Original Poetry Forums

Contest Is A Popularity Contest

06-23-2009 at 09:36:56 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Being fairly new to this site, I really don't want to step out on thin ice, but I do think that like gmcookie said, transparency would be nice - along with a list of poems that are being considered that week. That would considerably narrow the field - if they were anonymous. My question would be...how long would they stay anonymous? There are ways of circumventing and bending the best of rules. How honest would everyone be? Having not won the contest as of yet, I think I can safely say that I can live with it as it is. Sure, it could probably use a little tweaking, but I have no problem with any of the poems and poets picked to date. Many are really good poems. I agree with Erika in that in order to get your poems read, you must be willing to read others. I spend more time reading other people's work than I do in writing my own, and lot's of people have commented on my poems and I haven't won yet, so I don't think that is the only requirement here.

By the way, Erika, your picture is certainly beautiful, but it pales in comparison to the beauty that emanates from inside you. You are a really good person. Congrats from me on the win. I think you deserved it. tongue wink

06-24-2009 at 02:12:21 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I give every poem I read a ten. I don't care about the contest. I'd hate to discourage anyone and critics are usually wannabe artists without talent. Reminds me of Dead Poets Society and J. Evans Prichard....rip out the pages!


Last edited by castlemist 06-24-2009 at 02:13:47 PM

06-24-2009 at 02:21:08 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest


I am with you 100 percent. Everyone gets a 10 from me. If I don't care for it, I just simply won't comment and find something that I like within the rest of their work!

God bless you all!

06-24-2009 at 02:25:45 PM

Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Originally Posted by castlemist

I give every poem I read a ten. I don't care about the contest. I'd hate to discourage anyone and critics are usually wannabe artists without talent. Reminds me of Dead Poets Society and J. Evans Prichard....rip out the pages!


I agree. I don't think I have found one poem that I have rated below a ten. Not that I am just trying to appease anyone. If I comment on a poem, it is because I like it. If I do not understand or relate to a poem enough to like what is written, I quietly read it, and move on to another, without leaving a comment or a rating. If someone asks for a critique, I do that in a private message, and leave only positive things for others to read on their posts. EVERYONE has a little bit of poetry inside them, and I refuse to be the person that discourages them and their future creations. I believe that this site is a GREAT TOOL, but it is only that. Ultimately, it won't be those on my friends list, or on public forum, that make me or break me as a poet. It will be John Q. Public. This is simply a tool to get out to them. If I never win the 'contest', who cares? It's a fun ride.
Sorry, if I have offended anyone. That is not my intention.

Marcus wink

06-24-2009 at 03:13:41 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

The thought that comes to me regards the explanation of how one would win this contest. Apparently you read a lot...you comment a lot...and that gets you a lot of attention which, to my mind, does tie in with popularity. And I'll be honest, I was warned of that when I first came on board by other writers. If you have the time to spend, it may pay off. That being said, those of us who spend about a nanosecond here as we're passing through and posting (guilty!) don't have the time to spend reading and commenting as we may wish to. My access is limited. So what we're left with is, "Wow, Good Job!", replied with "Wow, good job too!" ad infinitum ad nauseum! So I don't think too much about the contest. I don't have much time to stroke egos and I doubt a lot of people do. And I certainly don't want my work judged by how much a*s I can kiss in the few seconds I'm here. Of course, other sites have a panel that does their judging in order to eliminate the popularity portion of their contests. However, this particular site is more poets critiquing poets...not that it's a bad thing, but the by product is inevitably popularity. Perhaps something to think about.

I do not give every poem I read a 10. Some of it doesn't warrant a 10. Some people want that 3 they earned, not sugar coating. What happened to the whole Can You Handle Honest Criticism thing? Hadn't we decided to do that? Criticism can hurt your feelings but they taught us in art school that you learn from it, grow from it, and apply it. If all people want is a set 10 each time someone comments, they should still be taking it home for Mommy to post on the fridge.



06-24-2009 at 03:15:01 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

The symbol of poetry to me is to master
What type of person you are then be able to stick to this same
Character creating your poetry, by doing so I believe that in time you could improve and create a master piece; rather it wins or doesn't I my self am simply proud of having people applaud my accomplishments. Pat on the back for my self and watch your brain move to more positive outlook like others on this site Ericka, jaded jezzabel, standing bear etc. Growing takes time like writing takes time; Popularity Contest is just like politics at work
It will never change so my thought on the matter is be appreciative of the fact that there is actually a site on original poetry to begin with. Some need this site for numerous reasons that even the person who created the site could not imagine. So please keep pushing for better works and push all the politics out of the way and stay cool calm and collective. This would be hard for us all to do yet it would not hurt to try.

Thanks all for taking the time to respond and for this site of poet writers.


cool smirk

06-24-2009 at 03:25:24 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I suppose the contest was put here to encourage interest. Though the way a contest winner is chosen does not mean it is a good or great poem. It just means the poem has been commented on by by the greatest number of people. I suppose if you had a poem that truly was bad and had only negative comments on it and they were the most comments then that would be the winner. Yes this system is not a good measure of the quality of the poetry winning. Having read some of the winners there are certainly those that stand out as great poetry. Hopefully the site supervisors will reconsider it someday.
Personally, I am here just to read poetry, I offer my comments on what I read. I do post some poetry but not many at a time. I am here just for the poetry.

06-24-2009 at 03:54:02 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Dear JL,

I have not had a chance to read your work. However, as you clearly stated, "art school" provides us with tools. This is isn't the place to shut down people's encouragement. I am a very well-educated woman. I have a major in english. I have achieved awards within literature that many can only dream of.

I suppose, I could point out every error within the poems like many people on this site manage to do. I choose to read the message, the passion and love within. Many poets on here, can tell you that I am a true critic, I have helped, criticized and encourage many. However, I have learned as well, that some people that have had accounts here have left the site because of people that do not exercise prudence. People that will tell you things such as " OMG! Are you freaking kidding me?, QUITE LIFE!" "This is poorly written" "I do not follow your stupid message"

I am not suggesting to anyone to change the methods in which they comment. Not at all! Simply, you should be able to distinguish the difference between potential for growth and passion. Some of us, write with the intention to reach readers with a touch of eloquence, proper grammar, excellency. Some others, write just because. Because, they love the idea, the way they vent through the piece, to write a tribute to someone special, etc, etc.

Please refer to jedi4jesus pen name. This poet lost his wife to cancer. There was a comment made, not about his piece, about his faith. Come on! I honestly do not care nor I entertain a thought about people that have different beliefs than I do. If you don't like my Jesus and you are worshiping the buddha instead...I go about my merry little way and won't make a comment.

Let us all be honest, let us all read with passion at heart. I read to feed my soul. I care not about a contest that profits me nothing. I love every piece of my work. I write because I love it, because I need it, because it soothes me, because I live it!

Please be assured that every comment I have made to anyone on here, I have meant it from my heart. I have also turned out many because my mother taught me to choose my words carefully to avoid an apology. I criticize when I feel the need.

Thank you all for your time shared with all of us! God bless you for caring!

Erika Brown

06-24-2009 at 04:09:40 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest


I certainly did not mean to imply that you are not educated...resume not required. I've got a daughter in high school who writes amazing poetry...there's a few others here who also write amazing poetry who haven't even reached 20. And I'm not sure being a poet is something one learns...it's something one is or is not.

My point is, if you give everyone a 10, that 10 doesn't really mean much. If every piece you like is a 10, and you only comment on those that rate a 10, then it's a black or white thing. No room for shades of gray. There are pieces I "like", that could use improvement. Then, maybe they'd rate a 10.

I don't rate and comment on everything. But I'm not likely to be harsh to anyone who puts their best foot forward and produces art...in any form. Kudos for the effort. But to give honest criticism, as previous posts implied would be welcomed, I don't think giving 10's across the board is in keeping with what people said they wanted. There is a difference between an honest critique and flaming.


06-24-2009 at 04:20:01 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I agree with the idea of more transparency in the process. Who decides the winner, and by what criteria are poems judged? It's obviously not merely number rating or number of reads...

I don't know that it's a popularity contest so much as a crap shoot....somebody somewhere with a dart and dartboard approach. Some of what wins makes absolute sense, but I've seen stuff filled with grammatical errors, typo's etc....you can't tell me there wasn't something a little more...polished...that week.

Winning is nice, it gets more of your stuff read...but it's really sort of a hollow victory when it's not based on skill or accomplishment or any other tangible criteria that we could point to and say "yes, this is why this won...I can see the greatness of it" ...and the sad thing is, there are some truly magnificent poets on this site who go completely unrecognized while their less worthy counterparts reap the validation of skill that is not skill, talent that is mediocre and vision that is cloudy....I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, these are just my thoughts. But if we're honest (and I am)...the contest is a joke.

06-24-2009 at 04:49:32 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I write, I read, I rate. Then I do it all again. I enter my poems in the contest with no expectations. For all I know the poems are rated electronically. Are human eyes and minds really reading our poems when rated for the contest? I know I have performed in poetry slams regionally and have also judged poets in slams, judging has been subjective according to my experience in community events. I do not expect it to be otherwise here. A poet's validation comes with the comments and critiques of other wonderful fellow poets. I drove out to a poetry reading and hour from home in April. I had never been to this particular venue. It was an open mic. After I read, the host asked me to be a feature reader in July (yes next month), and I almost fell over. No one had asked that of me in the past. I just show up for open mics and read. Now that I have 2 chapbooks printed I will take them with me next month when I read. I will read for 25 minutes, I am thrilled the people there liked me so much in April. I feel I have made a breakthrough.

My advice: keep writing, rewarding and critiquing. Go out to an open mic. Meet other poets. Join writing or poetry groups. Thank people for their appreciation of your words. It is all worth it and then you know you have "won the contest."

I congratulate everyone in here for their accomplishments. I also check to see who wins the contests and I feel it was their turn. A twist of fate so to speak. I love the opportunity to meet all of you on this exciting site.

Enough said. Keep posting and commenting to help your fellow poet.


06-24-2009 at 05:32:58 PM

Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Originally Posted by JLorian


I certainly did not mean to imply that you are not educated...resume not required. I've got a daughter in high school who writes amazing poetry...there's a few others here who also write amazing poetry who haven't even reached 20. And I'm not sure being a poet is something one learns...it's something one is or is not.

My point is, if you give everyone a 10, that 10 doesn't really mean much. If every piece you like is a 10, and you only comment on those that rate a 10, then it's a black or white thing. No room for shades of gray. There are pieces I "like", that could use improvement. Then, maybe they'd rate a 10.

I don't rate and comment on everything. But I'm not likely to be harsh to anyone who puts their best foot forward and produces art...in any form. Kudos for the effort. But to give honest criticism, as previous posts implied would be welcomed, I don't think giving 10's across the board is in keeping with what people said they wanted. There is a difference between an honest critique and flaming.


The vast difference here, JLorian, is in people's personalities, education, and experience. If I pull up a random poet, and I read a poem he/she has posted, I have absolutely no idea what went into the creation of that poem. I have no idea how much heart it took to post it for others to read and enjoy. Was it written because of a life's experience, because of the loss of a loved one, or simply because the poet felt the need to express themselves? The question that arises here, then, is whether we are editors or poets. Do we edit people's work, or do we enjoy what we know they were trying to portray, and try to lift them up in a positive way that will encourage them to grow as poets? Does anyone think their first work was a masterpiece? No. You must grow, and to do that you must write. If we crush these poets before they ever have that chance to grow, then we may be destroying the greatest voices of tomorrow. I see a lot of spelling errors, and typos...but so what? Do they take away from the meaning of the poem? I don't think so. I am a poet. Not an editor. I rate a poem due to it's content, depth, and ability to be something great. We all know that poetry is an ever evolving process. I know poets that go back years after a write, and change things in a poem - because wham! it hits them all of a sudden. Some poems may need polishing, but let that come through time and experience, instead of harsh words or low ratings. If you truly want to help someone, send them a private message about the poem, and what you think could benefit it. Many other poets may be swayed in their take on the poem by negative comments. Give others a chance to grow...then see what happens with their work.


Marcus grin

06-24-2009 at 05:43:04 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I believe I did not reach the level of intention in which I wrote the post here. I am withdrawing from this forum. May your hearts continue to grow within the poetry life that you choose to live.

P.S. Many of you guys here know my position about the winning contest. It is in no way accurate, efficient or fair. Our poems will be published at the end of the year, if we choose to pretty much donate the poem. I am not interested.

Good day to all!

With much love and respect,

Erika Brown

06-24-2009 at 05:47:24 PM

Re: Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Intelligent answer

BUT The Question is==== What are you going to do with your life?
I want to write,lol

There will hundreds more poets coming to this site, make way for them.
I'm cutting paths from site 2 sites= tite, so don't bite.

Last edited by WordSlinger 06-24-2009 at 05:50:30 PM

06-26-2009 at 01:22:26 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

When I originally posted this piece about the apparent flaws in the existing weekly poetry contest format, my intent was solely to openly explore it's current inadequacies and hopefully come up with enough information to assist the site moderators in making some real changes to improve it... I had hoped with enough people looking at it, eventually a collection of improvement ideas would coalesce into a kind of usable format map; one that would be more open, fair, easier to navigate and would benefit everyone who uses it... Most who have posted here have done their part and given some great opinions and ideas which, I believe will be helpful to the site's moderators if they would actually use them... I think this topic segment should continue as it may end up producing something beneficial to everyone here but, please try to stay on topic as much as possible... This forum topic isn't about resumes, just working on an issue involving a lot of people here... My humble thanks to everyone for your inputs, and lets hope this discussion brings about some positive changes... Doug, aka, laydbak1

Last edited by laydbak1 06-26-2009 at 01:25:08 PM

06-30-2009 at 08:03:21 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

in one of the other forums i suggested:

having poems in categories
and perhaps even changing the rating system
going from 1 to 5 to 10

like it kinda like it REALLY like it!
because if its lower than a 5 i don't bother commenting or rate it
i usually send the person a message asking them to tell me what inspired that particular piece
because i need to know more
then i share how it didn't hit it
i always try to comment the on one or all
the structure, the metaphors or the style and flow....

it NEVER means its not a good poem
it just meant i cant feel it
and or
can't appreciate it right now in my life
and that's okay too

06-30-2009 at 08:07:34 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

What about Bob?
Bob is in the contest, no one cares for Bob?

Last edited by WordSlinger 06-30-2009 at 08:07:48 PM

06-30-2009 at 08:09:41 PM

Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

What about Bob?
Bob is in the contest, no one cares for Bob?


that damn bob ate my donuts!!

07-01-2009 at 01:31:43 AM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I would expect it to be a popularity contest. A poorly written poem would not be very popular where as a well written one might be. As for the grading system though, I doubt that any great writer would have become popular if only read by other great writers and to be read you basically have to develop readers. Nobody ever wrote a book and put it on the shelf and waited for the world to come knocking at their door to read it.

Last edited by BluesPreacher 07-01-2009 at 01:37:36 AM

07-01-2009 at 09:08:24 AM

Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Ok, I look at this site, as an awesome tool.
First of all, winning to me would be cool.
But that is not my intent, so I won't cry over spilt milk.
There is a lot of positive ways to look at it.
Like a football season, we are writing with heart I'm sure.
So do you think, this will be the last season or contest?
Not hardly, This is how I look at it.
I 've been here since Jan 1 2009.
I select 5 to 6 poems, and that's so hard to do
when you have nearly 800.
But When I select those, and come to this web site,
I pretend I' am on stage, playing my heart to millions of people.
Maybe like opening up for Ozzys' crowd, lol.
But each poem to me is like a song.
And when I share it with you all.
I want to to give you a good ass song, kick your ass
with poetry.
If I have it or I don't it's fine with me, but all I can say is,
it's a sweet oportunity, to get a fan base.
Keep contact with your fans, it can lead to better things.
And I'm sure originalpoetry.com will also grow, for all of our needs.
And also people know what's up, so enjoy your time here.
Help create a stage/platform so we all, all people, and poets
can enjoy them selves, and this website.
I hope you see my views, I just want to see you all enjoying the music of poetry.

I agree...

The point is to write and to have others read what we write.

I am here because I think of this as a challenge to myself to write...to keep writing...even and especially when the external demands are so high it is hard to find the time. This is a tool that keeps me motivated and sharp. I'd be here even if there was no contest to win.


07-02-2009 at 09:12:18 AM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I joined OP just this June and I am so amazed that the entries each week are so voluminous.

I tried my best to read and comment to at least 6-10 poems a day on a random basis. It was unfortunate, as I have observed, that a lot of poems will not even have the chance to be read.

Likewise, If you come across with poets whose pieces are so good, most likely you will get the interest to read and rate his/her new works again as you are already anticipating a good read.

Most often, however, I make sure that I read the poems of poets whose pieces I have not tried to read before so that at least such poets will have the joy of knowing that some one has cared to read his works.

I know that most poets puts his heart and some precious time of his life to his pieces and it is quite disappointing if he will not get even one reader to comment on his work.

Just the same, the love for poetry must not be conditional to the number of readers you get. The satisfaction must come from within your self. We love poetry for the love of it.

But, I must confess that I am so happy that I was able to join OP. It has been over 20 years since I stop writing and OP has awaken something that I have always love to do.

It always give me a pleasure reading poems. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to write and having the opportunity to give enjoyment to the readers as well.

Thanks a lot to all of you especially to those who will read my poems as I always wanted to share my happiness with you all.


07-02-2009 at 10:59:16 AM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I like what castlemist said. To be honest, I don't go for the poetry contest/poetry slam thing anyway. I mean, for one thing, you're dealing with a subjective medium in the first place, so how can you objectively quantify a poem and characterize it as a "better" poem than another one. I would be perfectly happy if someone would just read my work and respond as far as how it affected them. If I touch someone on a deep and intimate level, then that's my rush- not being voted as a better poet than someone els.

Having said that, I wrote a poem entitled Chance Encounter. I welcome response of any kind from anyone who would care to read it. I thank you in advance, and I must say that there is a wealth of creativity on this site! Hey poets- don't leave town! cheese

07-02-2009 at 11:46:50 PM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

I'm not sure if contests like these are always popularity contests. That is... what the majority of persons who vote like. Just like music. Who th hell listens to top 40 anymore... Don't tell me!

Doesn't really mean to say it isn't the best poem ever written, but seriously do you really just want to be popular or have somebody...anybody tell you that what you have written is okay. Ha ha yeah I know... of course you do! Okay... Here it is... YOU WIN!

I have submitted a few poems to a "contest" and the only thing I won was the opportunity to buy the anthology book that they offered for sale. C'mon really now. Was that a "win"?

Who do you want your judges to be?

Damn the torpedos. Write and post and wth!

You know everybody loves you!

As long as it furthers their ego needs! lol

07-03-2009 at 12:28:58 AM

Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

number 1 wordslinger you fucking rock.....number 2 laydbak....I feel you on the whole popularity thing...its a fact the more popular a poet is the more they will be read the better shot the have of winning......thats the way it is there is no way to deny that.....number 3 i think some people on this forum who shall rename nameless because i don't want to stir the pot.... took an observation that can't be disputed and twisted it into their chance to turn it into their own soap box........it's a public forum THEY HAVE THAT RIGHT so be it.........jademelissa you are not who i'm speaking about.....i respect the passion you have for the art and as far as i'm concerned your heart is pure in all its intentions......the one's i'm speaking of know who they are........but i digress.....let me get back on point here and throw my two cents into the mix.......this is what i don't understand about the poem of the week.......when does the week start and finish???? if it ends on friday at 3pm and my poem was posted friday at 2:45pm then it only had 15 min to be voted and that is never the case. it always says 6days and bla bla bla how ever long it says your poem has once its posted......so is there a new week starting every day or hour or what? i think it would be more productive if the poems in the contest were posted but not be able to be rated until the day of the week the contest starts say monday.....then we all know on monday there are poems that we read and liked on this contest page ready to be rated and we can skim through find the ones we liked and rate them accordingly.....just an idea and its not my site so my oppinion means nothing.....so i will enjoy the site for all that it is if i win a week cool if not oh well.......it doesnt make me enjoy the site... the diverse types of poetry i have the privledge to read here and the many many very cool people i've met from all different walks of life.......all having their own oppinions and passions about poetry.......any less.....






OK I'LL SHUT UP NOW rolleyes

Last edited by JadedJezzabel 07-03-2009 at 12:37:03 AM

07-03-2009 at 12:42:10 AM

Re: Re: Contest Is A Popularity Contest

Originally Posted by BluesPreacher

I would expect it to be a popularity contest. A poorly written poem would not be very popular where as a well written one might be. As for the grading system though, I doubt that any great writer would have become popular if only read by other great writers and to be read you basically have to develop readers. Nobody ever wrote a book and put it on the shelf and waited for the world to come knocking at their door to read it.

BluesPreacher rocks too.........good friggin point dude.


Last edited by JadedJezzabel 07-03-2009 at 12:47:43 AM

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.