Original Poetry Forums

The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

12-03-2009 at 12:37:03 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Under the first first amendment cocerning freedom of speech, it states that we can say what we will. But the underlying tone to this is that we do not bash, slander, or such negative correspondences. To the people that do not like this style and are bothered by it I have a superb idea. Take these ridiculous notions and begone. We at the den of blood poets never fancied your opinion nor did we ask what the hell you thought. So take your idealistic and opinionated ego and inflate your horse crap somewhere else. I would use other words in place right now but out of respect of my fellows on this forum I wont. To make it simple, shut the F*** up. Go screw yourself and no body cares what you have to say. I didnt ask you to read my garble or anyone else's. Flandering asses such as yourself need to get a real clue. The written language has evolved from your hay day from when the wheel was first invented.
If it offends you kind sir, be off! Here's your helmet window licker. Short bus will be along shortly. Only cowards sit behind keyboards tearing down what others work for cause they, themselves, have nothing to live for. So if you are to stupid to die here's a hint. Make sure safety is off and kick the chair out from under you. Happy holidays you whining maggot.... snake

Last edited by Vampire 12-03-2009 at 12:37:42 PM

12-03-2009 at 12:58:38 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Looks like I touched a nerve there "Vampire".

Sorry! ....Nobody said your work was bad...I'm questioning the degree to which you've been brainwashed (by my generation) into revering self destruction.

Hope you feel better soon.

By the way,

Merry Christmas

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Last edited by devaamido 12-03-2009 at 01:12:38 PM

12-03-2009 at 01:42:59 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Wow what cess pool of genetics did you crawl out of? Lets get one thing straight, the screen is derived from having worked in special effects at a haunted and having a love of horror movies. I dont by into hogwash of any generation if its a mute point. Everyone on here writes for whatever reason drives them. My reason for my anger was the death of my wife in 2005. Which the wound is still healing from. There is no one alive that can say they would not be mad or angry. Instead of holding it in I use it to drive my writing, even if that writing is dark. If I were to hold it in and not deal with then you could say that would be self destructive.

Just because the screen name vampire is penned to my account doesnt mean I think I am one. Nor does it mean I stalk dark alleys and look for victims. I also do enjoy the cultural differences from time periods and ethnic stories that accompany such myths or legends. So tell me how the hell brainwashing even falls from your lips? So I question you on the BS you bring here. I have no patience for people that try or attempt to crash or bring down others.

You have no right coming on here as you have and addressingh things the way you have. Addressing subjects or topics requires a mannerism of tact and ettiquette. Neither which I have seen here.

12-03-2009 at 02:23:33 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Sorry if my lack of diplomacy offended you. I didn't intend either to "crash" or to "bring down others".

I've read a few of your writings on your site, you do write well (just for the record).

Sorry for your loss.

I'm sure your writings do help...as you said. Please keep at it...it's good.

Last edited by devaamido 12-03-2009 at 02:31:26 PM

12-04-2009 at 03:59:22 AM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

To the Turtleneck-you shouldn't walk on the darkside without a flashlight, 'Mouth!'

So posted a special one just for you sweetheart!-smell the blood of my kiss

Winter Wonderland of Blood


cool mad

12-04-2009 at 11:08:22 AM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)


I’m not knocking your genre
Though I find it boring every day
And think it’s got way too much play
Selling sex and sadist’s sorts of play

Antihero myths with me don’t play
Repeated every livelong day,
They engender threats like you wrote today.
Gestapo-like words won’t win this fray.

Shelly, Stroker, Poe and Anne Rice
Wrote brilliantly of desultory vice
But never practiced Hollywood-type hype
Glamorizing vice and picking fights

If you disagree with me, is it then all right
To threaten me with pick or knife,
If I don’t forfeit my expression rights?
I think not, girl. You just ain’t my type!

Some say the truth will set you free.
I doubt that too, ‘til you agree
To free the underside that we
Conceal as “sure not part of me”.

No matter what we will pretend
The truth is painful in the end
How could it otherwise be free,
If truth took queues from you or me?

cool smile cool smile cool smile cool smile cool smile cool smile cool smile

12-04-2009 at 01:03:30 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Comment for Winter Wonderland of Blood-(sent from Devaamido to POB page)
I knew I'd get a little flack about my poem criticizing the current vampire fad, but I must admit, I never expected such an outpouring of hatred and intolerance of expressions of disagreement with the prevailing norm. Yes! I did say PREVAILING NORM. You who think vampires are so sexy & sophisticated ARE the NORM. You've believe yourselves to be avant garde free thinkers whose brilliant ideas are being suppressed by some ill-defined "authority". Well, bully talk is almost always the product of "GROUPTHINK". I have NO INTEREST in suppressing anything you'd like to say. I'd appreciate the same courtesy. By the way, this poem is well constructed. It conveys the poets stated feeling tone quite well. It obviously has devoted appeal to her target audience. (Targeting the audience one wishes to please is a s skill that most inexperienced poets forget). Although I obviously deplore the subject matter and the conscious fomentation of hatred underlying it, I must agree that it's an effective piece of work.
Reply To Comment
-First, 'intolerance of expression!' are you frickin' serious! The only one being-intolerant to expression, is YOU!- I don't give a swirling, smokin' crap if you write about butterflies or rainbows or age spots or whatever!-It's not my thing-so I don't 'F' with it-but respect that YOU dig it, so I leave you do, what it is you want to do!-BullyTalk!-What are we 7, here? Check this out 'Mouth'-There was NO 'GROUPTHINK' stand happening here-I came alone, I saw, and I stood-Did I make my stand on behalf of my blood poets-hell yes! Let me tell you something, it wasn't only for them Turtleneck! It was for every poet on this site, who is doing, what they are doing-because they have the rite to write! So, the 'everythings rosey' writers won't be confronted with the blood poets, so the atheist writers won't have to answer to the God fearing poets-SO WE WON'T have to answer TO YOU! You dangle the great writing legends under my nose-know what, Devaamido? You have not a clue who I am or what I have pumped out on paper..not a clue! Vampires? You come at me with the Vampire thing.-really? Who the hell said I was into vampires? Thats SO stereotypical of you, Mr. Freedom of Expression! I'm not into that role playing thing-but ya know what? Some people are-so what! It's there thing! Why is it even your buisness? Why make it your buisness...is rainbows and butterflies getting alittle-mundane,my dear!
Threatening you! Now that's rich!-You're one of those, huh? The self-made victim..if you were as insightful of a literary genius as your trying to portray, then you would comprehend-that the ice pick in the poem-is a frickin' metephore, genius! It's a metephore for freedom to express art as we choose-our weapon-words!
Look, I don't know what your buzz is-or why you slithered over here in the first place..but you need to find a new spot to pollute. Of course, I'm gonna come at you man, you came on our poem..and then called us out!-Look. I know retirement-can be boring, especially with it being winter and not getting to cut your lawn like 40 times a week-as your kind likes too-but here's the switch..leave us alone-we will leave you alone! simple..yes, we're freaks, and we like it that way!-
So go back to your hole and..well-you know the drill, Im sure you have heard it plenty of times!!
I'm not your type??I'm sure I'm not-I'm female..not that there's anything wrong with personal choice in these matters-but ..I'm just saying-you guys are usually the S&M type(closet of course)!
Now back off-or come spring I'm sending my hell hounds to your pad to take a big shit on your well manicured lawn!-now that's a threat!-this is over!

12-04-2009 at 01:11:29 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

..and one more thing!

This thread isn't a game to us-
So lay off the weird rhyming come backs, Willy Wonka. You're scaring the kids!-hell, I been de-sensitized for years-and it's creepin' the 'F' outta me!
big surprise!!

12-04-2009 at 02:08:31 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

I see this thread isn't a game for you, so with regard to that, I did intrude unasked into your complacent little nest of like minded folks. Sorry!!
Oh, by the way, do I get extra credit giving your poem a 10?

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

12-04-2009 at 03:58:27 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

You rated it?-A 10, crazy world. I left your rating alone.I didn't think it was right to rate the piece while I was angry.

Ok. Here it is-alot of these poets on POB are really serious about wanting to write-and write well.
Some of these poets-really are-poets! Some, well-they love poetry and love to write-so they have a rite to be heard, like anyone else.

I didn't realize that you were only being humorous.-I thought you were here being spiteful

With that said-some of the writers you mentioned are wonderful literary examples, of how to really articulate this type of work, without it coming of-hollywoodsie.
I know what you mean by movie type writing and, you know,actually some people really do enjoy that style.
I write that-type-of work here-but personally I like to kick up and write short stories, and when I choose to write horror-which I love, I do like it alot less contemporary and written more old school, with proper english applied.

If you ever get the urge-to step into the den-and show us..maybe one of your-horror stories/poems, as an example of deeply written work that you prefer-
you have my invite, and you will be welcome-as long as you show due respect to the blood poets..no more slams.

So-peace? right?


12-04-2009 at 04:19:02 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Best offer I've had all week! Peace it is.

Boa Constrictor I & Boa Constrictor II are my idea of real-life horror pieces. What do you think about them? No blood no gore just slow suffication...like most jobs...lifestyles....mental sets.

wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink

12-05-2009 at 02:29:49 AM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Alexia, (slobbers on self) I love an intelligent and opinionated woman. Let alone an intellectual? So how about dinner and a movie sometime? red face joking, but seriously I do think the sexiest thing about a woman is her mind, and you have that going on.

Last edited by Vampire 12-05-2009 at 02:30:52 AM

12-05-2009 at 10:28:15 AM

Re: Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Originally Posted by Vampire

Alexia, (slobbers on self) I love an intelligent and opinionated woman. Let alone an intellectual? So how about dinner and a movie sometime? red face joking, but seriously I do think the sexiest thing about a woman is her mind, and you have that going on.

lol, I hear ya Vampire, I hear ya,

To The Man that posted here, I just have to say this.
You have posted on the most read thread on OP, do you realize that, and thank you
for getting us more read.
This is an interactive poem,
I see that Orgasire
has caught your attention,.

I thought poets where creative, can you create a thread about something?
That would be cool don'y ya think?

ty WS

12-05-2009 at 12:57:52 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

I would like to start this post as saying Merry Christmas to all my fellow poets on here and I would keep you in prayer for a safe holiday season as well as your families. I look around this season and see alot of turmoil, hardship, and so many other things that adversely effect us as a society and people. The idea came to take the "TRUE" spirit of the season and do something came over me.I dont know why but this is where I can approach all of you and see what you all think and think mabe you all might agree.

I have read Alexia's post about being published. This is a great idea. But also what if and when this publishing occurs we all agreed to find a cause that some proceeds could goto a charitable cause? We as a people have suffered and had hard times. What if we could do some good and help give back to the community somehow? We all agreed on one cause and then did this. This also has a major benefit. By doing this we could also get a "spot light" and some recognition for such a purpose. Not only have this as a Blood Den project but get others involved.

Help donate to a place like St. Jude's hospital for kids, victims of abuse, poverty, homelessness, and I could go on and on. I know we cannot change our world. But what if we could make an impact for the better? That a little help we could all make a difference to a person, people, and to anyone else? We all have such a precious gift that God has given us with the ability to write. But I do know that a gift is only a gift when used to benefit our fellow man. So lets use our gift and do something with it. Our gift isnt a gift if we use it to just benefit ourselves. I really think we could do something with this much passion and love I know is amongst this group.

Last edited by Vampire 12-05-2009 at 12:59:18 PM

12-05-2009 at 01:07:01 PM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Originally Posted by Vampire

I would like to start this post as saying Merry Christmas to all my fellow poets on here and I would keep you in prayer for a safe holiday season as well as your families. I look around this season and see alot of turmoil, hardship, and so many other things that adversely effect us as a society and people. The idea came to take the "TRUE" spirit of the season and do something came over me.I dont know why but this is where I can approach all of you and see what you all think and think mabe you all might agree.

I have read Alexia's post about being published. This is a great idea. But also what if and when this publishing occurs we all agreed to find a cause that some proceeds could goto a charitable cause? We as a people have suffered and had hard times. What if we could do some good and help give back to the community somehow? We all agreed on one cause and then did this. This also has a major benefit. By doing this we could also get a "spot light" and some recognition for such a purpose. Not only have this as a Blood Den project but get others involved.

Help donate to a place like St. Jude's hospital for kids, victims of abuse, poverty, homelessness, and I could go on and on. I know we cannot change our world. But what if we could make an impact for the better? That a little help we could all make a difference to a person, people, and to anyone else? We all have such a precious gift that God has given us with the ability to write. But I do know that a gift is only a gift when used to benefit our fellow man. So lets use our gift and do something with it. Our gift isnt a gift if we use it to just benefit ourselves. I really think we could do something with this much passion and love I know is amongst this group.

My nod would go to St Judes

12-05-2009 at 01:25:46 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

My Poets of Blood, I'am still working on this publishing matter, and your ideas Vampire, give me more inspiration, I will get back you all asap, smile Alexia....

BTW, I need all of you to pick your best poem to submit ok. Thank ya..

12-05-2009 at 01:46:52 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Hmmm? What should I submit? Any suggestions?

12-05-2009 at 01:58:09 PM
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • CorinthiaSugar
  • Posts: 39

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

you poets are so amazing helping out the homeless, ironically from horror poetry, who would have thought of that, wow, I'm impressed, I wish you all the luck in the world.

12-05-2009 at 03:43:19 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

I was thinking, as a minority within the world, maybe we should find a cause thats a minority as well. As our genre makes an impression, maybe we shoud find the same within such a cause. I do want to help people. At the same time also animals. There should be harmonious balance between us and the creatures of this world.

So heres an idea. After looking and doin a small bit of research I think I found something. There are groups that help animals and people alike. I will be doing more reserch on this subject. But heres the notion, there are groups that help place horses out of abusive situations. When the horses have been tended to and after sometime having been cared for the purpose in which they are used shocked me. Children with physical and and mental handicaps can be helped by use of these animals.

From helping a child thats been withdrawn due to sexual abuse, violence, or some other affliction I will not name are brought around the horses and the goal being that the animal and child can heal. Also the horses have been used to help children in wheel chairs to over come the handicap. As I read up more I can give better details. Its just that these groups recieve very little and/or no funding at all. The struggle that they have is more so then the larger organizations. I am not saying that the larger and more well known ones dont do good. God knows they do.

But the help these equestrian groups give is astonishing. They help for free and do so much for being as little as they are. When I seen this I was given to thought the impact they have. A common thread our group and these groups share. On the same note we give back to the people and the animals. I dont know its just another thought. Just 2 birds with one stone.

12-05-2009 at 04:33:02 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

so is this story dead?
Let's keep it going.... snake snake

12-05-2009 at 04:35:54 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Two thousand miles away
the century old White Wizard
awakes abrubtly from his decade long trance
with a single tear
running from his bright blue eye

Summoning the group of elders
he tells them his visions of the great balltle
between good and evil in the far off place
and they quickly gather atop the tallest mountain
to begin their chant

using magic as old as the first grain of sand
they call upon the power of the light
to descend upon the great battle
to nourish the weakened soldiers
who fight for their very lives

The blackened sky above the battlefield
begins to swirl in a gigantic spiral
wind picks up blowing the ash and sand
the sky opens from the powerful ray of light
that causes the undead to fall to the ground
revitalizing the weakened men, and healing their wounds

Deep in the underword the ground shakes
from the staggering power of the great wizards
Knocking the master of darkness to the ground

Looking up with fire in his eyes
he rises holding his arms high
and with evil and rage
a large ball of fire forms above his hands
he launches it towards the tomb
of the long dead pharaoh

The tomb explodes to dust
and the man-god emerges
floating on wings of fire
ready to gather his forces
ready for battle

Last edited by Artie 12-05-2009 at 05:01:05 PM

12-05-2009 at 04:58:01 PM

Re: Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

Originally Posted by Artie

so is this story dead?
Let's keep it going.... snake snake

Thank you Artie, great addition,

Poets of Blood, when we reach the end if we ever do?
Let me know, I'll gather it together, and edit it, and send it to you all, so we
can post it on our pages, as titled, and by The Poets of Blood.

I hear the Cheer Leaders for Blood!!!


12-05-2009 at 05:38:35 PM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

The master of darkness hungry for blood
calls upon the undead once more
from the muck and mire of the festering swamps
the creatures arise with only one mission
to destroy the wizards

the wizards still in chant
foreseeing the oncoming army of evil
call upon the armies of man
to guard the base of the mountain
the most capable and strongest of knights
answered the call

they also summon a legion of heaven's
strongest angels to aid in the great desert battle
and like a pouring rain of hope and light
they desend within the the ongoing battle

12-05-2009 at 08:25:27 PM

Bleed For A Cause

Heu my Blood Babies-Its momma Alexia! LOL

Check this out-

I am way into this idea Vampire hit on-I was thinking about doing something along these lines anyway!-Stay on this, hard-because I am going to lead you to the Publishland!!

-Our girl, Madelynn-did a piece..it's right on target about what were talking about doing!
Her piece is Double-Sided Coin! Get over there and show her some love, I want to hear you bleed on that poem!!

Im going to start working on Bleed for a Cause-it will be us!

Dont forget to turn out the lights~


Last edited by PoetsofBlood 12-05-2009 at 08:31:47 PM

12-06-2009 at 12:06:29 AM

Re: The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands(Poets of Blood)

laughed out loud, reading your reply to Aria. I just love your common sense humor, George. You're a real credit to OP and I could probably find 50+ poets who would agree. OH! (out of character, Sorry!) You're really such a kinda......crummy person...YEAH!!! take that you...Dudemeister. (how was that?!) Curse, foul, cuss, hiss and BOO! cool grin Now look what you got me into.. gotta deal with dark poetry from 'the other side'. Well, off I go into the wild, black, abysmal mode. snake

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.