once again start spraying.

It is now 4:25 A.M. and the chirping has ceased.

It is now 4:45 A.m.

The dog is snoring and you’re wide awake.

When is it proper to exterminate an insect simply because they disrupted your precious night of sleep? Do they not have the right to live and chirp as loud as they want without some asshole like me running outside to?
make certain he is DEAD?


We believe as human beings that a cricket is simply unimportant so we crush them. We think too highly of ourselves.

We will all die and no matter how many crickets we kill they will go on chirping long after we are gone.

The moral of this story is to remember that when a cricket chirps and pisses you off simply because you can’t sleep.
Go sleep in another room.
The cricket has a right to be what he is.

Ken Douglas

Last edited by Kenedee 02-23-2010 at 03:33:53 PM

02-23-2010 at 04:42:47 PM

RE: The Cricket

Originally Posted by Kenedee

You awake at 2:30 A.M. by the sound of the loudest cricket you have heard in years.

It is now 3:30 A.M. and in the dead of night you decide to grab the bug spray and kill the cricket.

Finally it stops at 4:20 A.M.

He starts to chirp again and you once again start spraying.

It is now 4:25 A.M. and the chirping has ceased.

It is now 4:45 A.m.

The dog is snoring and you’re wide awake.

When is it proper to exterminate an insect simply because they disrupted your precious night of sleep? Do they not have the right to live and chirp as loud as they want without some asshole like me running outside to?
make certain he is DEAD?


We believe as human beings that a cricket is simply unimportant so we crush them. We think too highly of ourselves.

We will all die and no matter how many crickets we kill they will go on chirping long after we are gone.

The moral of this story is to remember that when a cricket chirps and pisses you off simply because you can’t sleep.
Go sleep in another room.
The cricket has a right to be what he is.

Ken Douglas

And yes, well they do and they will chirp loudly, while you are trying to sleep and did you know that they make that loud noise by rubbing their legs together, that's pretty amazing, considering how loud it can be and that they are doing it by rubbing their legs together. Sort of wild and exciting and gross that nature can do that!
Earplugs, anyone?http://www.originalpoetry.com/img/smileys/vampire.gif

02-24-2010 at 10:33:02 AM

RE: The Cricket

Just turn on some music or the radio (softly). Crickets cannot play their "music" when there is a beat they cannot "crick" to.

Originally Posted by Kenedee

You awake at 2:30 A.M. by the sound of the loudest cricket you have heard in years.

It is now 3:30 A.M. and in the dead of night you decide to grab the bug spray and kill the cricket.

Finally it stops at 4:20 A.M.

He starts to chirp again and you once again start spraying.

It is now 4:25 A.M. and the chirping has ceased.

It is now 4:45 A.m.

The dog is snoring and you’re wide awake.

When is it proper to exterminate an insect simply because they disrupted your precious night of sleep? Do they not have the right to live and chirp as loud as they want without some asshole like me running outside to?
make certain he is DEAD?


We believe as human beings that a cricket is simply unimportant so we crush them. We think too highly of ourselves.

We will all die and no matter how many crickets we kill they will go on chirping long after we are gone.

The moral of this story is to remember that when a cricket chirps and pisses you off simply because you can’t sleep.
Go sleep in another room.
The cricket has a right to be what he is.

Ken Douglas

02-26-2010 at 08:22:40 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
That is to say, all of my wonderful peers on this site, I wish I had the time to personally travel around the country (no, the world) to thank each and every one of you in person. Many of you have sent notes of congratulations and I will try to answer each of those. In the meantime, a quick thank you for all of the wonderful comments, which gave me the February win, (in no particular order) to: Argus Wayne, Earthly, Dancinghawk, ICU2, Corey1Hillen, Bloomingsun, LauriLang5, SavVySam, EinStud, Knight4696, Charlie23, ccslim, Springsize, Badwan, Aggieprof, and mdpoetgirl. I also wish to thank my wife, Lou Ann for her grate prof reeding (LOL) and suggesting I write about the lady she and I saw at the casino, who appeared to have no clue about why she wasn't winning anything from the slot machine next to mine. And lastly, Tom, aka Bandit1129 for his work as moderator of this contest. Keep up the good work. Thanks again to all of you. tongue wink

02-26-2010 at 03:08:22 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

I would like to thank everyone who voted "yes" for my work in February's Poetry Survivor; you got me to the final round! Your time and votes were very much appreciated.


02-26-2010 at 04:49:28 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Congratulations again Londo on being a fierce competitor in Feb contest. I was one of the 3 in the last week with Tainted Love. I am honored to have played and to be in the presence of so much talent.

Kah ty for your conrtibutions as well and for helping all of us strive to write fine poetry!
grin ginga

Last edited by ginga 02-26-2010 at 04:50:19 PM

02-26-2010 at 06:41:26 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Thanks, ginga! Tainted Love is a fantastic poem - I really enjoyed it! And Londo, your winning poem Starship Cynical was AWESOME! It's hard to be upset about losing to such a well crafted poem - plus, your subject matter is one I so appreciate!


02-26-2010 at 06:48:40 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

You all are AWESOME! The thank you and the honors you bestow on others are treasures like the super poems that have been posted! These moments shared right here make me proud to stand beside wOOt ORIGINAL POETS!

02-26-2010 at 08:45:22 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Poetry Survivor February
Week 1

1. Londo- The Alternative
2. ginga- The Swimmer
3. Artie- Soulless Solace
4. Mosfabulous- You Think
5. Wordslinger- Run For the Stars
6. kah- Aftermath
7. lunamarie- Gold Lockets
8. ArgusWayne- Daddy's Little Boy
9. WatashLegend- What Is Hell?
10. inkmaster- Between Ocean Scenes
11. Slimgrady- The Gates of Hell
12. unknownpoet33- This Little Talk With You

Week 2

1. inkmaster- Lost un Told
2. Londo- Since I Lost My Senses
3. Artie- Hostage
4. ArgusWayne- She Knows
5. lunamarie- Blue Violet Dreams
6. kah- Evanescent
7. Wordslinger- A Poet's Last Poem
8. ginga- Time Now Stands Still
9.unknownpoet33- You


1. Londo- Let It Ride
2. lunamarie- Reaching
3. Artie- More of You
4. kah- Scar Tissue
5. inkmaster- The Feelings of Love
6. ginga- Meet Me Where the Rivers Merge

Week 4

1. Londo- The Starship Cynical * Winner*
2. ginga- Tainted Love
3. kah- Touch
cool smilewink Congratulations Londo

02-26-2010 at 09:14:04 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Fantastic entries... I enjoyed the incredible time invested by all who participated, you were all tough competitors! Huge congratulations to all who participated. *Special high five to *Londo, Kah & Ginga!!!

Best of Luck to the next group!cheese

Last edited by SavVySam 02-26-2010 at 09:14:47 PM

02-26-2010 at 09:35:35 PM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

To all of the February contestants that gave me such stiff competition, I just want to say how humbled I am to realize just who it is I was up against. It is a good thing the list of contestants is not published in advance. It would have scared the crap of me. I have been on this site just since the end of September and come to know many of you as friends. I am getting to know more of you, as well. I am in awe of your talents. My hat is off to ginga, Artie, Mosfabulous, Wordslinger, kah, Lunamarie, Argus Wayne, WatashLegend, inkmaster, Slimgrady, and unknownpoet33. Respectfully, Londo

02-27-2010 at 10:27:36 AM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

Anyone who was a fan of my first entry in week Feb week 1, The Swimmer is now posted on my page. This is based on a true story...there was really a "human" angel too....

02-27-2010 at 12:27:07 PM

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

I would like t thanks everyone who voited for me in the first three weeks od Ps. And everyone whom voted for ~between ocean sceens~ ...It was a blast thanks all..

03-01-2010 at 11:23:43 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Original Poetry Survivor... Rules

What is happening in this first week of the third round? We started out with 11 instead of 12, and now there are only 10. Have we developed a new system in which the contestants vote themselves off? oh oh

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.