

  • Nature


    clouds move in
    rain falls and the
    land seems to wash
    itself. waves crash
    into the shore the land
    seems to purify itself
    sun shines land dries
    plants and creatures die
    the land feeds itself and
    the cycle continues the
    world gives and the world
    takes how life is just a game
    of give and take.

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    caspiancri commented on cycle


    didnt grasp me I like where you were trying to go here

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    fireblade’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    the prediction 1
    none 0
    cycle 1
    none 0
    Those are the days of our lives 1
    fate or choice 1
    none 0
    humanity 2
    path chosen 0