Original Poetry Forums

Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

09-30-2009 at 03:30:34 PM

Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED


For those having troubles viewing certain or all profiles & poems, please log out of your account, and back in. We have put a fix in place that will rectify the problem. If you still have an issue, please let me know.

-Papa Paczki snake

09-30-2009 at 10:36:06 PM

Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Well papa, I'm glad that is fixed...now, what about this one of mine ? I'm told that I have one unread message...but I've checked, and there are none that aren't read. What do you think of this problem ?

angry I think............................................gogant

10-01-2009 at 05:27:57 AM

Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Ok, I dont know if this applies to all that encountered this issue, but I was having problems viewing certain people. It was because I had my settings set to "normal". I checked the box "View alternative user profiles and poems? (Warning, you may find some of this content shocking or potentially offensive. You must be 18 years of age or over to view this content)."

From the edit setting tab from my profile. Problem solved.
Hope this helps

10-01-2009 at 08:41:29 PM

Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Thanks Brad, but I have the "View alternative user profiles and poems" checked, so hopefully papa can come up with a solution. It is quite frustrating to see that notice saying I have one unread message...I click, and no new message. Oh well, I guess I will just have to live with it.
Thanks............................g. confused

10-02-2009 at 09:08:25 AM

Re: Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Brad1 - That's exactly what the problem was. There are a couple switches on the backend that get flipped when you set your profile or viewing to alternative, and they were colliding. So I cleared it up.

Gogant - You're not the only one that has that issue. I'm working on that one, but its been a pesky bug. Raid isn't even working. Must be a cockroach.

-Papa Paczki snake

10-02-2009 at 07:51:41 PM

Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Okay, papa. You somehow manage to solve unsolvable problems, so I'm sure you will de-bug mine...you might want to try using an AK-47.............................g.

shock shock shock

10-03-2009 at 01:32:52 AM

Re: Viewing Profiles Issue -- FIXED

Cool Papa. Well everything is running right over here with my account. Love the site btw. Thanks for doing what you do.

Okay, papa. You somehow manage to solve unsolvable problems, so I'm sure you will de-bug mine...you might want to try using an AK-47.............................g.

LOL that would make a pretty awesome vid......AK-47 verses script code. heheheheh cool smile cool grin cool smile

Last edited by Brad1 10-03-2009 at 01:35:04 AM

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.