

  • Life


    The addiction
    Killing her inside
    It pulls at her
    tears at her
    ruins her to the core

    It tears at her skin
    to be set free.
    To rule over her
    In the outside world

    She begs
    Leave me alone!
    But it stays with her...

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    Savant commented on Addictions


    I think most addictions start internally and then manifest themselves in a physical way. With few words you establish that fact. I like that. I also like the simplicity of this piece. Not overly descriptive. Not a day in the life of someone with an addiction, simply describes what an addiction can do. I enjoyed reading this.

    BrandonC commented on Addictions


    Wow, very physical. The descriptions are vivid and realistic and the picture, to me, is quite desolate, lending itself to the words. As I read I could see the emotion and I almost wish I could rescue her.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    frazel5’s Poems (22)

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