fate or choice


  • Epic

    fate or choice

    surrounded by darkness and evil
    he stands and awaits his fate.
    wind blowing and blood rain
    falls. howls of evil echo through
    the land. his crucifix wrapped in
    one hand. sword in the other
    he stands ready to meet his fate.
    was it his fault that his life ends
    like this or did he choose the
    wrong path. either way he knows
    what must be done. he charges
    forward swinging his sword
    slashing all that lies in his way
    blood splashing all around.
    howls echoing through space and
    time and then silence.

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    caspiancri commented on fate or choice


    seems like there is something missing here

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    fireblade’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    the prediction 1
    none 0
    cycle 1
    none 0
    Those are the days of our lives 1
    fate or choice 1
    none 0
    humanity 2
    path chosen 0